Downpour Is The Most Underrated Edition
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Downpour Is The Most Underrated Edition
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downpour is the shittiest SH
>western Silent Hill
That'd be Book of Memories
Neck yourself, weeb.
I don't really hate Downpour. It has nothing to do with Silent Hill at all, it's more buggy than a full retail game should be, and you constantly pickup the wrong weapon, but it's a pretty interesting game.
Don't know if I like it or Homecoming better. Homecoming was less "in your face" bad and played better overall but also pretty uninspired and uninteresting.
Heather is cute. Someone please post cute Heather fanart.
Silent Hill 4 is the best one and I'll fight you if you think otherwise.
The otherworld segments were pretty great. Would love to see it in 4k on PC.
Wtf are you talking about? Downpour and Book of Memories are equally shit Tomm.
I like you.
>SH2 style story
>best controls in the series
>lots to explore around the town
>shitty Korn track aside, Licht stays consistent with the series' musical style while adding a tiny touch of his own with the piano bits
>developed by eastern europeans, so the otherworld has this dark industrial atmosphere not unlike say...STALKER that most horror games forget SH don't have
Definitely the most underrated of the series even if far from the best.
Thank you user. I like you too.
It's made by Czechs and Czech Rep isn't really industrial by any means. You need Russians for some industrial porn.
The problem with Downpour is that it's mediocre in everything in all respects.
It's still got that ex-soviet influence, ya know? I feel like all of those guys are for some reason good at doing this industrial style. Pretty sure one of the parts in Downpour looks just like the bottom left part of your pic.
I think any horror game that ends with giving you basically limitless shotgun ammo to blow through dozens of unavoidable enemies as the game's climax is probably a little below "mediocre".
Blocks your path
downpour is one of the most aggressively boring games I've ever played
it is quite possibly overrated
Homecoming had multiple good enemy designs and like two bosses that didn't suck.
Homecoming wasn't good by any stretch but it was still much better than Downpour.
Yeah OP I really liked the KoRn song it really fit Silent Hill.
Homecoming had better enemy designs but pretty much got all the cores of a silent hill game completely wrong.
Downpour was the exact opposite.
Downpoor is shit.
Homecoming had better monster designs, better locations, better art direction, and better music.
>better monster designs
oh yeah
>better locations
I disagree, they felt too much like someone trying to remake 1 and 3 to me.
>better art direction
See above
>better music
Got me there
>I disagree, they felt too much like someone trying to remake 1 and 3 to me.
SH1-4 all had consistent art design across all four games. Homecoming continued this to am extent. Downpour instead went with generic horror shit like the screamers and retarded stuff like possessed cop cars.
Homecoming's hell's descent part alone is better than anything in Downpour.
Oh yeah Silent Hill is about punished mailman and punished DJs and ghost cop cars right?
I'll take a rip off of two of the games with some of the best art direction and locals in horror game history over a crumbling grey building, a crumbling grey building, a nondescript mine, a crumbling grey building, and a crumbling grey building.
the DJ was the worst part of the game for the same reason I disliked homecoming so much
trying to nail down the exact "rules" of silent hill or adding a "why" to it (see all the bullshit they added about the order) will be the death of the series
The Downpour sidequest were really good.
Actually Konami justing was the death of the series.
>tfw accidentally typed will be because you forgot it was already dead
Yeah the main thing I liked about Downpour were the side quests and the open world feel it gave to the town. Other than that the story was meh .
For me, its Shattered Memories
I can understand that exploring Silent Hill and solving side-stories and sidequests would be interesting and that's probably the main reason that people defend Downpour. The thing is that the sidequests in Downpour are very basic horror stuff, the side-stories aren't even interesting or original.
If Team Silent games had sidequests, you can be rest assured that it would be some really weird stuff.
Shattered Memories is easily the best of the western Silent Hill games. However it's also the best scoring and best selling of them as well, and seems to be the most popular amongst the SH fanbase. So I don't know if I'd say it's underrated.
The movie theater one was surprisingly great.
This is one of the main problems with the Western Silent Hill games. They design the town with a very specific purpose and shove it right in your face, instead of something that is ambiguous and erratic like in the originals.
I like the ribbon one, very melancholic.
You're shit.
>SH1-4 all had consistent art design
First time playing SH4 I immediately noticed that there's something terribly wrong with monster designs. Incredibly dull and mediocre. Don't remember Ito in credits.
Ito and Owaku weren't involved in SH4 in any shape or form. The monsters in SH4 are generic J-horror creatures like pale girl with long black hair and pale demon monsters.
>SH thread
>pc guide autist hasn't posted yet
It's not a real SH thread until they post desu
SH threads don't have the life and energy that they used to have back in the day. In 2016 and 2015 we had dozens of SH threads that reached bump limit, this year things are weak. Even if Silent Hills wasn't good, at least it would surely kick Silent Hill back into the spotlight.
