Who survived at the end of your first playthrough? Only Sam and Emily survived for me

Who survived at the end of your first playthrough? Only Sam and Emily survived for me.

>best girls

mike, sam, ash died for some dumb ass reason. and the game was a steam pile of dogshit.

The black guy died for me, although I reloaded the game as soon as I fucked up to save everyone else.

I really wanted to save Josh it should have been an option. Can't believe he has to die or suffer a worse fate.

>first playthrough
>trying to get everyone to live without walkthrough
>Only Matt dies
lol. He was the black character too.

Why the fuck did he resort to cannibalism so quick? He couldn't have been in those mines for long. And hell, he probably could have found a way out too.

save Mike or Leave?
>Mike and Emily burned to the death :)
>Sam, Chris and Jess survived

I was thinking the same, I bet they interroganted them as soon as they were safe, it couldn't have been more than a couple days. Maybe his mental health played a huge factor making him transform faster.Funny thing is his fate is a lot worse if you find all the evidence otherwise he just dies.

Only the black guy died. I don't know what I should have done differently to make him survive.

He wasent exactly sane.

Dont try to fight the deer

Protesta when his girlfriend says they should go to the tower, and give him the flairgun.

I think Matt is the only chara who can die very early in the game


There's another scene in which he can die.

Me too. Apparently if you agree with Emily Matt decides to shoot the flare as soon as he gets it for some reason. You're supposed to disagree so Matt keeps the flare and uses it to defend himself when he gets attacked later.

I didn't. He died by getting a meat hook to the face.
I'm pretty sure I did both of those things and he still ended up dying. Although maybe I let his girlfriend keep it.

Until Dawn 2 when?!
It's incredible how a literally who dev outclassed TTGames

Alternatively you could try to save Emily first, and when give the later chance to jump you can choose to jump. I don't know exactly why the Wendigo doesn't attack him though.

Telltale got fucking lazy with their engine and everything else.

I'm actually kind of sad Josh gets so fucked. Out of everyone I feel like he deserved to survive and get a happy ending.

Yeah. It looks fucking amazing too. And unlike every telltale game the choices actually do fucking matter.

josh doesn't deserve a happy ending, he try to fuck his friends

Me too, I was hoping to at least see him alucinating but at least be found by the rescue team and end up in a mental institution. Maybe that way he could recover or be a character in a sequel, with his allucinations and all.

I liked Until Dawn.

How the fuck is this coop?
I want friends

I got to the very end without anyone dying, then I flicked the light switch and lost like four or five people. I forget exactly who because it's been a while (I played it right when it released) but I remember Mike, Matt, and Ashley died. I think I only had two or three survivors. Josh had his head caved in.

He was mentally ill though. Part of the reason why he was so mentally fucked was their fault too. And besides. It was all a prank and if there were no killer monsters nearby nobody would have gotten hurt either.

So he deserves to be killed by his own sister or suffer a worse fate just because he wanted revenge although he wasn't even trying to kill them and had a mental condition because of his sisters deaths? He even finds out his sisters is now a fucking monster and ate the other one's corpse.

I had Matt Ashley and Sam survived for me. Kind of a strange group

So wait. If Chris decides to shoot the squirrel a bunch of deer might decide to run Matt off a cliff later? Why though?

My Chris died when I failed a QTE trying to shoot the wendigo. I was caught off guard when I saw two targets and couldn't decide in the one second it gave me

Rip Chris, he was my favorite.

All of them, because I'm not a faggot

Squirrel was deers' friend, they pissed off. Ez.

>Be chris
>"love" Ashley
>Ashley gets blasted by Emily for wanting her to leave
>Doesn't defend his gf even as she's slapped.

That happened to me the last one before the house cause I thought you had to shoot the tiny target oil spill or whatever to kill em or Chris dies

But why not take revenge on Chris though? Matt didn't do anything to them.

This is free on PS+ this month but I'm not sure if I want to download it and play it. I read a lot about how it can overheat your system and I don't think this game is worth the risk. Is this really true? Is there a chance of that happening and is the game worth it anyways?

Am I the only fag that closed the game when regretting a decision or failing a QTE to retry it?

Nah, I did that a bunch at the final scene with the wendigos in the house. I kept fucking up staying still.

Because he was black.

Yeah I think u just gotta hold that. Cut your losses

>Fuck up trying to stay still as Chris when trying to get Josh from the shed
>Think having the flamethrower die was all my fault
>Start a new game to get to that scene
>perform flawlessly
>He still dies
WTF! So his death is completely unavoidable?! So that means his death is completely his own fault?! What a fucking dick!

yeah, him getting the shaft is pretty shit.

I didn't read any guides and everyone but the black kid survived. You have to make some really arbitrary choices for him not to die, like not defending his girlfriend, because otherwise, he'll waste the flare gun when he gets and and will be defenseless after the tower collapses.