What are some divisive games

what are some divisive games

Oh boy! Can't wait to filter this game on release!

totally not mhw. 99% posters don't know what are they talkign about and are basically reddit tier consolewar babies

Thats the Joke.

>mfw people that haven't played Monster Hunter in like 10 years show up and start trying to tell people what Monster Hunter should be like

World brought out the worst in the fanbase.

haha funny!

not used to having fun with video games huh?

What's with that one post getting so many replies?

Wow this is SOOOOOOO funi XD

which one

The one with Ika

he is team cake and he was inking the walls.

inking the walls doesn't count towards the score

You mean the worst into the fanbase

Oh, I guess that would explain it. Thank you.

Enjoy your Pyrrhic victory frozen milk drinker

Octonig blood will run in the streets next splatfest

I'm a cake fag kek

Cream fags are insufferable

This is the fucking state of Nintenkiddies.

Creamfags need to fucking die. We deserved that win.

>Someone actually made that

I'm team Ice Cream but wtf

more like having fun with unfunny memes

ice fags are a bunch of children, what do you expect?