What did you learn from this EVO, /meleefags/?

What did you learn from this EVO, /meleefags/?

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That i better go back to 64

That Melee is fun as fuck and will live for many more years. I'll get into it myself first thing tomorrow.


that I'll keep having fun with the game regardless of Armada being a fucking robot

Swedes are actually good at something

I still like it and will keep waiting for it to have a satisfying gf in any major

The only white guy in all of the FGC won.

Armada and Hungrybox need to be hung

That my autism makes me follow a game I fucking hate.

The meta is always evolving.

Hitler was right and Aryan genes are superior.

Evo isn't the best tournament for melee

Game is boring to watch when it's the same people over and over

royal flush mango vs armada. one of the hypest sets ever.

Cheating apparently isn't enforced if you are one of the melee gods.

SonicFox got taken out like the garbage he is.
Injustice 2 is boring as fuck to watch.
Guilty Gear and BlazBlue are way better to watch.

The ghetto melee stream was more entertaining than the grand finals.

Peach needs to be bumped into S tier

That EVO TOs suck dick and should die in a housefire

that i still love this game

Why do the people matter when they all play different characters? You'd rather have an ever changing cycle of mediocre Fox players than 4 players who specialize in a different character each?

That even if Armada gets weaker or rustier, no one ever will reach the pinnacle of human ability in this game as he has achieved throughout this year.

That Puyo Puyo Tetris and Catherine were the most entertaining events

So after Armada is washed, melee is dead as fuck?

I would because at least fox isn't boring as fuck to watch like peach and puff

>This fucking name and logo
>Those fucking character designs
>Those fucking character names

LMAO, go back to the drawing board

hbox is still a massive faggot

Its like when the Ninja Warrior all stars retired and the show went bankrupt.

MW pls fite me, I'm bad

FM 5.66, 75a823b0

>doesn't want Armada or Hungry box to win
>cheers for M2K vs Leffen

do you guys ever wish they had a lot more mid tier/low tier major tourneys? i would like to see at least one every few months


They're nothing but G&W though.

The game's getting stale. We're reaching the ceiling.


Wow a cool, understanding person
What game do you play?

Last year's finals were better.

20XX is a long way off, my friend


Melee fags theme.


This what the fuck, that must be one of the tamest and safest aesthetics i've evern encountered in any media.

Fucking shit.

Don't ever use mike Ross face when talking about smash

Low tier tournies are trash. Most low tiers are lame af. You just posted a literal projectile character.


That pic related is counted as coaching

No it's like in sports when you have someone super good that rarely comes around again like Michael Jordan.

Or like Shakespeare who totally owned playwriting.

id rather see hbox bring out ness and armada bring out young link than automatically know whats gonna happen every melee major

>losing to Peach
>reaching the ceiling
u niggas are retarded

Poor baby

that I want a Melee 2 to come out

You're a disgrace

Hell no. Hbox is cancer. Sure Mango got washed but I rather watch Peach/Fox instead of Fox/Puff. Atleast Peach and Fox combo the shit outta each other and the neutral game is pretty fun to watch instead of Hbox ledge camping like a little bitch.

It's basically the PM Dev Team + Ex-Riot artists and designers

I can't get over how much that piece of shit ledge camps. I don't give a fuck if it's "a legit strat". he's a god damn pussy. ahead 3-1 in Stock? ledge camp. fucking piece of shit needs to retire, he makes watching ssb fucking awful

>PM Dev Team + Ex-Riot
NOOO, couldn't they have found better artist? Or made a gofund me to pay for artist?

Isn't Catherine always a great watch? I will check out puyo puyo

So are you in favor of there being a ledge grab limit? That's one of the big arguments that's been proposed to Hbox's campy playstyle. Alongside lowering each round's length from 8 minutes to 6 minutes.

that bitch on the right has no fucking neck jesus christ, looks like her head got impacted into her chest

Puyo Puyo had the top player play 3v1 against the top 3

You should definitely watch that if nothing else

>mango may not be washed up yet
>leffen is still rusty
>lucky needs to get fucking sponsored

anything to stop the ledge camp just because you can float forever.

you fight people so it's a fighting game

being a fan of leff and plup is slowly breaking me, really impressive for lucky though

Mango still got it
Plup and M2K are still >depressed boys
Peach is a goddess

No cover waifu, no chance at success. The character design feels incredibly out of place with the general aesthetic of the branding.

Remember Monday Night Combat? I'm guessing that with even less personality.

