ITT: Vidya characters that look like you

ITT: Vidya characters that look like you

tfw 24 inch waist, 40 inch hips, big blonde bangs, 5ft 3 inches tall, and actually male

I'd fuck the shit out of you op. Also, post pics



post pics?

Didn't intend for this to be a "post pics" thread, so much as I wanted it to be a "Vidya characters that look like you" thread, but I guess this is what happens when you're

Is there any fatty with long hair in vidya?
I'm a fatty with long hair irl.

post pics or you're lying

You guys are gonna be so mad when it turns out this is a flat-chested girl (female).

>mfw 30 inch waist 36 inch hips

Not interested unless your dick is tiny fgt


The bearmask dude from HLM2

what are worse, trapfags or barafags?

>and actually male

not tonight you're not, sonny

Is this the newfemboi thread?

How much did your surgery cost, OP?

still waiting for those pics

where are you

trapfags, barafags arent as frequent

barafags because bara is shit tier

No surgery. I'm just naturally feminine looking. Straight, too.
I didn't make this thread with the intention becoming the center of attention, though.

How much extra fat goes to the hips with hrt.

You can't have a 24 inch waits and 40 inch hips as male.

well op since you asked.... When I comb my hair I have tidy bangs but natrually I look exactly like joker, its kinda scary actually. Im a bit taller now but still Joker looks like teen me.

>men who look like men is bad!

Can't expect anything else from here.

nobody cares

go to /soc/ moron


I feel ya man. I have a LOT of feminine traits as well. Does it bother you? I feel it doesn't affect much but it might in the future.

I can really see the resemblance

That's part of why it's so weird. I'm not upset about it; it's just the way it is. My doctor mentions how I pack on extremely high amounts of fat around the thighs and buttocks every time I get a physical (which everyone should do regularly, btw).

All my boys think it's hilarious, but all the girls that I talk to think it's unattractive because it's not a masculine ass. It is what it is.


also Checked

You can with klinefelter syndrome. It causes wide hips, narrow waist, and small breasts in males, along with small testes or infertility.
But it also tends to cause long limbs, creating a tall, thin shape. Not 5'3.


Are you fat by any chance?

Post pic or fake

See I'm straight like I said, but one of my best friends is a girl, and she's told me that my ass/thighs are ridiculous and too feminine to the point where it's no longer attractive to straight women. I don't know if you're at that point, but who knows.

I like it. Feels unique.

I'm not really sure, I'm pale white, long blonde hair down to my butt, big thighs and butt, freckles, long legs, wide hips...


>tfw 23 and still look like a twink
Im unable to lift due to arm pain

Impressive, user.




I've got a bit of a tummy, but I wouldn't consider myself "fat". None of my friends consider me fat, either. My thighs and ass are freaking massive, unsurprisingly. I've been working on going to the gym frequently, but I'm still rocking just a little bit of cellulite.


that was incredible 10

intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor

The latter ruin husbando threads, along with furfaggots, so I'm going to go with them.

This requires proof.
Post it on soc or something and link back.

not an excuse, sissy

Don't fall into it, man. Isn't worth it. I know your position

Please post pics op I'm hard enough already

I'm so glad this thread is getting derailed
don't you guys know you're being strung along jesus fuck you guys are dumb.

I didn't make this thread to post pics of my ass...
I made this thread for posts like andI'm only answering the questions because it's the nice thing to do.

That shit isn't going to give anyone hips that are 20 inches larger the waist.

literally me right now

Pic related. That's me, alright.



>I didn't make this thread to post pics of my ass...
neckbeard larper confirmed

Fall into what, exactly?


>I didn't do it for the attention
Yes you fucking did. Now post some fucking pics or fuck off already.

>I didn't make this thread to post pics of my ass...
That could change.

Don't fall into what people are pressuring him to do, is all i'm saying. It's not worth it just to for random strangers to believe you.

Trapfags. Barafags at-least are not hiding that they are gay

Also been told a lot of times I look like Lucas

it was a funny post user but Im not a neckbeard atheist that wears a fedora. Im also not fat and im asian

I just enjoy seeing trap ass desu.


>Actually make

Sounds like life dealt you the worst hand possible. Consider suicide

It isn't trap or anything. He's just curious to see what we see ourselves like. No big deal.

I like ass

>That spoiler
Yeah, no. You obviously knew the reaction you were gonna get. Now post pics or fuck off slut.

your a girl op. SHOW ME YOUR TRUE FORM

>Doesn't post pics

That's how you know it's fake

Literally me

barafags by far
at least traps appeal to a side selection of straight (gay) people. but bara, only overweight nu males are into it

>Don't fall into what people are pressuring him to do, is all i'm saying. It's not worth it just to for random strangers to believe you.
What kind of retard you're, we want him to post pictures not wanting his ID and address numbers you fucking buffoon sure is plebbit here

I look like this Literally Who from Zero Escape. I hate my life exactly as much as you would expect.

%100 bara. Ugly, samey art and the people who like it are obnoxious as fuck.
