>a game nobody knew

I played the shit out of some freeware demo of Jazz Jackrabbit.

>not knowing Jazz Jackrabbit
underaged b& pls

Fun game. Easy though

How do you go from this...

That was the one game I never got the full version of as a kid and I want it so fucking bad

Steam when

to this?

jj2+ exists

"PC can do Sonic too" the game

Except much worse

It's not like sonic at all. Christ I hate you

I hate you back cause you're real dumb and ignorant

Says the sonic guy

Not him but it was literally made to be Sonic + Mega Man you douche nozzle

Have you played the first game? It's literally a bad sonic ripoff

stop posting

It's sonic except awful level design, awful controls, awful bosses and enemies

But it's super fast! Look, PC can do fast too!! Except the view is so zoomed in you have no time to react to anything.

It's total garbage and nostalgia is the only reason people like it (and the decent music)

I meant it

The first game was better. The second was made to just be a level editor.

>I'm unable to enjoy video games without comparing them


It's because of people like you that Crash Bandicoot is now being compared to Dark Souls

jazz jackrabbit is trash but so is sonic the hedgehog
going fast isnt gameplay

>Except the view is so zoomed in you have no time to react to anything.

It is way less zoomed in than Sonic, you retard.

Who knows