>overwatch logo
>thinking people think of video games as iconic
>having people call your game icon
no bueno. they could seriously just change the name this late, character design is to much

>literally Pharah

I'm so happy I branched out to real fighting games and got away from this stale, faggoty nonsense

no kidding my vision glazes over when i look at it and i cant remember or care about anything i see

Fug now I don't want you guys to rip into my character designs for my game whenever it eventually gets mentioned on Sup Forums

At least the gameplay is fun

PPMD will be back next year and he'll save us all, you'll see

Testosterone'd out of his mind, ready to destroy the swedes

>leffen being a buster
>mango being a buster
>armada winning like it's another tuesday
>hbox getting coached giving leffen such massive levels of ass pain that it sent ripples through time and space to land him in 9th
>2/3 making sets feel neutered
4/10, probably won't watch anything but grands next year

Why can't someone make a melee clone that doesn't have terrible character design

So when do you guys think Plup will snap and finally shoot up a school out of depression?


Because the only people who care about Memelee are autistic Westerners who have no design sense.


I'm looking for character designers if yall know any (or know good inspiration).

Thinking of original characters is hard yo

No matter what shitty slot melee gets, it will still be the most watch game in this ungrateful tournament. I hope melee does leave and watch more than 50% of its market and viewers plummet to shit.


I hope you aren't implying GG's top 8 was any better. So many 1 sided games with one of the only good things being Nage's Faust.

>it's a winner's Armada wins GF in 3 games tournament

Yeah that was anti-hype af, fham.

It's OK to cheat at a video game tournament because the fanbase will lap it up anyway.

literally everyone was complaining about hbox cheating though except McRibs because he's a fat lazy lard that doesn't wanna have to go though with DQing a fellow fatty

It's exaggeration but back in like 2015 VGBC was the first big stream to stop airing PM content. The community went on but it snowballed from there since it was claimed that tournaments would lose out sponsorship opportunities given PM's legal grey area.
Later on the PM dev team suddenly took down their site after teasing the next patch for months. They claimed a lawyer advised them not to continue on with the PM but nobody is sure on the specifics of why they had to abandon the project so quickly.
After the project officially stopped a few team members were revealed to have been working on making what is now that Icons game.

Has there even been ANY gameplay footage?

The art isn't that bad. The name is absolute 0/10 dogshit. Icons: Combat Arena doesn't sound good, has nothing to do with platform fighting games, and makes a shit tier acronym.

Are you the melee masters guy? Yeah most of them are shitty looking or generic. Sound effects are garbage.

Like I said, cute anime girls are the key.

>leffen is still rusty
Leffen and all fans of him are fucking losers who make up excuses. He wins a couple of tourneys when everyone was playing at their absolute worst. Then lucks out with visa problems so he doesn't get exposed. Gets visa back doesn't do shit because he's "rusty" gets gifted a tourney from mango, skips out on tourneys for bullshit reasons. Fans claim he's still rusty.

You're fucking delusional.

Leffen was unbanned almost a year ago. At this point it's clear he doesn't have the winning mentality or competitive drive that he did in 2015. He keeps skipping/giving up at tournaments despite bitching for months about how much he wanted to compete. He even tweeted about how nice it would be sit out on evo because "it seems like a cool party tournament".

He's also incredibly in denial since he johns away every loss to cheese/playing bad when he's clearly just worse in general.

>he' playing bad because he forgot how to play/be composed
is that better for you? or does stating the reason for why he is bad still make me a delusional leffenfag

fucking retard

>M2k plays bad because he forgot how to play/be composed
>mangos plays bad because he forgot how to play/be composed
>westballz plays bad because he forgot how to play/be composed
>ice plays bad because he forgot how to play/be composed
>plup plays bad because he forgot how to play/be composed

Is that better? Or does making an excuse for why they're bad make me a fucking retard.

What's this cheating everyone's talking about? I missed it.

Mr. Wizard doesn't care about rules.

Then why was there 35k tweets about mango?

Skill gap between Mango and Hbox is closing, but the gap between Armada and Hbox is widening. Everyone looked gassed at the end of it. Mango and M2K both tried being aggressive when Hbox was in the ledge, but only to limited success. Ledge camping is viable for a few more tourneys max. At least in Puff Fox.

Wow it looks like every other esports games on the market.

Making sure your aesthetic looks like a mobile game geared to suck money out of normies is guaranteed success.

too bored to watch stream

>Rules: No coaching.
>Hbox vs SFAT: Gets coached.