downloading this game right now
is it any good?
a simple "ye" or "na" would suffice
downloading this game right now
is it any good?
a simple "ye" or "na" would suffice
ye ye, ye.
It's good but you have to be a story guy. This game will lore dump the shit out of you. It's almost a game/novel
As long as you like RTWP cRPGs it's good.
Tyranny is way better. Pillars has the most generic fantasy world on the planet and one of the most boring main badguys in games.
Thaos did nothing wrong
but don't speak to the backer story NPCs
Can someone please make a game as well written as a CRPG but without CRPG mechanics? I hate isometric "click on shit" gameplay. Why can't I have a well-written action RPG, why do the best written RPGs all have archaic as fuck game mechanics?
not nearly as good as divinity original sin
The player reputation based on your conversation choices is great for roleplayfags like me.
>It's good but you have to be a story guy.
>This game will lore dump the shit out of you.
>It's almost a game/novel
nice nice nice
alright thanks guys
download just finished
I didn't like it. Too much filler in the dialogue, IMO. And the gameplay is not good.
It's good for what it is, being a modern throwback to the Infinity Engine CRPGS. Just doesn't touch the classics.
ye and I'm not even memeing
Its a solid 6/10 game, play Baldur's Gate instead, but avoid at all costs the expansion Siege of Dragonspear.
If you are expecting another BG2 or ID 1 or 2 you will be disappointed. The game is overly balanced with zero interesting builds, items or abilities compared to those games.
I found it to be a pretty generic and found it kind of a slog to finish it.
i gave it the first playthrough since release before summer sale, and i think they improved some things with patches (implementing companion AI, putting in the ability to respec) but it's still a very mediocre throwback to inbred engine games. Honestly i liked Shadowrun more than PoE.
its good and pretty fun. story is decent and the ruleset and mechanics are interesting.
people like and a good chunk of Sup Forums are gonna shit on it because its not an autistic grindfest and most classes/spells being balanced doesnt let them cheese the game with "one weird trick". but mostly its rose tinted goggles.
that being said.
i hope divinity original sin 2 and PoE 2 do well and bring back more crpg to modern gaming
>buy this game a few months ago
>get as far as the first city
>have to stop due to real life
>come back to it last week, completely forgot what I was doing
>see quest about some guy acting weird, and his house being some kind of "den"
>go check it out
>as I'm walking through the house a guard yells "I thought I told you not to go back there!"
>party destroyed in less than thirty seconds by six guards and a wizard
Wew lad
New Vegas exists
I played it through and was giddy the entire time. I just love the genre.
But don't bother with the backer characters, with the orange names and long dialogue. It's all flavor text. I spent a good hour trying to follow up on little clues before I realized it was just inserted fanfiction.