THPS HD is on sale on Steam

THPS HD is on sale on Steam.
Should I buy it or just torrent the fucker?

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There is zero reason to play it at all.

it is very very bad. they're taking it off steam (forever?) for some reason, so they're putting it on super low discount. but it's not worth buying for any price. just emulate the ps games.

It's the only Tony Hawk game I don't own after 2004's Underground 2. And let's be honest, its got to be better than THPS 5. That was just plain cash grab

I believe license issues on the tracks. Just like Alan Wake

They're both bad, man. Really.

Just pretend the series ended at American Wasteland. Pretend Project 8 and the other one don't exist so you don't tarnish Neversoft's record, and pretend literally everything after those two were never made period.

>doesn't own THUG 2, by far the best game in the entire franchise
What the fuck man?

ok project 8 wasn't that bad, and proving grounds was actually pretty good if you get past the shitty color scheme; its open world level design is unparalleled by any other game in the series

Tony supposedly I hear left Activision and is making another game. If true I hope its better.

I do own THUG 2, sorry for the messy wording. I don't own anything before Thug 2 and HD

>by far the best game in the entire franchise

Project 8 was okay. I hated the fact I had to trick to get speed. Proving Ground had fixed that with the agro push or whatever it's called


>I don't own anything before Thug 2
What the hell user, why not? Get on that shit.

OP here again. I started when American Wasteland came out. I was 4. Got THUG 2 the next year. Last year got Project 8. 3 years ago got Proving Ground (Good soundtrack, not as good as THAW). Got THPS 5 months after it came out. Really can't find the ones before THUG 2.

Plus have that Shitty Ride game. Don't want to get near Shread. Ride literally is 99 cents where I live a year after it came out. Board and all

>I started when American Wasteland came out. I was 4.
>about to bitch about underage b&
>look up release date
>people who were four years old playing American Wasteland are able to post on the same board as people who were six years old playing the THPS1 demo disc
Is this what getting old feels like?

Its ok. I'd pay $3 for it.

I actually really want to get those games (THPS 1-4 + THUG 1) just to finish my collection

neither. the physics are all fucked.
The perfect physics were what made the originals so enjoyable. This shit is slippery and floaty as fuck and you constantly clip through shit. It's fucking atrocious.

Yeah. It only gets worse every year. I was 14 when the first THPS came out.

It's two bucks right now on steam. 5 is you are on console

>yfw you realize just how relevant the lyrics to Superman are
getting older all the time, feeling younger in my mind



Ska Time! Pick it up like it's 1998!!

By the way, thinking of getting the THUGpro mod. Any way of buying THUG 2(?) on computer still, or will I have to torrent that too?

You can find console versions, but if you just want to play them, your computer will do fine. Emulate THPS1 if you really want, then play the rest on PC (trust me, you don't want to deal with 30fps and ridiculous fog like on the console). There's working ports for THPS2, 3, 4, and both Undergrounds as well as AW, just gotta hit up your local torrent client because the physical releases tended to be rare as hell, like the THUG release which was only available in fucking Australia.

Install the latest patches, install the widescreen mods, and you're gold.

It's the tony hawk games that shaped my love of Punk Rock and Skateboarding. Without THAW, I would have never became the person I am now

>friend brags about being really good at thps
>go over to his house to play
>let him go first
>lots of tricks with risky rotations
>respectable score
>ok user, your turn
>smash their score immediately
>spend the entire time racking my score up higher and higher into the millions
>friend gets pissed and knocks his playstation off the table it was on, breaking it
>I was doing manuals

Anyone wanna play THUG Pro?

Rodney pls

Fuck, I am your friend
>Tell my friends im pretty good
>They come over and play spilt screen
>Get absolutely bodied in trick attack and never play again

Alright, I'll try to get those to work.

Also like the jab at Skate in the file name.

Though I do like Skate too, just not as much as Tony Hawk

That's 12 years ago. Are you 16 now?


Yeah. I didn't see any rule saying I can't be 18 to get in Sup Forums so I thought I'd be safe


Gotta get that ass banned, boyo

Aw shit

I'm 24 and still feel young as fuck. Anyone

It's been fun here men and women on the Sup Forums thread. I'll see you all in two years

>women on the Sup Forums thread


Yeah, I probably should've thought there were no such things

Truly underaged

Get THUG Pro, it's a helluva lot better than this Robomodo trash.

Yeah. Neversoft may not have made the last two games that great but it's still better than Robomodo

see ya in 2 days op

Probably true seeing as my ban went away early once

>Also like the jab at Skate in the file name.
No jabs at anything, the executables for the PC versions of THPS2, 3 and 4 show up as Skate2, Skate3 and Skate4 respectively.