What games let you fight with a scythe?

what games let you fight with a scythe?

meme scythe or actual war scythe?

Dork souls

Shovel Knight

meme scythe

I was feeling like playing an edgelord


What ever happened to that guy who was making a hack'n'slash where you play as an edgelord girl with a scythe?

Final Fantasy Type-0
Soul Calibur 3&4

This is a no dullahan zone. Please leave immediately.


Diablo 3 now

This game had some top tier level design and enemy design. It's a shame they threw that all away in the second half of the game.

Sequel never.

I think Postal 2 had a scythe?


Best girl

Xenoverse 2

Final Fantasy XI

Dark Knight's best weapon class were scythes.

That's not Papi.

Ninja Gaiden 2, NG Sigma 2, and NG3 Razor's edge (avoid the wii u version)



meh, it isn't fun in those games

when your character attacks its realistic and all, but it isn't satisfying at all

Dark souls enjoyment will never come from its weapons and fight system, it never feels good to hit enemies, its a different kind of combat than games based around comboing like Devil may cry or fighting games

goku blapk;s ki scythe isn't in the game yet, just his sword

Warriors Orochi 2 from the start

just searched images
it looks like utter memeshit

fucking liar

bloodborne, but its essentially a NG+ only weapon unless you avoid all the optional areas and rush the main quest right up until the second last boss on true end

Use the DLC Scythes in 3.


Darksiders 2.

best girl

.hack GU

still not the same because using the weaboo moves in that game for pve gets you killed fast

Bloodborne's Burial Blade.

Fake News
it goes Birb - Slime and then Shrek

if we aren't accounting secondaries

True best girl.

