EVO Day 2 Round up
What was the hypest so far?
Melee top 8 > GG Pools > KoF top 8 > Melee Pools > GG top 8 > Marvel Pools > IJ2 top 8 > SF5 Pools > Blazblue Pools
EVO Day 2 Round up
Melee fags need to fucking leave. This has to be their last EVO, this was such a poorly run shitfest of a tournament with literal fucking cheating.
>post yfw >Icons: Combat Arena
>fans are somehow responsible for the TOs job
Any late night streams today?
what cheating?
1. Alliance|Armada (Peach, Fox)
2. C9|Mango (Fox, Falco)
3. Liquid|Hungrybox (Jigglypuff)
4. FOX|Mew2King (Marth, Fox, Sheik)
5. Lucky (Fox)
5. PG|Plup (Sheik, Fox)
7. MSF|The Moon (Marth)
7. CLG|SFAT (Fox)
Name a more kino top 8. This is the pinnacle.
how was melee hype at all?
>all the usual suspects
>nothing interesting happened
>final game was a blow out
punk just go irl command grabbed
hbox got coaching past pools, which is against the rules and should've got him DQed.
Smash needs to be removed from EVO Blazblue is trash compared to GG and yet it gets a sunday spot.
EVO is officially over once Tekken ends. The rest of that day is garbage.
>Pretty Fun Tier: King of Fighters Top 8
Easily the best, since it had good matches and good character variety. Not to mention, Xiao Hai getting BTFO by a Daimon was the hypest shit ever.
>Acceptable Tier: Guilty Gear Top 8
Great character variety and a lack of the usual cancer made for a unique Top 8, but the amount of 3-0 sweeps detracted from the overall fun. At least Samitto provided some fun games.
>Almost Alright Tier: Injustice 2 Top 8
SonicFox losing and HoneyBee's run made for some good matches, but due to it ultimately being won by a ruthless spammer, it wound up being boring.
>Foregone Conclusion Tier: Melee Top 8
I literally don't know why people still watch this when only 4 people can ever win, and one of those four people can beat the other three 80% of the time.
>Overall: 7/10
I'm really hoping there's some upsets and clutch comebacks tomorrow; so far this is shaping up to be as boring as last year.
Blazblue's top 8 isn't even as diverse as GG's and it's full of top tiers except Bang. Really bad game to show on Sunday.
so did SFAT so it cancelled out :^)
any of you leftoever melee faggots want to netplay?
FM 5.66
>armada first
kill yourself swedcuck
GOML 2016. That was literally the last time Melee was great.
Which top are you looking forward to the most? Which one is shaping up to be the most fun to watch?
they wont remove it cause of the sweet nintendo casual viewership. melee needs to take a hike though.
Arksys is going to reveal something after BB right? I don't care if it's GG or BB related.
Tekken is the only one worth watching on Sunday.
>AnimEVO is over
I guess there's still the VODs, but it's not the same.
BB and Tekken.
I'll watch SFV just because but I'm not excited for it.
So they didn't announce shit for Xrd this time? Welp, I'll be waiting for TGS i guess.
>and a lack of the usual cancer
>Both Leo and Raven were there
marvel has been kind of loose this year cause nobody cares anymore, too bad its at 10 in the morning.
>no Sin
>no Zato-1
>no Elphelt
>not a Sol or Ky to be found
>both Leo and Raven got killed
I'll take what I can get
>figured all the melee autists would want to netplay after finals
>no one does
fucking 100% OJ anyone? EVO has been kinda disappointing so far, wish GG was Bo5 for more than GF
KoF was great
GG was okay
Didn't watch Injustice
and god damn people still watch melee
Why does the FGC hate us just because
>We only play one game and have no interest in playing others
>We stick to our own circlejerk and have no interest in interacting with the community as a whole. Though we'll gladly leech off your event
>Our game is stagnant, unbalanced, and knowledge from other games doesn't transfer over
>We are completely obnoxious and always yell the loudest, especially if we don't get our way
Et cetera. Oh, I know! I'll be annoying and go yell about how great melee is. That will show them!
A lot of people, still more than any fighting game excepting sfv.
>Usual cancer
>Any of these sans Sin
>Zato when only one guy in the world can use him well
>the only event left on saturday night
And? I only play games with a high skill ceiling, 0-frames input buffer, 200+ APM minimum, actual mind games; like the one and only Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube. None of that button mashing autocombo FGCuck crap.
Fuck off FGCuck
>only one person can use him
So did you just forget last year or what?
>1. Machaboo: Sin
>2. Omito: Johnny
>3. Rion: Ky
>4. Nakamura: Millia
>5. Kazunoko: Raven
>5. Ogawa: Zato-1
>7. TopGaren: Zato-1
>7. MarlinPie: Zato-1
When you can't tell if these posts are falseflags or genuine it's when it gets entertaining
Pretty sure this is a falseflag though, smashers don't know enough about street fighter to strawman it like that
>knowledge doesn't carry over
that's fucking retarded and you know it
Except none of that is strawman, those are literal facts about the SF mechanics. Are you denying that everyone has the same jump height and walk speed, knockback values, different stages are purely a cosmetic change, you automatically face your opponent, etc. Those are fucking facts, maybe you have never played an SF game yourself.
Melee has the highest APM and deepest engine of all fighting games, literally measured and confirmed. Stay mad.
Yeah I remember how both TopGaren and MarlinPie both got BTFO because they are shit compared to Ogawa.
