Tfw video game graphics still have a long way to go

>tfw video game graphics still have a long way to go

Jesus Christ Penn..

in 60 years they'll be laughing that we even needed graphics

>faggots care about graphics when A.I. and gameplay felt behind so badly it wouldn't catch up even if graphics stopped advancing for a decade

Wrong. Games already look like real life.

is this bait?

Is this sour grapes?

I'll be impressed when that room is 100% destructible.

>thread is about graphics
>fags drag physics in
i guess it shows that everything else besides graphics lags so much behind

for all intensive perposes they really don't.

can you show me this in game, I need to see motion

Wait arnt thoose like from the artists artstation profile or something, i think i have seen them before.

They might be in engine, but they turn on all kinds of fancy post processing to make it look better for thoose beauty renders.

Can anyone post a webm of the same place from the game?

why does he look like that?

iirc UC4 comes with a default 'cinematographic' screencapper that tweaks shit for nice screens. In-game/in-motion is lower-quality.

hey dickdingus, physics would make it so that all of those static objects would have to be lit dynamically instead of having all the lighting baked

they're prerendered so it doesn't even count.

the fabric still needs some work.

Did penn show his head up an elephants ass or something?

Wrong, physics would FORCE them to do this, making the graphics look worse. And this thread is about graphics, not physics. Dumbass.

Graphics are nice and all, but if the physics suck the game sucks. I play a game to guess what PLAY a game, not look at a still frame, or watch a movie.

Don't make shit up on the internet, kid. This is how the game looks. Pic related, user screenshot from NeoGAF.

but how does it play.
>sonny-niggers being this insecure

graphicsfags ruined videogames

Maybe you should fuck off to a gameplay thread, bitch nigga.

>Western Gamers Value Graphics Over Gameplay and Story

>mfw I didn't fall the graphics meme
>mfw I can still have fun with older games since gameplay can be timeless

>tfw consoles keep holding them back

Its the engines inhouse or generic. Heck theres fucking engines that where being made in 2010 that looked better than modern day games, but the resources go through the roof. Look at Crysis 1, 2009 and theyre still trying to catch up.

Then post a webm of that room while the game is being played.

>graphics thread
Every time

But we're not talking about physics in this thread. Why bring it up?

Only the morons.

>tfw still can't get close to wall textures without them turning into blurry blotchy messes of filtered pixel puke

Yes, he specifically said "western"

>tfw a game has good gameplay and good graphics

Maybe you should go to Sup Forums if graphics are all you care about.

Because physics are more important, graphics whores ruined the industry.

No all westerners value graphics over all else nigger.

Bloodborne is a Japanese made game. but it suffers from performance problems because of the massive amount of detail and fluff jam packed into the game. Japs care about graphics, too, shit for brains.

>westerners being so dumb that the post went over their heads
Maximum irony

Developers in the west are ruining the industry more so, by listening to them and people who don't even play games. If devs ignored them years ago, games would try to be less cinematic to show off graphics that will be outdated in a few months.

>westerners are morons
the true maximum irony is that modern japan was based off of the west

Companies listen to money, and graphics sell. Don't expect companies to ignore what sells. It's called capitalism, commie.

>graphics thread
>faggots mentioning how much they don't care about graphics and trying their hardest to look like epic oldskool gamers

I swear this is like Sup Forums's version of virtue signalling.

Graphics unironically ruined vidya. It's one of the main reasons development costs are as retarded as they are.

Name one (1) game that does this. Protip: you can't

>Crysis 1, the biggest leap in graphics in video game history, only cost $22 million to develop and still looks better than most games nowadays
>Companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on marketing alone, and somehow GRAFIX is too expensive for these poor companies


Compare that to games like GTAV which cost $250 million. That's 10 times more, and with worse graphics. Yes, only.

>I have no idea about anything about the game industry: the post

>I have no counter argument, but here's a reaction image + greentext to show how smart I am
kys retard

Maintaining your shitty theory as flawless rhetoric is better is it?

Honestly if grafics never rose beyond the best that's possible right now I doubt I would ever notice or care. They've gotten good enough to skrrt past the uncanny valley effect of faces through previous eras and make environments extremely believable, everything past this is basically cutting hairs, unless you're talking shit like 100% immersive VR sims, which is still effectively a pipe dream for now.

