Are you ready for the REAL Star Citizen?

Are you ready for the REAL Star Citizen?

>On the Kickstarter page, the team behind the game promises a long list of potential activities: "Develop planets, colonize worlds, nurture species, mine elements, build robots, and discover unique life-forms as you coordinate with others in an intense game of real-time strategy."
>Players would supposedly begin by exploring Proxima B, the closest known exoplanet to our own solar system, just over 4 light years away (there are real-life plans to try to send mini-spacecraft there).
>After exploring the surface of that planet and learning how the science-based physics systems work (with Tyson as your guide), players would be ready to start the main event.
>Beginning at a space station, they'd create and terraform a home planet and system, taking into account real aspects of biology and chemistry.
>That system can include be colonies and outposts — and you can play solo or with friends.
>Players would also need to protect their systems from threats, including environmental disaster, space objects, climate change, disease, and the changes brought about by evolution and whatever else may happen to a planet.
>Players would also be able to design a spacecraft to explore galaxies created by friends or "prominent scientists and fictional world-builders like Tyson, Bill Nye, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, and Peter Beagle," according to the Kickstarter.

Other urls found in this thread:

No gameplay :/

I love Science Negro. He's like so smart and stuff.

>scientific accuracy


>affirmative action negro


The game is already made and its FREE

>tyson wants to make a game purely to self insert
>reddit will get this pretentious garbage funded


300k no
game will be utter shit

>314,159 goal (get it?)

Can somebody explain the joke

>bill nye planet
you cant populate a planet with just butt stuff you idiot

Does he not know that space engine exists?

Why the fuck is Neil Gaiman listed on there? Did he have nothing better to do than offer his artistic wares to a bunch of left brainers?
KSP is the only space game I need

pi, god I fucking hate science nigger



Joven y alocada

Post scientifically accurate games.

pie, you should educate yourself, subscribe to chink kaku, science negro, carl sagan and the amazing atheist.

Nice. Thanks, senpai. Is it good? Does what I hope happens actually happen?

>discover unique life-forms
>when you can base it on life forms from only one planet

>Neil deMeme Tyson
>one of the most lackluster scientists ever, with a whopping 13 or so published scientific articles, a lot of which have to do with photometry and CCDs (aka backyard astronomer shit)
>can't even justify that on grounds of him being a personality and not actively working as a scientist, due to the fact he's incredibly fucking boring, and has none of the charisma of someone like Sagan
>dumb fucking nigger wastes his and everyone else's time on working in declassifying Pluto as a planet, for retarded unnecessary arbitrary reasons
>the nigger can't even make a compelling case for it, while Stern can eloquently shoot the shit down, being an actual, accomplished man of science and reason

this nigger guy is such a fucking meme. to the Facebook science meme dustbin is where he belongs. along with his shit game. if you actually watch him communicate with real scientists, it is so obvious he is so far out of his league and is literally an affirmative action pet of white libshits.

Fucking love this game

They'll probably just randomly generate creatures from a list of parts :)

>"galaxies created by prominent fictional world-builders like George R.R. Martin"

B-but he has a memetastic name and hairdo ex dee. I even saw him once on the television screen, you're just jealous you aren't famous loser.

But we still need ppl like him, hes a link between stupid mases and actual scientists, this guy you mentioned would probably kill normies with his knowledge.

Tyson is not even a legitimate scientist. He is a popsci scientist. There is a difference. He's up there with Bill Nye, but Bill Nye is only slightly better. I liked Bill a lot more before the massive shitshow that is his new show, jesus christ what a nightmare that thing is.

This just sounds like No Man's Sky.

It's really weird because the two writers they listed are fantasy writers but makes sense in a way because the scientists are fantasy scientists.

Penises, other than it being a prime number

not defending recent Bill Nye, but when he did the kid's show, Nye's background in theater actually showed. he had a working knowledge of basic science to educate youth and normal people, but he was also entertaining. Tyson on the other hand is extremely fucking boring.

>penises are responsible for violence
what are historical female monarchs

If all leaders were female, the world would have been a much less violent place

How the fuck is Bill Nye better? He has a bachelor's degree in engineering.

Tyson at least has a doctorate and is an actual academic. Though not much of one, sure.


>anothet shitpkst thread
Mods won't do anything.

Yeh, it would have been miserable

>300,000 goal
lel that'll never get anywhere. black science man is going to pocket the money and tell some unity guy to make a game and he'll contribute some narration.

imagine being so mad about an on-topic thread you can't even type properly and call it shitposting

Because Nye actually devoted a part of himself into teaching young people about very basic scientific and engineering principles, things that most people would probably never bother looking into or figuring out.

I honestly can't think of a single thing Tyson has done for me personally. I have not learned anything by watching videos or TV shows featuring him.

