Best castlevania ever. way better than symphony of the numbawang

best castlevania ever. way better than symphony of the numbawang

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Kek. Here's your (you)

Worst Classicvania except Simon's Quest.
SOTN and Super Metroid are some of the most poorly designed and poorly balanced pieces of shit ever made. You can just run straight into your enemies button mashing the entire game. You can tell someone knows nothing about videogames if they rate either highter than 6/10.

Nah, best is a three-way tie between CVIII, SOTN, and OOE.

That's right yes

t. casual who struggles with platformers



People who disagree don't care much about technical feats. Castlevania IV was pretty crazy when it came out, more impressive than any other Castlevania launch imo. And I really liked SOTN but it's way too flawed to be considered the best in the series.

I honestly really dont like cv4, I played it when it came out and it was like a spit in the face with it's gimmicky shit and ease of play. Wasn't fun then, I beat it and have never played it again, I was so damn let down after cv3 turned into cv4.

ps. you walk like a faggot that looks like he wants to light a cigarette the whole time, and the multiple whip angles takes all the challenge away.

Any tips for Castlevania 2 for a first timer?
I don't want to read any guides if I can.

4 is harder than all 3 previous entries though? Go try to clear it without continues. It is the hardest.

blue equals water, red equals tornado, figure it out on your own, holy water is your best friend.

>I really liked SOTN but it's way too flawed

Explain, because I'm wracking my brain and all I can come up with is a) the voice acting is shit and b) it's too easy.

Consider skipping it.

No it isn't, Castlevania 3 is significantly harder whether you're doing a 1cc or not. The first game is easier though.


Well, just off the top of my head:

>way too easy which alone hurts the whole game
>excess of useless items, like 90% are unnecessary
>spell system that is unnecessary since it's so easy
>2nd half of the game is the first half flipped upside down

Buy the holy water early on, it's required to progress
Early on there's a seemingly abandoned town where you need to enter a house and break some walls with holy water
Townspeople are mostly full of shit
When you get the blue orb, there's a lake where you need to hold ↓ in front of to enter a dungeon
When you get the red orb, there's a cliff where you need to hold ↓ in front of to enter a dungeon

I can agree to be honest.

SotN is genuinely fun up until you get past the Clock Tower, then it becomes kind of a slug.
The high points of SCIV aren't nearly as fun, but at least the game is consistent and offers a good challenge all the way through.

Read it and weep.

You guys are tripping. SCIV has nowhere near the level of depth in terms of enemy placement that classicvanias usually do, and that fucking whip takes away too much of the decision making process required in a game like this. Plus it's awfully paced as well; at one point I was wonder when the damn game will end. It's longer than the average classicvania but it doesn't offer enough threat types to justify that longer length.

The best one is Rondo of Blood

The length is ridiculous, it combined with the pathetically low difficulty of the first half of the game made me give up on the idea of beating it without dying. Such a slog.

>it's too easy

That by itself makes the game shit. What's the point in adding all these cool mechanics if there's not need to use them?

Literally none of those are serious flaws with the possible exception of the game being too easy.

Rondo of Blood = SCIV = Bloodlines = X68000 = III = The Adventure Rebirth = I > All Metroidvanias = Simon's Quest

Not even the best Classicvania.

To make the game interesting. Part of those mechanics are adding the metroid-like gameplay, the other part is giving the player options as to how they want to personally play,, and the last part is to make player mechanics match the now more interesting enemy mechanics.

best castlevania is rondo

4 is for shitters who dont actually enjoy the rigidity of what makes classicvanias what they are

Forgot the terrible level design devoid of interesting platforming or enemy encounters. What's the point of all these new mechanics if you're just fighting slow, passive enemies in featureless hallways?

I think there's a fan patch floating around that's pretty much required if you intend to play it without wanting to kill yourself. Fixes the translation and other bits and bobs.

only one ive ever played so yes i agree

What more interesting enemy mechanics? The enemies are still as slow as they were in the classic games, just with some rpg inspired quirks. They don't make the game more interesting in terms of giving you difficult choices in combat scenarios or anything like that. It's just meaningless shit you can do when you're bored. You can try very hard and make it interesting yourself I guess, but I'd rather just play a better game.

