
who looking forward to Felmyst here?
don't know any other good private servers other than maybe Kronos

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>wanting to play again through the boring ass zones and ultra tedious consumables grind of TBC
No thanks.

>eastern kingdoms floats away

honestly I feel like wow has just grown so much that I don't even want to bother to level a new character up to 150 or whatever just spamming LFD/LFR constantly

I give it under a year before the autists at /vg/ abandon it for the next generic private server that still runs like shit. You're literally wasting your time and you're better off hoping for the slight chance Blizzard gets desperate and tries to cash in on legacy servers. Have fun losing all that progress once everyone leaves to go do the exact same shit again on another buggy, shoddily run server

>"b-but this one is different guys!!"
That's literally what they all say

Those fags are the worst.

They all went to Lord, because it was "super hard core." They all fucking quit instantly.
At least I stuck around to clear naxx 10/25 and Ulduar 10 before the nerfs

And get the insane title because there's something wrong with me

>Leveling takes less than 10 hours played time to go from 1 to 110 for a new player right now.

That's like a week of just playing casually. Mmos aren't for you if you think leveling in wow is a chore.

is Kronos still up and running?
I played that for a while but gave it a rest since I always need to take a break from MMOs after being burnt out.

retail would be fine if it wasn't so dead community wise, its just like playing a trashy single player game with a dress up simulator

I don't care about progress, just messing around and having fun

I don't understand peoples' hang up with that.
For me leveling was one of my favorite parts of the game. Continuing the lore, meeting people. world pvp. It's good stuff.

Shame people ruined that and that the most popular private servers are x20 shit.

This is largely true. Except there is a chunk of us who don't play on shitty FOTM stock servers with barely anything scripted. We've been waiting for this server while it was in development for close to two years, and corecraft before that. We want something where the devs are actually trying to recreate retail scripting down to a T.

This will probably be the last time I play on a private server, for the forseeable future anyway. Even if it's up for a year, that's plenty for me.

not so much that leveling is hard
but that it feels completely unrewarding and you basically skip through 90% of the game
its tedious and no fun at all since all lower level areas are abandoned

besides I have a few lvl 90 characters from pandaland

Kronos is pretty much dead. They had to merge the two realms not long ago.

Elysium is still by far the biggest private server community, and they still have 3 total servers that they can merge if the pop drops too low. And they've hinted at opening a TBC server after releasing naxx. I don't mean to shill for them, but they seem like the best server community to establish yourself if you want to play old WoW. Especially since Felmyst is being hosted in the US and will be probably be shut down within a week, and Crestfall and Corecraft are dead af.

I enjoy leveling
but leveling in retail is garbage

Lord was fine after the initial fixes, you fucking faggot.

You all just couldn't hack it.
>hur dur impossible
I had no problems PREnerf.

Yeah, it's no longer part of the game.
Game in general is no longer being about the journey.

fucking pleb, you don't even have the version that zooms in

isn't Elysium full of Chinese and Russians?
what happened to Kronos? I played on there for a good while (and Kronos 2) after Nos tanked

The fuck are you talking about Lordaeron? I never mentioned it. Are you thinking I'm somebody else?

Also, i fucking played on Lordaeron not that long after release and it was far from fine. I got to grizzly hills and every 3-4th quest had something wrong with it. Scripted scenes being skipped, etc. Some people are fine with that, for some people that ruins the game. Hell, I don't think one vehicle quest worked properly in the whole time I was in northrend. I don't want to play on a server that reminds me it's a private server every 10 minutes.

I'll be playing on this until somebody gets off their ass and actually bothers to fix a decent wrath server rather than put up a stock core server with a few bandaid bugfixes on it.

>isn't Elysium full of Chinese and Russians?

That's really more of a meme. Maybe there are some, but I never saw any in the game world or talking in chat or w/e when I last played a couple months ago. Obviously gold selling is a problem, you get a whisper from a gold selling site probably once every hour or so. But that's pretty much it. It's not like you have people spamming trade or world chat in foreign languages, everyone's speaking english.

And Kronos was doing fine for a long time, but when Elysium launched, their playerbase migrated.

>The fuck are you talking about Lordaeron? I never mentioned it. Are you thinking I'm somebody else?
I'm talking about /vg/ by large.

>I got to grizzly hills and every 3-4th quest had something wrong with it. Scripted scenes being skipped, etc. Some people are fine with that, for some people that ruins the game. Hell, I don't think one vehicle quest worked properly in the whole time I was in northrend. I don't want to play on a server that reminds me it's a private server every 10 minutes.
I literally have loremaster of northrend with 0 admin assistance or server resets.

And that is a bunch of shit. In the time /vg/ was on that server, most of the bugs were fixed, but then Ituh and the rest of them complained it was too hard so they fucked off.
I had no problem with the content.

I'll be playing on this until somebody gets off their ass and actually bothers to fix a decent wrath server rather than put up a stock core server with a few bandaid bugfixes on it.
Which was Lord. Now it's a ghost town on ally because all the raids have been out for awhile.

I'm heated because it was a great server like a month after launch, but /vg/ said it was a bugged mess. Then they moved the goal posts and said it was impossible. It wasn't.
It really just proved they are casual FOTM'ers.

you must not have looked very hard because there's elysium for vanilla and warmane for tbc/wotlk

warmane is shit for tbc.
They literally copy and pasted.

Hopefully they'll fix it like they did wrath.

I kinda get what you meant, but the game is what, 13 years old now?

Plus, if you level through the zones, and read the quests you still get the story of the zones and Azeroth as a whole. While you don't run into many players until say level 80, you see tons of people leveling and playing that will group with you and just run around when you get to the latest expansion's content.

Elysium allows chinese gold sellers on their server because they get money from em, they also ban players if they world pvp too much because apparently its griefing. Plus half of the GM's got caught spawning items and gold ingame for streamers and themselves.

I'm aware of these but not a fan of warmane and hesitant about elysium especially with Felmyst coming out soon

so it's basically nostalrius

Does anybody play on Warmane TBC ally side or used to? Making my first character there and looking for some gold if possible.

it's got the pop that's all that matters

I don't enjoy TBC as much as vanilla but I am looking forward to doing the heroic grind and Kara again, at least. People gave it a lot of shit and I know the hallway designs aren't great but I did like heroics as a 5-man endgame option.

But why would you even want to play on a private server for over a year? That's more than enough time to see all the content and play whatever class you like.

Yeah but every private server has some shitty aspect to it. You have to take your pick of the gold seller chinese servers, the cash shop premium member servers, the x20 exp rate instant gear instant mount funservers, etc.

>Plus half of the GM's got caught spawning items and gold ingame for streamers and themselves.

Oh I'm aware of all that. I was following that when it went down, that was some juicy drama on the forums and subreddit. But from what I understand, that all got sorted out, and several people, including the lead (Shenna was her name?) stepped down. And that was all back in February. My sense of things now is that things are pretty solid. And they've got like 40 total people working on the project now, which is a pretty good bureaucracy of people who can keep each other honest and whistleblow if something shady goes down again.