>wars started because two leaders had the same handbag

Yeah, I'm sure it'd be great

Tell that to the syrian durkas getting assblasted by Merkel's missiles

>Game of Thrones fantasy is on the level of such famous sciencetificians like Bill "Butt-Stuff" Nye and Dude Space Black Man

Neil Mememan's just the cherry on top of this shit sundae

I can believe this.

Instead of missiles and high tech warfare, we could've still been clubbing heads with rocks.

Damn that patriarchy for building modern civilization!


These washed up pseudo-intellectuals sure are desperate for some cash.

Is le Reddit science man also a devout atheist? A friend of mine recently converted to atheism and he told me dropped $300 for him and his fiance to go to some convention with this guy. I'm pretty sure he doesn't browse Reddit so I'm assuming he's a devout atheist or one of those pseudo-celebrities that veryl iberal people love for some reason.

>Is a person related to science who reddit worships atheist?
the answer is yes if they were born after the year 1900

Isn't he hated nowadays by the typical leddit sci-memer for saying a few things about islam they didn't like?

Yeah, just like the first several years of Star Citizen development.

no everyone hates islam because they kill based fags especially leddit

I don't mean just a normal atheist, I mean the kind of people who constantly tell everyone that God doesn't exist and make sure everyone knows they are atheist, even in situations where it has no bearing. You know, the EUPHORIC kind of atheist.


We have Kerbal already. Fuck this guy.

Seems decent enough, all things considered. Might be a comfy, long term game.

She is a qt

sasuga egg

This is a blatant scam.

He said the #1 book people should read is the bible.

>game made by a negro


If it's scientifically accurate, does it take you eighty years or something to travel between two solar systems?

No, you use le wormholes

Why do popsci fags all have such an unwarranted sense of superiority about themselves?

I mean that's no way to educate yourself, but it's no joke that if he doesn't know pi he should study more.

Is it possible that the reason you haven't learned anything from him is because of your age? For example, you learned from Nye because you were young and didn't know any of the shit but you can't learn from Tyson because you are older and have already learned it?

Smart people do stupid things.

Only thing wrong with this pic is that Bill Nye's quote is a play on words and makes me think the meaning went over the head of the guy who made this pic, which would support pop-sci argument that overthinking something disconnects you from what's apparent.

>another thread that basically amounts to "I can't like something because reddit likes it"

Wasn't Dawkings also trying to Kikestart a game?

it's not just a dichotomy of old and new scientists, but that people in general seem dumber than they did before. but we know that objectively, people aren't dumber, if going by something like a literacy rate.

at the same time, while people are generally smarter, both the average person and the legitimately intelligent still seem fucking stupid. as if there's just a loss of elegance and beauty in how we speak and think.

could all of this cancer be attributed to neoliberalism?

i'm part of the problem.

Based madman Alan "PussyMagnet" Stern bringing the bantz.

>made by a mobile game dev
>promoted by a hack
>fund goal is a meme
>they promise the universe and show nothing for it
its definably channers being contrarians right fellow Sup Forumstard

Nobody has time to think any more.

do you mean atheist guy or wheelchair guy?


all the people on the left are far smarter

>tfw got to meet him once
he's an American hero.

Smart people to tend to lean left, yes.

You're a good example of why humanity is fucked. People aren't supposed to have to help you personally before you care about them.

Is science related to math at all?

Never said I didn't care about him. I'm sure he's made some other contributions that I just don't particularly care about. That doesn't mean I don't care about him, as a human being, or what the impact of those contributions can do for the scientific community and the rest of humanity.

I'm just saying that, so far, I've not really heard of him doing anything really THAT important. He mostly just goes on morning news shows and talks about stuff like global warming, which at this stage you're an idiot if you don't think it's a real thing. All I've ever heard from him are just reiterations of what those before him have been discussing.

What significant breakthroughs has Tyson been responsible for?


He's the first black scientist

no Science means star wars and star trek.

>Bill Nye

please no

Fuck off Kathy Perry.

>Unironically hating on Neil Degrasse Tyson

is Sup Forums invading? i would expect this from shitters from /lit/, /his/, and Sup Forums since they think they know politics and everything else but, not from Sup Forums. What a shit show this is. all of you.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is probably the best, arguably the smartest person still living.
>Atheist but, he doesn't shit on religion but, actually advocates for religion
>Dedicates his life to science and scientific accuracy
>is fun to be around and is all around enjoyable
>never gets stomped on his hypothesis
A true American scientist Neil is. It sure is Summer in here.


I hope you slip on a ice cub, and land on a sword user. Your jokes suck.

disliking reddit black science man has nothing to do with Sup Forums, he's everything bad about popsci

>you should educate yourself

Mockingly rephrasing facts in all caps with smileys doesn’t make them untrue


yeah, im gonna need you to retype that sentence without calling Neil """""reddit""""". i will not respond to any post that says anything related to Reddit.

Fuck off back to neogaf or leddit where you belong.

fuck off, not even reddit likes him anymore.

you're reddit

Name a single important contribution to science from Neil DeGrasse Tyson.