Pointless big map

Filling the map with 900 Korok seeds is the developers admiting that they aren't creative enough to fill the map with cool stuff.

Like how this thread isn't very creative in insulting the devs?

But koroks are cool

I knew Sup Forums would be assblasted about this game since it was announced but I never expected it to last this fucking long

These threads are so tired. Everyone knows the game sucks or can't be convinced otherwise, there's nothing left to discuss.


this. you either like it or don't. what's the point of convincing people to change their minds?

Nintenbros are still assblasted by The Witcher 3 after 2 years.

Why would they be? If anyone is assblasted about W3 its sonyfags, as it stole their precious GOTY away from muh bloodborne

The butthurt was fucking glorious

Sonyfags love W3 though, where have you been?