Is enemy variety the weak point of every open world rpg?
Are there any that dont fall into this pattern?
Is enemy variety the weak point of every open world rpg?
Open world as in a game that has non-linear game design? Most open world RPGs that aren't AAA garbage have a shit load of variety. Gothic 2 has like 70 unique enemies and is only like 30 hours long.
It's the weakpoint of most RPGs period. You are always going to run across the same 3-4 enemies per terrain/area, and then recolours later on.
Ah, the infamous palette swap. If you're lucky, the palette swap will actually have a small change in character model.
Never played it, are the enemies unique in terms of their actions or only visually? Im more interested in the uniqueness of their gameplay and ai over the visual
I thought Xenoblade X did pretty well with using the same enemy animations for at least two enemies. The top two enemies use the same basic animations, except the left is on most regions and roams areas while the right is on a single region and you see the top half poking out of the sand.
>that one enemy you only find in a single area
>it's the only enemy that's located only in one region and makes the other 4-5 repeating enemies stand out even more
Fucking moldugas.
I wouldn't really call it a weak point, it's just kind of an expected thing. Some games will pay more attention to it than others, but generally I don't have a problem with it so long as there is a decent amount of variety as a whole.
Games that wouldn't suffer from this would need to be something like Shadow of the Colossus, but in a much more freeform and open world setting. Not many enemies, but the ones that there are are very striking and always pose a threat. I'm not sure many games do this, but it's always struck me as cool idea for an RPG.
Imo in a genre where repetition of small scale combat is the norm, if the enemies arent diverse or particularily faceted, it quickly becomes tedious
i dont know of any that do that, BOTW was on the right track with Lynels, with maybe 8 or so enemies of that caliber, id be a happy camper
Oh wait
Monster Hunter, im an idiot
Eh, 70 "unique" enemies is a bit of a stretch. It has several upgraded versions of enemies so I guess he's counting them. Each enemy type does have a unique AI however and unique combat moves.
>year 2017
>still no game where the enemies randomly mutate as the game progresses
Mutant Minx Meltdown
Also, Infested Planet.
That's because evolution is so far-fetched you can't even put it in a videogame
Yes. Most open worlds have garbage enemy variety like Witcher 3 and BOTW.
Pokemon manages to present it as being pretty far-fetched.
>mutation is the same as evolution
fuck off retard
>the weak point
A weak point, not THE weak point. Another huge issue is unless rewards and treasures scale with the hero, things like dungeons and minor side quests end up becoming pointless chores before you are even far in the game, so they are only relevant for a small window of time. Breath of the Wild was even worse about this than usual. Raiding fucking bokoblin camps, (even after there are white bokoblins around) just for 5 shock arrows is retarded.
It has 15 enemies, that are then recoloured resized or have extra bits.
You don't have to have any particular stance on evolution in order to observe the existence of random mutations.
Nigga, mutations ARE a part of evolution.
>a line is a part of a triangle, this means a line is a triangle
fuck off retard
He's obviously trying to appeal to someone who doesn't believe in evolution, and is trying to point out that mutations are an actual observable occurrence regardless of personal beliefs.
Have you ever noticed how games with good enemy variety are usually not very good and games with bad enemy variety are usually good?
Really makes you think huh?
You'd have to cherry pick to fit your narrative honestly. A lot of big favorites are pretty good about enemy variety.
>A lot of big favorites are pretty good about enemy variety.
Name 10
Series or games?
Cause I could just name 10 Castlevania or Kirby games honestly.
Name 10 good RPGs with good enemy variety.
You literally can't.
Elder Scrolls games usually have decent enemy variety. They're just utilized very poorly.
>Skyrim has crabs, rats, giants, mammoths, bears, sabre cats, bandits, necromancers, dragons, horkers, fish, spiders, robots, trolls, werewolves, vampires, spriggans, hagravens, skeletons, and Draugr
>Each of these usually have some variety, both in terms of stats and visuals
>Most people just remember going through crypts with Draugr playing dead, because it makes up a disproportionate amount of the game
>Things like Wispmothers, despite being an encounter that actually felt pretty different from other fights, I remember finding a handful of them in all of Skyrim
I'd rather play a game with only 1-3 different enemies who are vastly different and unique enough so that each encounter isn't a bore. variety of enemy AI and attack behavior is infinitely more fun than just reskinned enemies with 1-2 different attacks from the other, of all which seem to come from the ass creed universe where mobs of enemies sidestep around you and politely attack once or twice at a time before backing off, or enemies who must mindlessly walk into you and lunge.
I'm so used to games with shitty enemy AI that I never have to bother using game mechanics designed to help against certain enemies because they can all be outsmarted with cheese tactics, hiding around walls, bottlenecking, etc.
a good example of enemies that fit the bill are stalkers in dead space, the first half of alien isolation, etc. as shitty as FO4 was I appreciate they made ghouls play dead and lunge, human enemies take cover, and deathclaws bob and weave when you shot them.
Horizon is better than average at it. Still could have used a few more robot types, though, and more variety in human behavior.
The real single biggest problem of 'open world' is that the main enjoyment is meant to be exploration but the randomization or scaling used makes all areas blandly identical.
You look back at some of the earliest games and see obvious and simple mechanics that have been completely forgotten. Dragon Warrior for example you can walk anywhere in the world from the start, any time you cross a bridge you know you are entering a harder area.
Ragnarok online
All this skyrims, witchers, etc looks silly in comparison
Not especially, in fact theres a good number of games where the enemy variety IS the appeal of the game, bayonetta is a good example imo
I didn't find it very sexy, but it sure was cool to survive the progression from sex crazed women to sexier crazy women to horrible monstrosities of flesh and bone.
I rarely see anyone mention this game, it has: awesome enemy variety, good weapon variety, fun evolution system on the devils, great maps and boss fights. Why is it so slept on?