I like IV more than Rondo, overall. Not because of IV's more flexible control, but rather because it has more interesting level design. Rondo is frequently rather flat and isn't always terribly engaging.

My favorite game in the series is III/Akumajou Densetsu.


Rondo is just Castlevania for people who hate good level design and bottomless pits

How the FUCK is the bloated design and entire 2nd half being mediocre not serious? Also this EVERYTHING about it is hurt due to the game being so stupidly easy.

i never beat the second level

Castlevania III = SotN > Castlevania IV > Rondo > Castlevania I > Bloodlines > Aria > Order > Portrait > the others


Actually no.
One of the worst.
Rondo > 3 > Bloodlines > 1 > Quest > Shit > IV

Someone post the Get Out frog that was based on the cover

Its good for memeing with



I can hear the music. It won't go away. Someone help me.

This was a great meme. It's too bad pepe sort of did this message better and killed it

THAT"S NOT IT, but that's a good one



>That's Numberwang!
>The letter "H."
>Oooh, dear, I'm sorry. That is most certainly not numberwang.

>both contestants suffocated in a cash grab chamber

I'm looking for a gift for my aunt.

is this loss?

>The enemies are still as slow as they were in the classic games
No they aren't? Yeah sure most of the classic ones are similar, but the newer enemies have much quicker attacks with much more unique attack types.
>just with some rpg inspired quirks
stuff like poison isn't necessarily an RPG quirk but okay
>They don't make the game more interesting in terms of giving you difficult choices in combat scenarios or anything like that.
But it's not trying to be hard. Hard = better is a fallacy. Or else literally borderline unbeatable artificial difficulty stuff would be the best games out there. SOTN gives the player a lot of explore along with engaging platforming combat bits that aren't too tough because they are not the centerpiece of the game.


how come i never see anyone do some webbposting. i'm sure you could capture a face or two that would be pretty good. only ever seen mitchells


>It's just meaningless shit you can do when you're bored.

Name one video game that isn't meaningless shit you can do when you're bored. Go on, I'll wait.



>jump into metroid after E3 announcements
>play all 2D Metroids except 2 because I'm waiting on the remake
>people say castlevania is similar and you can just jump in where ever
>start pic related since its an easy pirate and can play on 3DS
>no fucking run button
>just walking around hitting shit and having the longest fucking stun animation when it
>after walking everywhere finally get boots to let me run
>dont even run automatically/have to double tap
>find door and it locks
>theres a fucking 2 headed wolf inside
>bosses have no indication that they're heath is depleting like metroid despite there being damage numbers for some reason


Any hobbies down there in Somerset?

Given this is a room in which I SHIT and WASH MY BALLS, I don't see that it's particularly important what the colour scheme is

don't hate on the best castlevania my dudster, just get better and you'll appreciate it.

Everyone knows that children's bodies look better in a white bath, and before you say that sounds weird, I mean alive or dead!

>just walking around hitting shit and having the longest fucking stun animation when it
It gets even worse in the Sorrow games. Where Soma will stand there like an idiot and just get hit repeatedly by everything.

>dont even run automatically/have to double tap
But this is standard in Castlevania games with a run option. Even Metroid makes you hold down a button.

>first level looks like mud

This always bothered me about Super Castlevania IV, the rest of the game is great and I enjoyed it but it's introduction level is especially ugly.

Of the Classicvanias - I prefer Rondo of Blood, followed by Dracula X, Bloodlines, Castlevania 3, with Super Castlevania IV being tied with Castlevania The Adventure/Rebirth, with 1 and 2 ranking at the end.

I don't think Super Castlevania IV is bad, but I don't love it stylistically and it's a bit too simplistic IMO

Christopher Belmont in The Adventure Rebirth is probably my favorite Belmont design IMO

For me, I will admit, it is the nostalgia. The game genuinely scared me shitless when I was a kid with the howling werewolf at the begging of the game and very dark soundtrack.