Johnny, Leo, Raven, Jam, Jack-O, Faust, Chipp, Venom
Akuma, Dhalsim, Karin, Rashid, Cammy, Zangief, Guile, Chun-Li
Izanami, Nine, Carl, Jin, Azrael, Arakune, Rachel, Bang
THESE are what diverse top 8 looks like, not six fucking Foxes.
idk fgcucks don't how to do tricky dickies or huggies lmao i bet thier mom's don't even get them chicken tendenis after EVO
Zato is bottom tier in Rev 2.
Except every Fox plays so differently, it's practically a different character.
What's an option select?
That's for every game at top level though.
I play both
higher apm and muh deep engine =/= better
The Gamecube controller doesn't even have a select button retard, doesn't apply to melee.
Yeah, m2k's is so shit it even looks like a different player
>only 3 fox mains in top 8
ok guy
Oh, wow THREE players with the same character, doesn't prove that it's any diverse.
Thanks for proving you have never played it. youtube.com
That's retarded but I believe it
>Except every Fox plays so differently, it's practically a different character.
>Melee fags unironically believe this.
barfights on stupendous stream if anyone wants some drunken sfv action
>ONLY 1/3 is of the top 8 is the same character
wasn't last years sfv basically all nash chun and mika?
Watching Marvel BB and Tekken tomorrow. Fuck Smash and SFV.
A different character is maybe a stretch but it's true that Melee has the most expressive and complex engine of any game to the point where the same character can be played with a greater degree of variance than anything else in the genre.
Last year? Yes. This year? No.
Smash? Every year.
>the most expressive and complex engine of any game
>literal cheat controller
Huh? It was legal at EVO.
>unironically watching mainstage EVO
Three Nash two Chuns a Vega a Ken and a Mika.
who's excited for the inevitable abigail reveal tomorrow night? If he ends up playing like a grappler I hope he doesn't have full circles because I'm a scrub who can't do full circles quickly and accurately because I'm a scrub who's only other options are Birdie and Alex and Birdie is starting to get a little boring
Melee is comparable to chess. The meta is essentially solved at this point and dominated by a select elite group. Solved, but timeless.
Not memeing user, you don't realize how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Maybe you don't need to know. Melee is fucking insane and people have been unironically discussing how advanced prosthetics would affect the game because human hands simply cannot play it optimally
he's right about that much. It's also what makes the game more a knowledge test than a mind game test unlike "real" fighting games.
>yfw meleenigger tiers when it doesn't come back next year
>The dimeback didn't make top 8
I was really hoping for some Asuka Rep in top 8.
It's the same with Tekken to some extent too, but people act like it's different somehow.
>people have been unironically discussing how advanced prosthetics would affect the game because human hands simply cannot play it optimally
Seriously though, I would lose my shit laughing at the ass pain.
Tekken is a real fighting game for one.
they exist in melee, but how the fuck can you say spacing, zoning, mixups, pressure, reads, and conditioning don't apply?
I'm still looking for an webm in the Blazblue stream where Terumi did 3 Overdrive specials on Bullet and demolished her.
your post may as well be blank you know
And lose one of their largest bankrolls?
>complaining about melee having the same people every year when that just proves that it takes more skill than most other games
>He thinks smash is a real fighting game and gets mad when people point out it isn't
>haha guessies amirite
go back to /r/kappa
>Maybe you don't need to know. Melee is fucking insane and people have been unironically discussing how advanced prosthetics would affect the game because human hands simply cannot play it optimally
Holy shit bro
>expecting FGCucks to understand skill
Their only response to pic related is "n-nice b-bait bro" and instantly crumble whenever they try to make an actual argument
I don't think it matter what genre Melee is, which was the point of my post.
I know, it's insane. On some level I get how Sakurai became afraid of the behemoth he created and took the series in the complete opposite direction with the next games.
That shitposting tier image
the problem is that people think that sm4sh and melee are "basically the same" when all they have in common is a name and percentage instead of damage
Smash fags literally can't stop taking the bait
Smashfags are pathetic. Play a real fighting game already.
The irony is that if Melee was a chess game you'd have to ban the queen and the rooks because travelling vertically and horizontally full distance across the board is too strong and the queen is just too OP of a piece.
Yeah, I know, man. Just think of how much of a behemoth it would be if it could actually get a Sunday spot.
>get BTFO
>"chill bro it was just bait i was just pretending man :)"
not even a melee fag but which game are you gonna use to compare it? or are you just gonna green text meme him and hope that deflection works and no one asks you anything further?
That's hilarious considering you're forced to play smash with 90% of the game cut out for it to be """"""competitive""""""
So it would be pawns only or some stupid shit.
Smashfag here, don't worry; this evo inspired me to pick up Puyo Puyo Tetris
The reason this isn't true is due to the horrible balance issues.
Yes there are different movement and weight types; such as the floater characters that get to enjoy being air-combod to death. And the fast fallers who much harder to combo.
And yes different moves do have different KO powers. But the good characters all have ko moves that are easy to connect with so it's not much of an issue.
And yes there are different stages. Some of them allow infinite combos, KOs that can happen insanely early, or random shit flying everywhere which can be impossible to avoid, or a million other things that makes them unfit for competative play.
And the character imbalance. My god. When I play against players worst than mean I can't pick Marth, it would be completly unfair. There's only a handful of good characters at the top.
Queen and Rooks are characters. They don't ban characters, only stages and random items for balance purposes. Banning queen is like banning Fox.