Those small/useless features that you like

>You can walk while crouching

The game that did this best is MGS4

Running and swinging your sword simultaneously.

"Sell all button for getting rid of loot.

When you can see your character getting more damaged physically in fighting games

Mad Max did this but it was kinda lame because there was no way to get rid of it besides saving and reloading. If you played a while and got hit a bunch you'd get a busted lip, black eyes, busted nose etc.

>jumping is never necessary but you have a shitty little hop anyway

if you throw a boomerang you have to actively catch it

This. It's actually NOT useless, though. You can keep a low profile while moving more quickly than prone. It's literally one of the best ways to move around.

Game has a control combination that gives you an useless way to move like by handstanding.

Dedicated button for sheathing weapon

in what game is this a thing

Botw does, can't think of anymore though

What the fuck, what game CAN'T you walk while crouching? Not including 2d

Breath of the Wild

This. Especially in an RPG. Though I didn't buy the third mass effect for a number of reasons, I was fucking pissed I couldn't put away my weapon in ME3's demo.

>Big enemy/boss appears
>Short cutscene of enemy getting hyped/ready for battle
>Camera seamlessly transitions back to game play

>accidentally sell an item you wanted to keep
>can buy it back for the same price you sold it for

Don't Starve

Almost every early 3D platformers

>boss/enemy reacts to you using a non combat item

This so fucking much.

>if you did it while an enemy corpse was eploding in Zelda TP link also did the sheathing animation of defeating a boss

>they fly away when you get too close
>you can shoot them
>you gain nothing from it

> Gun slings
> Character puts the rifle in their off hand instead of just putting the weapon in their pocket or on their back
> Enemies can surrender and flee
> No insta death for enemies you've defeated.

>zeroing sights

>actually gives you lil' bit of exp on hardest difficulty

>your sword can cut grass, flowers, and other vegetation
>friendly npcs react to you swinging your weapon
>alternate dialog depending on your outfit

>another BOTW shill thread

>> Enemies can surrender and flee

>RUNNING while crouching


You can change the background color of the Menu/HUD

>you can reload while sprinting

>fps game
>it lest inspect and fiddle your gun
we ADD people really appreciate these things

I love arma letting me reload uselessly and KF2 for weapon fiddling animations

This is the only thing I miss from Twilight Princess. Maybe the sword skills too but damn it felt good to cut grass while running

Must've been the wind

tfw first time I threw a boomerang in botw I didn't catch it and it fell into the lake

>you can speed up the game

>Bosses have no intro cutscenes

>guns have two separate reload animations depending on whether or not you emptied the entire magazine
>bots attempt and respond to communications to formulate tactics on the go
>shooting/gibbing a particular part of the body causes a different reaction
>you can see your legs if you look down

>dedicated slow motion button

>Spam the slowmo button on and off
>Starts to fuck with the game's timings and things start to break

>Get Even
>Cole turns off/on the safety whenever you switch gun

>Secret of Monkey Island
>You can die by staying underwater for ten minutes

>Far Cry 4
>Get the best ending by just staying put at the beginning

>Final Fantasy X
>Different injured poses depending on how much hp they have left

>good controls are useless

Some don't like this because you don't get the idea of a solid satisfying swing if it's just arms only and you're willing about.

>prices of items and how much you can sell them for depends on your reputation in the area
>enemies can become scared of you
>AI notices when you kill other people/notices if people are missing
Wish more stealth games had creative AI