Game mechanics that you hate?

Game mechanics that you hate?
>No Skip Scenes option

Other urls found in this thread:

>only one save allowed

The workaround to this is to play the game on pc and back up your save files or use a flash cart

>save location isn't close to the boss fight meaning you need to fight a bunch of enemies every time you want to face the boss again

como estas?

>Press start during cutscene
>It pauses
>Press another button to skip the cutscene

Any game that doesn't have this is garbage. There's no excuse if Kingdom Hearts 1 did it.

>only one save allowed
>game autosaves constantly
>after beating the game once it unlocks unlimited save slots
Oh wait, that's a game mechanic I love, not hate.

>obligatory finish boss fight with a combo

>missable side missions on 100+ hours long games


>pressing down when at the bottom of a list doesn't take you to the top of the list
Throw it in the trash.

>Can't hold down the button to scroll faster
>have to manually press down to scroll down

>You can fail missions by doing the main quest in open world RPG if you don't do side-quests

>mandatory tutorial
>game treating player like a retard in general
>30 secs of splash screens on startup
>have to quit to menu to quit to desktop


On topic: essential npcs

Best character

>true ending requires you to do bullshit people never would have thought of unless they 1. Looked at fucking everything in the game or 2. Just datamined it

>Play on hardest difficulty
>Game still treats you like a casual

>Hard mode
>Enemies just have more HP

That's what ruined Max Payne 3. What were they thinking?

Kiko is OP, Bolaños should fucking nerf him

>A must lose battle in order to advance the game
>all that time and dedication spent to survive that battle

que opinan del trailer?

me revivió el hype y el amor por KH que tenía durante la secu y prepa

>be supermaly megastrong hero knight dragon fucker
>chosen one hero of the realm all the wenches get drenched at the sight of you
>wielding your 20 foot sword with one hand, slicing up wyverns with a single blow
>one of the game mechanics is picking some flowers to do some cooking
I hate crafting in video games so fucking much it's unbelievable.

Or this but replace the final line with

>gets beat in a cutscene that's entirely out of your control because plot but in gameplay you would've kicked their ass

Every souls game

walking slower and running faster than the npc you're suppose to escort or follow.

>game saves data on enemies encountered once you beat main story
>you can never play the file again, not even the side quests

Espero el juego con ancias. Con suerte y llegue ser igual de bueno o mejor que II FM

>NM pops on the wrong spot

Pay your fucking rent Ramon.

>waste all your expensive healing and supporting items on a boss battle that forces you to lose

>Escort mission
nothing says fuck you than the game throwing you a lot of enemies on those missions

t. Señor Barriga

>npc gets stuck

That gif is oddly fascinating.

>non-inverted flight controls
Just kill me.

>Npc too slow

>start button skips a cutscene instead of pausing it

>tfw you don't hate any mechanics because you realize no mechanic is inherently bad but it's all about how it's implemented.

...'s everyone's night?


It's morning you god damn nerd.

>play gears of war 2
>get to a part where they talk on a radio
>hit the back button
>right back to the fighting
Nice things

>kill dozens if not hundreds of mooks throughout the game
>cutscene happens
>surrounded by 2 mooks maybe 3 at most
>get captured, lose all powers, gear, etc.
I can think of two fucking games that did this right
Dragon Age Origins (you could win the fight)
And Army Men RTS (A literal army captures your 6 dudes)

>scrolling by pressing button is faster than holding

>enemies dont use new moves/change spawns on harder difficulties
>random encounters

same, got excited with KH3 new trailer but besides that, nothing interesting. Im playing Yakuza 0 and I like it the more I play it

Unless it's a one or two button push to craft and you dont need to collect bullshit, this shit needs to fuck off

>You lose your weapons mid-way through the game for a while

Name 10 game

you need an item to save.

SH Downpour did this with a strong weapon

FF X-2
Kirby's Dreamland 3
Castlevania Dracula X
Revelations Persona
Jackie Chan Adventures
Kirby 64
Castlevania Soma games
La Mulana
Milon's Secret Castle
Super Ghouls n Ghosts

>>have to quit to menu to quit to desktop

Alt+F4 that shit, yo.

>start game
>cutscene starts to play
>no subtitles
>press escape to check them in option
>escape skips the cutscene

>a scene that cuts away from the game
>having gameplay mechanics
what the fuck did op mean by this???

>Shooter game
>90% of enemies just charge at you and don't react to bullet damage
I'll never understand why Borderlands was ever popular. "Hurr it's nice with friends" playing fucking dominos is more fun than this shit.