Murphy did nothing wrong
>weebs shut down discussion of Western SH games
>nobody but a few tasteless fags wants to discuss western SH
>SH thread
>no guides and links
lets fix that:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate. The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack. if you use the NEW widescreen fix mentioned in the guide, you can use sh2proxy's .exe as crack.
in case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
if SH2 gets stuck into a black screen during launch, close the application and restart it again. you can now see fine emulator settings for SH1 in the pic.
You can also try the PGXP emu for wobble free PS1 graphics.
Version 1.9.
Nah fuck off m8
The definition of autism.
>Got the perv ending first time because I went in blind and didn't know being a thirsty piece of shit would ruin me
I agree. It is definitively autistic to blame weebs for the unpopularity of bad games.
No, it's autistic to think "unpopular = bad" and to plug your ears to anyone's opinions about them.
Someone post the rating list that said silent hill 2 was the worst one and didn't rate 4 because it isnt a "real" silent hill
Still more creative than lumps of meat.
Yet it's more so to look at games which are almost universally derided as being the worst entries in their series and claim that they're not bad because "muh opinion".
Holy fuck, you're beyond autistic. Kill yourself.
Quality arguments there, champ. Nobody's killing themselves over your hurt feelings. Your games are shit.
>best controls
seek help
>comparing literal turd to STALKER
seek cyanide
Absolutely terrible
>This is your reminder that you will NEVER EVER play a remake or a correct remaster of SH games
>incapable of accepting others' opinions
>defending weebs' honor
>acting as if you've been providing actual arguments
Fucking pathetic.
The only good song in this game
I almost dropped the game when one of the fucking ghosts did a sanic spin as an attack. My immersion was shattered after laughing so hard and I had to pull it together just to keep playing.
Closers scare the shit out of me god I fucking hated those things
>Do a bit of exploring in the train station
>If you back track to the ticket area after progressing TWO spawn out of fucking nowhere
>You can actually miss them entirely if you didn't back track to the first area
>mfw when they rotate and begin swaying at you at max speed
Fuck me for double checking
2 = 4 > 1 > 3
4 > 2 > 1 > 3
1 > 3 > 2 = 4
2 > 3 > 4 > 1
>"Scare factor"
3 = 2 >1 > 4
>m-muh shitty cash ins
Get some taste, child.
>SH2 style story
This isn't a good thing, you simple motherfucker.
It was good once. Just like SH1's story was good once and SH3 being a sequel to SH1 was good once.
Every game ripping off the "oh you didn't know you did this terrible thing and that's why ur in trouble!" shtick has never worked.
You bitches are like 17 and the first one you played was Homecoming or Downpour and you're like those idiots who try to say the Star Wars prequels were misunderstood masterpieces or some shit. Niggas get your fucking heads checked out for real, probably saying the same shit about RE6 and Umbrella Chronicles, probably trying to tell people Mass Effect Andromeda is good, probably trying to tell people to play Mighty Number 9.
Miss me with this bullshit and fucking delete this thread for a real one, goddamn.
I know you can't control your raging autism, but could you spew that shit elsewhere? Maybe leddit?
No thanks. It's better suited to your terrible taste in half-assed cash grabs.
Shit is even worse than Homecoming. HC at least had neat monster designs and story that didn't try to rip off sh2.
All of Homecoming's fucking edgelord tit-centipedes or spider-bitches, were god awful, but anything even slightly creative is better than "lady with claws" or "big shirtless guy"
Alright homos.
In the process of buying a ps2 since i never had any Sony consoles and wanted to play some wack games on it. Silent hill has been on my backlog since forever too, i always really enjoyed survival horror and surreal settings.
Does Silent Hill 1 work without fuckups on ps2 backwards compatability?
Yes, nigga, the whole reason anyone has any concept of backwards compatibility today is because the PS2 did it so well, and that's because they just put a fucking PS1 inside that shit from the jump.
Damn bruh are you 13
I'll take a downpour or even homecoming any time at this point. No book of memories though
Fucking hell, I'd love something like shattered memories too. Sure, it's not team silent and it won't ooze symbolism and atmosphere, but they were at least decent and had some value
Except it didn't ripoff SH2
>plot revolves around the main character not knowing his own backstory for some contrived reason and facing representations of his guilt in the form of monsters, including a big dumb masked man with a big dumb weapon who you end up becoming
>In the process of buying a ps2 since i never had any Sony consoles
Thanks user.
I was more of a speedy hedgehog and Italian plumber around the turn of the millenium. Didn't Nintendo already do Backwards compatability extensively with the Gameboy/colour/advance line though? That's where i remember it being used a lot first.
origins is not bad at all it feels very much like Silent Hill 1 but in PS2 graphics.
I've never played it before, emulated it recently and really enjoyed it.
Homecoming is a masterpiece compared to Downpoor
As much as the ghosts were annoying, they were the game's best feature.
I would agree with you if it wasn't for the hitbox on those screaming bitches ruining the game.