There's definitely room for graphical fidelity to get better, but we're getting close to hitting the plateau on how positively that fidelity effects gaming experiences on it's own.

Better than your pathetic attempt to "refute" it.

Nobody is debating that, but there's nothing wrong with talking about them and without fags like you shouting shit everyone already knows

Except the opposite is true, at least for consoles. Almost every console generation had the system with the worst graphics sell the most and the one with the best graphics sell the least, with few exceptions.
The playstion 1/2 won their generations, the Wii won its generation, DS/3 beat the PSP/Vita, OG gameboy beat the Sega GameGear, ect.
Worse Graphics=Less development time and cost=Easier to make back the money=better profits
So you're full of shit user.

not him but nobody cares about your opinion retard

>This is what Nintendo fags actually believe

>Crysis was the biggest leap in graphics
>Not Star Fox for jumping from pseudo-3D graphics to real ones, forever changing the gaming landscape as every game now
I can only wonder how retarded you sound.

not him but nobody cares about your entire existence retard

So AAA companies work hard on their graphics for shits and giggles. Make sense.
Dumb cunt.

Because it's all facts. I'm sorry that the most successful systems in gaming had horrible graphics compared to the other systems on the shelf at the time and this fact alone ruins your entire narrative.

It's not an impressive leap in graphics if the game looks worse than other games. Mongoloid.

>So AAA companies work hard on their graphics for shits and giggles. Make sense.
It's because they're idiots you stupid shit. All those AAA games that focus so much on graphics are wasting so much money to get the same profit they would of otherwise gotten.

Stop going for realism. It looks bad 2-3 years down the line. Go for a stylish look that will last. We don't need to push the envelope for how many wrinkles we can put on someone's face.

Spritework and stylish presentation can make your game almost futureproof. Hell, even a little bit of style makes your game pop for years. Take Madworld or No More Heroes for example. They didn't try to push the limits because their hardware was ass.

Oh, of course. They're just DUM. Wow user. You're so much smarter than these companies that make billions of dollars. You should become a CEO.

whats the point of having graphics if the game doesn't have good physics or a compelling story, I bet a shit ton sonyfags dont even know what horizon zero dawn is about.

We already surpassed Toy Story 1 in real time.

I'm not joking either.

Who the fuck cares as long as the graphics are decent. You waste precious resources and time when focusing on graphics as autistically as you and every other graphicfag does.

>flat lighting
Everything on the left looks better except that texture that's probably blurry because of motion blur

which is which?

>It's not an impressive leap in graphics if the game looks worse than other games.
Sure, other 16-bit games were more pleasing to the eye, but that doesn't matter for graphics. You could have literal mushed up scat and fetus remains, but it can still be graphically better than games today with the highest setting of FPS, Pixels, effects, detail, ect.
Star Fox is considered the biggest leap in graphics because it was one of the earliest games to have the 3D we have today. Without it, would wouldn't have 90% of the games we have today.
Try to think about what Crysis and all the other graphic whore favorites list would be like without polygons.

The one with actual shadows, shading, aand light reflection is toy story.

That's not a motion blur shot, the textures in that movie didn't age well as our screen resolutions improved.

But you're right on everything else.

Art direction>graphics

woody's tripping balls.

>if one game didn't become 3D, then no other game would
Are you actually this stupid?


TS1's textures/visuals are hilarious at times now

Eh i dont care

as long as we can still be impressed im good

and Cartoony graphics has the best chance because it gets cleaner with more details

You're a fucking moron Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter predate Star Fox and was miles ahead in 3D graphics. Arcade hardware at the time shit over everything.

I, Robot predates Star Fox by a goddamn decade. And Alone in the Dark came out the year before and was almost as popular.
You're dumb.

>how do you want your lighting?
>just flat my shit up pham

To be fair, they arent near the window

>games always look like plastic
>except when they actually try

>Crysis 1, the biggest leap in graphics in video game history
Pretty sure that would be something like the shift from CGA to EGA or 240p to 480p, chum.

GTAV also has a shitton more assets than Crysis.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

maximum niggertry

Go suck on sargons dick some more yah kike

He's right though

>tfw modern video game graphics look less appealing now than they did 12 years ago.