>interface screws of any kind
>Increases all rolls mysteriously ;)
>unskippable attack animations in a turn based game
>hidden status effects that you have to measure through secondary effects such as movement speed change
>limited inventory space in any game with backtracking but no food clock/time limit
>disarm mechanics that actually put your weapon outside your inventory
>being voted out of the office in city building games
>insanity mechanics of any kind, though only because they are always done badly
>drug trip mechanics - same as above

>shopkeep won't sell you their items because you're not leveled up enough or far enough in the story

>>interface screws of any kind

>can buy weapons and armor
>only after buying can you see that there is a level attached

Do you mean they have them in their inventory but you can’t pick them, or missing entirely

>limited inventory space
>no bag for key items, of which there are like 15
>a bicycle takes up one slot in your bag, but so does a packet of salt

>weapons and armour are scaled to your level

fucking resi evil
literally artificial difficulty

>the best looking armor is either extremely low tier or fuck you, give me all of your money for a glove expensive tier
>the most practical armors at high levels are gaudy garbage and you have to grind just to not look ugly

>no pause in the cutscenes

>buy expensive weapon
>price is a quarter of it if you sell it

I could always understand weapons, ammo, health items, etc. But really the key bullshit was just obnoxious, oh well i got over it.

>can't skip logos and have to sit throught a minute of them everytime you start the game
este es el thread en español verdad??????

>tipsin loading screen
>game loads too fast to read any of it

No spic, fuck off with your baboon, talk in english so everyone can understand your post, this isnt krautchan or Sup Forums
>unskippable dev logos
The absolute fucking worst, even worse though
>press escape to skip dev logos
>it crashes the game

yes it is

pretty rude and I'm indo fyi

>restarting game when you want change some fucking SETTINGS

don ramón eh? more like seu madruga

Arr rook same
>enemies in one level are literally just reskins of earlier enemies but with more health

>multiplayer game runs like shit even on good systems in some areas
>try to lower shadows from ultra to medium
>durr restart
>demanding a restart in a multiplayer gsme
Fucking Rising Storm 2, youre fantastic but goddamn.

you're retarded if you think latin americans are in the same haplogroup as indonesians but then again
>american """""""""""""""""education""""""""""""""""""""

>Starting a new character erases all of your previous character's data

>speaking spic
Since when? I thought you meant indian, like a native BR or some shit, not an indonesian, nigger its 3am

Games where you can have lots of party members but only a few have a role in the story so most are blank slates chosen from a few preset appearances and male/female. I don't know why but having these two types of character, one full of personality and seeming like you should use them for story reasons, and the other type being completely personalityless and customisable to some extent, having these two choices alongside each other inflames my autism in a way I can't explain, possibly because it's difficult to know which to pick

>reach highest level
>fighting monsters aren't challenging anymore

>reach highest level
>get some amazing weapon after beating boss
>no new game plus
>cant even keep playing after that boss

>enemies scale
>Don't feel any sense of progression

Any and all matchmaking.

Its never been done right, it cant be done right, it kills games and ensures no good community can ever be established. Encourages acting like an utter shithead since 9/10 times youll never see the same person twice unless the game is already on its last legs.

>never knowing how many players are online or in que

And the worst part is this lazy shit is par for the course in current year, and completely accepted en mass.

>get godkiller, slayer of gods and kings
>random mooks still take several hits to die

>enemies scale
>feel like racing against the scaling

>become the godslayer, destroyer of worlds
>still get attacked by lvl 2 shit mobs

>enemies scale with you so much that you have to abuse specific skills just to get rid of basic goons
Borderlands 2 on UVHM was a fucking mistake

Finally got to start playing FFIX for the first time, and I feel this way about Quina. Kind of. Piece of shit rarely says something of value, if ever, but Blue Magic is entertaining. Yet the whole plot keeps being DAGGER THIS DAGGER THAT.

They take Dagger away because reasons and I gave two shits. And that's pretty bad, considering I usually hate it when they take away the healer.

>enemies scale
>If you don't train the right skills or grab the right perks the enemies become near impossible to beat

Alguien sigue despierto?

Good. Started working on a new Sup Forums recommendations wiki tonight. It's semi usable.

Op that's why I can't play Far Cry 4.

>persuasion skill line
>persuasion is completely useless
>tfw when wasted skill points


>you have 3 extra points, assign them however the fuck you want to
>luck doesn't have a description of what it does
>go full luck anyways