Just bought this, what am I in for?
Just bought this, what am I in for?
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good Levels, Most being better than the first game, but such a hamfisted story that it made me laugh at how bad it was. 8/10
on a side note, is Prey good?
yeah it is SS3 more or less. Gets a bit boring towards the end, but that is to be expected.
It's better than the first game but the plot is so boring that it made it has worse experience than the first game.
I like it more than D2, which was already excellent. Better than all Bioshock games.
Pretty good. It doesn't redefine the genre or anything, but its a solid game. Like if System Shock 2 and Bioshock made a baby
I enjoyed it, the story is not that good, but the gameplay is awesome, I found emily to be boring to play but I really loved corvo's gameplay. I didn't play any of the DLC's so I dont know about them. It's fun but don't expect a story like dishonored 1.
What is the go with the two characters?
Do I play Emily first nodeaths and then violent Corvo playthrough?
literally does not matter.
Should I wait for the complete edition or not?
Emily feels more suited for a violent run, but corvo's blink makes violent runs more fun, so its up to you i guess.
is the story really that bad?
Fuck off Bethesda
Nu-Prey is shit
Bethesda didn't make the game you double nigger.
It's boring, annoying at times, and tells us nothing new (Delilah come back, and you need to stop her)
The only interesting part for me was playing as Emily and hear some of her opinions about things and her realizing that her kingdom under her wing is fucked up
Stop talking in memes
They're the publisher so they obviously stand to gain by shilling it you cuck
Mediocre, but made by people who think they're hot shit.
bretty good game if you're playing it on the PC with a 1060 or better
it's okay, I got bored of it and need to go back and finish it at some point.
How does it feel to be a pathetic waste of space?
It's essentially Dishonored 1's story but without the Daud or betrayal bits of the story.
The entire summary of the story is "Delilah takes over, she's got friends, you fuck them up then take back the throne" with absolutely no bits of intrigue or interesting curveballs.
Worldbuilding stuff you can find is pretty interesting though
they ain't giving it rave reviews you fucking faggot.
The worst engine in video game history.
Mafia 3 is worse
You need a 1080 to get 60 fps
Yeah but Dishonored's engine will stutter like a bitch on ANY graphics card
It's pretty good. As a fan of the first I was excited to go back to that world, but overall I didn't like Serkonos as much as Dunwall. The gameplay is infinitely improved and the level design is legitimately great - some real classic levels. That said, it is pretty short. As other anons have said, the story is laughable at times and boring at others.
That's not Gamebryo.
Fourth best immersive sim ever made desu.
Delilah's entire motivation and reasoning behind being a villain is because she got tattled on as a kid. It feels like an Uchikoshi-tier plot twist.
No, it is absolutely horrible.
It's not game ruining bad, but its 100% a gamey plot to set up the action. Doesn't really have good characters behind it, either.
There's only really one good story moment in it. It's not a horrible game-breaking story, the whole thing is an excuse for gameplay which I can respect. That being said, I feel like it's even less memorable than Dishonored 1's plot, which at least took one turn.
Ironically, the best moment is also perhaps the worst because the only twist the game has can be seen a mile away, because there's only one black woman in the entire Dishonored universe.
yeah it's really good, god tier level design, but with so much assets and manipulation load times between areas are pretty long.
story isn't that bad, no better or worse than Dishonoreds story.
Plus who give a fuck about the story. Learning the levels and it's replayability is dishonoreds charm
crap for being a sucker and buying SJW garbage
Silver and Dust
>can run battlefield 4 on high settings at 60
>can't run dishonored ii on ultra low at 60
Is there a community fix or something? I really want to enjoy this game but trying to do a quick, lethal run at 35 fps makes me want to shoot myself.
Good stuff, some of the best levels in a long time for a stealth game. You'll enjoy it. Corvo is being voice acted by Garet's voice actor from Thief.
what specs?
I played the game at 20-30 fps in most levels,and 12fps in the Clockwork Mansion
Prey is fantastic,the level design is amazing.
I enjoyed it more than D2
I know it's not the greatest rig of all time, at all, but a game like Dishonored II running this terribly is a joke. How, even after all the patches, it still runs like ass is a tragedy.
my heart goes out to you user
Pirated it. Stopped playing it as soon as I got to that offshore asylum.
I played through Dishonoured in only a few sittings and immediately started a 2nd run. Why is this not grabbing me in the same way?
I find it frustrating how Emily isn't recognised by the people and how the streets turn from friendly environments to murder so quickly.
It's definitely up there, after all the patches they still just can't make it work
Refund it
Download and play the free demo on Steam
Realise what an uninspired pile of shit it is
Mourn that they killed the franchise
how to deal with clockwork robots? I whacked it and he cut me into a thousand pieces
Double air assassination.
A game written by the person who wrote this article
I just downloaded System Shock 2, Bioshock, Prey, Dishonored 2, and a bunch of other immersive sims. They're nice. I've played stuff like Deus Ex and System Shock 1 already, what are the best games of the genre? And more examples?
this. I loved the first chapter, beat it like 8 times in every possible way, but the second one is just plain bad. the only cool things in it are the timepiece and the clockwork mansion, everything else is just not worth it