Girl joins the guild

>girl joins the guild

Other urls found in this thread:

>founder starts banging her
>"hey guys I'm thinking of a new structure for our guild"

>leave instantly and find a better one

is it that hard?

>You might as well /gquit now.
>Instead of going through the slow death of white knights killing progress and covering for her shitty mistakes.

>girl is an ugly boy who needs attention

>dog joins the guild

>Girl joins the guild, is a fantastic player and the most level-headed person in the guild


>god joins the guild

>Things that have literally never happened

I told you guys i was a dude...

Can't really prove it anonymously, but yeah she was a Monk. We're still friends today.

Why isn't there an mmo about dogs yet

Probably not the best player but for shure in the top 3 tanks of the clan

The girl isn't always the problem. What ALWAYS is the problem is the fact that shes a girl and other socially retarded nerds are LITERALLY incapable of getting past this or handling it. Either the faggot who won't leave her alone, white knights, or won't ever take orders or listen the girl. All things that seem to come awake in the presence of a girl

>find out a girl in my girl lived in my city
>Not a hambeast
>find out shes LDR'ing the guildmaster
>start hanging out IRL
>fucking her
>she uses female perks to get me whatever I want in the guild

shit was clutch for those 8 months

>girl joins guild
>everyone treats her like a dude
>she can't take the banter and leaves
Get better friends.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few guildies who didn't even know she was a woman. She never bothered talking to anyone besides the better raiders in the guild.

I miss the old days

Alternatively, I've had girls want to be my friend online because I treat them like a dude
>Playing Siege online
>Girl fucks up as Blitz when she's the last alive, we all saw it
>Her friends "You did your best, you'll do better next time, good try!"
>Tell her that she fucked up, but give her some tips on how to better play Blitz
>She friend requests me
Best girls online are the ones who don't want special attention for having a vagina


What year is this?

back to /biz/

>gm and heal lead come out to my state where most of the guild lives
>gm favors her and obviously was hoping to get some on this long road trip
>we meet and I secretly take her out to dinner one night while the gm is watching a League tournament
>we fuck
>she's come out many times since
>gm still thinks he's going to get some eventually
>he's still driven her out most of the time
>I don't even play WoW anymore
>told me the other day he was buying a ring for her

Is this what it feels like to cuck someone?

>girl is an cute boy who ends up riding your dick

>attention whoring tranny joins the guild

worse than a girl tbqh

here's what makes the story unbelievable. Ol girl was livin with her "boyfriend" who was paying for everything for her. But she maintained in the guild she was only dating the GM and then on the side I was taking her ass out bowin it out when her cuck of a BF was at work or away on National Guard weekends.

And yes it what it feels like and its the pinnacle mane

>Girl joins guild
>tears it apart

Even if she's levelheaded there's still the reaction of them men in the guild vying for her attention.

>1 tranny

>2 tranny

>3 tranny
>4 tranny
>I can't keep track of how many there are now

They're basically okay from what I experienced though, the first one I met hated tumblrinas, I think a few now are tumblrinas but they haven't expressed it in the offensive way I've dealt with elsewhere. My real snafu was with a white knight trying to use me as a villain to save my best friend (a grill) from. She wouldn't have any of it though and was defending my ass while I was merrily oblivious to everything.
While there are a lot of crazy bitches I think the betas and white knights deserve a hell of a lot more blame. And yeah what he said. Though holy shit did I meet one who was legit borderline personality disorder to a T. Fucking Harpy if I hear her voice in any discord or mumble or whatever ever again I am going to fucking run to timbuktu away from her.

As much as I'd like to shit on roleplayers and MMO players truth is this kind of courtly intrigue is found in offices and organizations in general.It's on a whole nother level with roleplayers and MMO players though.


The only female guild master/officers Ive had that were worth a damn were the ragin lesbians who none of the betas tried to flirt with

>a girl in my girl
it's like fucking pimp my ride all over again

Who are you quoting?

>guild rapes the girl

Ive got dicks for fingers and my typing is terrible sometimes.

>Girl joins the guild
>Challenge her into a duel
>Start thinking she is actually a guy because girls are never good


Honestly, I've seen extremely few girls that are actually good at the game and take it as seriously as many others.

I think it's kinda hard for them to get into it too, we all learned the hard way, when we fucked up we got kicked and cursed at. They never had this, and you NEED to get shit to become better. And so, most girls suck because the get cottonballed.

Calm down there daddy-o

>Don't treat the Girl like royalty because you realize exactly what she's trying to do
>She recognizes this and talks about you when you're logged out of the game/mumble/discord, acts really passive-aggressive, and tries to turn everyone in the guild against you

>join guild
>GM is a girl
>She's a tanker
>fairly decent
>accepts every single shitter that applies to join
>guild eventually full of awful players to the point where puging is easier
Fucking shit.

>Literally have zero interaction with girl in guild
>"Uhm hey [ADMIN]xZer0xSlayaX, user creeps me out. Plz ban."

This is actually true. I've seen guys act pretty chill before and then as soon as a girl enters the scene they go absolutely cringy and shitty. That's the price you pay when your hobby is full of nerds that have never held a 3D girl's hand I guess

fucking this

>girl joins the guild
>she's an average player
>is at least capable of doing mechanics
>is a pretty chill person that just likes playing the game
>gets hit on by every single male that is alerted of her sex
>can't do a group without some beta trying to white knight her over literally nothing

fuck my life

I actually called her out on it once and she told me she felt bad turning people down. Fucking grills man.

This is also the reason why militaries wont put females in combat roles, and Korean eaports teams wont allow girls because they are a distraction

>Can't really prove it anonymously
Pics or it didn't happen.

Kill yourself, unironically, no one gives a fuck that you're a dickhead that brags about fucking a female in a relationship on an online videogames forum you retard

>Finally find a guild full of working, married adults who take shit seriously
>Regularly get shit on because people are AFK constantly
>"Sorry, man. The kids wanted something to eat."
>"brb gotta go pick up my cousin"
>"My wife's 9 months along now so I probably won't be on as much..."
>Watch in pain as guild after guild dissolves

I swear to fuck I should start a VASECTOMIES ONLY group.

This is what brings down every /vg/. FUCKING ATTENTION WHORE TRANNIES.

Voteban on sight or your community is doomed.

>Girl joins the guild
>Ignore her gender and treat her the same way you would any other member, talking shit about mechanics and joking around.
>Inadvertently find common ground and get each other's obscure references.
>Get accused of hitting on her and get passive-aggressive shit from all the other members.

This is literally an unwinnable scenario guys.

Married couples are the fucking WORST.

>Dad is an OK player
>Mom is a HORRIBLE fucking player
>They always have to afk because of kids
>Dad will never do anything without Mom even though she wipes the fucking group every time
>Mom is always making awkward mom sex jokes

They died because they let interns pretend to be important instead of telling them to fuck off and do their job

Yeah I've been starting to experience this recently and just wondering if I should look for a neet guild.
I get plenty enough of listening normie shit at work and friends, don't need it in my grindfests, just want some distasteful banter, memes and autism over stats.

>Guild/clan/Free company/group is filled with offensive Sup Forumstard types
>Tranny joins
>They suddenly bend over backwards, treat the tranny really nice, and refer to them in all ways as a girl