I saved before the boss I'll go back and pick it up in a bit
>But this is standard in Castlevania games with a run option. Even Metroid makes you hold down a button.
Yes but at least Samus does a dash for her normal animation. This dude(Nathan I think?) is literally just taking his time like hes on a stroll here

So...when do they use the kilns?

>He can remember Samos Aryan names
>But he has to guess what Nathan's, the best non belmont in the series was.
this series is not for you


Nah I like the art its just that the game glosses over his name at the point i was, so I was trying to remember/guess his name. What do hearts do?

Who is the most attractive Belmont and why is it Juste?

Dracula X

>Freedom of choice

Aria of Sorrow Randomizer

>metroid-like gameplay

This makes any game automatically shit.

I'm pretty sure Nathan runs in Circle of the Moon

Every other Belmont (Except for Julius and Juste) literally just briskly walks.

>Aria of Sorrow Randomizer
huh? Sounds neato

>What do hearts do?
They're subweapon ammo. Different subweapons use different amounts of hearts.


>nothing ever does more than 9 damage to him
>he one-shots the bosses, doing thousands of damage at a time

So what's the point of doing a speed run if you're just going to cheat?

>But this is standard in Castlevania games with a run option.
Refresh my memory; what Castlevania games have a run option?

Symphony of the Night as Richter.

>Super Castlevania Bros

dont bother buying the white crystal, it only reveals 1 platform that you can stand on without having the crystal anyways

To... beat the game as fast as possible? I don't understand the question.

Did it? I only remember sliding around like an autist. Though I do remember now that the wolf form had that dash, if it counts.

Curse of Darkness was best DESU

But couldn't I just use cheat engine or whatever to zip myself to the end? It's the same difference. I'd be the world's fastest speedrunner, with a time of however long it takes me to move some numbers around.

Cheat Engine isn't originally part of the game.

>engaging platforming combat bits
They're not engaging, you can fight enemies with your eyes closed and still win for most of the game. Harder = better fully applies in this case.

The game is basically impossible without some form of guide.

That's called tool assisted speed runs. And it is stupid. But most people are doing it that way now. Which is why I pretty much gave up on caring about speed runs at all.

Who thought this shit was a good idea? The pattern is easy enough after a few tries, but its still boring as fuck everytime.

Its more annoying because Trevor jumps like a maniac wanting to kill himself. So you have to stand in specific spots or you kill yourself. Then when you get to the top, there's a boss. Died to the boss? Haha you get to do the blocks again!

Castlevania III is one of my favorites, but it needs a remake badly.

>tfw beat II and III but can't defeat Dracula in the first game

Same for me, till I saw this

Y'all forget that Dracula wants you to die.

You pretty much can't complete the game without a guide because of translation errors and bad game design

I hate saying this but literally git gud.
>Walking around forever

The boots are literally the first item you get and you find them 5 minutes after starting, maybe even less.

It's supposed to be challenging unlike babytroid

>have to double tap to run
Is it really that hard?

>The game didn't tell me there was a boss here wah wah
The game totally fucking told you by showing you those blue doors that are not seen ANYWHERE else, you always transition into new screens simply by walking, if you see a door, you can bet your ass it's a boss. This applies to every other metroidvanias with the addition that you transition between areas by using normal doors and passing a corridor.

>Bosses have no indication their health is depleting and you get numbers instead for some reason
Metroid turns players into fucking entitled babies I swear. If you're so desperate to know their exact health you can look for a guide and see how much HP they have and calculate based on the damage. The damage indicator is there to show you if your attacks are being effective so that you can switch your weapon if needed. Some enemies also have weakspots and this helps you find them

>Metroid turns players into fucking entitled babies I swear.
I don't know why you, or him for that matter, bring up Metroid, considering 2D Metroid doesn't have health bars or damage numbers.

Metroid is entirely a ridiculously easy franchise, its hard parts are only the labyrinthine navigation and because of terrible design choices like the boost guardian and spider guardian from MP2 (The lead boss designer was never able to beat the boost guardian without going into debug mode and he still didn't change the encounter)
In babytroid when samus gets hit she's barely moved out of place, also bosses change in color the closer they are to death.

I'm bringing up metroid because he said he played the games because of metroid and he's comparing it to metroid