ITT the instance when you dropped a game
ITT the instance when you dropped a game
He really pointed out how awful the combat is
Stop this meme
No one has gave an actual argument as to why the combat sucks.
>it's not the exact same as Soulsborne combat
>it's what my butt buddies on Sup Forumseddit says
there you go
It's shit because it's shit and the game is popular and your mom is a nigger
>tfw Cyberpunk is going to be just as casualized
>walking around a cyberpunk city with extremely animation heavy walk animations
>takes you 3 1/2 years for your character to make a right turn
>mike pondsmith convinces CDPR to cut the jumping input delay down from 14 seconds to 11.2 seconds
>have to use "cyber senses" to collect data nodes in cyberspace for crafting viruses
>viruses are just reskinned grenades in combat
>all bullets and gunfire are coded as Igni but reskinned with adjusted hitboxes and speed
>resting uses up any booze your character is carrying to refill your viruses
>uses nvidia extra jewworks *tm for the best armpit hair physics in all of vidya forced on and drops all framerate to 3 frames per second unless you use the most recent nvidia card 2 gens from now
it's not fair
Constantly behind 1 second of the world leader. After 3 hours I just can't.
if you can't murder children they shouldn't be in the game.
>hitboxes are terrible
>dodging is like from an MMO where you sometimes take damage when the location you were pre dodge is hit
>sometimes geralt will throw himself in the direction of the enemy, sometimes he just stands in place and swings. Both with the same attack.
>sometimes enemies will damage you without even playing an attack animation, if you flinched them out of the attack
>I trust you, cummy_eyelids