Why, despite being released 5 years later, did Skyrim lack a certain "je ne sais quoi" in comparison to Oblivion?

Why, despite being released 5 years later, did Skyrim lack a certain "je ne sais quoi" in comparison to Oblivion?

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I felt it was trying to take itself too seriously. Oblivion had a sort of campy charm. Especially with the quest writing, and many of the characters.

Skyrim was a bit too monotone in appearance and gameplay for it to hold me as long as Oblivion did.

its really all about the coloration, oblivion's coloration is very vivid and colorful but skyrim is so fucking grey. makes oblivion feel a lot more magical

This isnt an amercan image board you stinking quarter pounder

because oblivion came out first and you played it first

trust me, all the elder scrolls games are bad if you peel back the rose-tinted glasses

How do you peel off glasses?

metaphorically, of course

Anyone who prefers Oblivion out of the 3 TES games using the same formula is a confirmed retard.

Have a sweaty fat fucking face

I agree. Skyrim lacked a lot of "wow" moments. Not a single NPC was as memorable as the guy who asks you if necrophilia is legal in Cyrodiil.

How do I hit stuff in Morrowind? I keep dying to these rats I'm supposed to kill in Balmora.


Oblivion also had more diversity in terms of areas.
You had places in the north which were covered in snow, vast fields in the west, swamps in the south, etc. Skyrim was just variations on a similar theme that being "its cold and snowy because its up north", while Oblivion had a bunch of different types of areas.

I don't hate Skyrim, but Oblivion felt like more of an adventure.

Oblivion was unplayable fuck any game where you get weaker the more you level up

Get them slapped off your face when Todd announces paid mods.

You train your weapon skill.
Also, drink fatigue restoring shit, chances are reliant on it, besides agility and luck.

it's been downhill since morrowind

the saga has lost all it's charm and wonder

Quests went from "do interesting non-combat things" to "clear dungeon full of baddies"

Simple as that, really.

Uniroincally I think oblivion is better looking than skyrim by a country mile

vanilla skyrim > vanilla oblivion
Letting modders do all the work to make a game actually functional is just wrong.

Do you like lying on Sup Forums? I imagine it gets tiring after a while

This was the exact problem with Fallout 4, as well.

skyrim was focus tested to fuck and back
most of its aspects are genuinely an improvement over oblivion, but it's sterile

oblivion's charm came from being a hacked together mess with hideous npcs that would occasionally become self aware and start riots because they're in such a shit game and desire sweet release


oblivion has the most boring world of any elder scrolls (generic tolkien rip off/the same english field copy-pasted but this time it's yellow), the worst dungeons (scaled loot with chests placements that make zero sense), and the worst design decisions in the series (broken level scaling, broken quest rewards)

>Oblivion's charm is it being bad

Oblivion had good quests, Skyrim didn't
That's it
Oh and I guess you could mod out most of the shitty bits of Oblivion

shouldn't be that difficult to comprehend

it's like a bad movie, or a microwave burrito
you know it's garbage but sometimes you crave the garbage experience

>broken games are acceptable as long as they're occasionally amusing


Talk about the shit you want about Oblivion's zoom-in, frozen time, dialogue, but it was much more dramatic and enticing than Skyrim's cold hearted, uninvolved dialogue system.

Here's a five hour video on why Oblivion is bad.

>ignoring objective improvements to the game world because muh nostalgia

oblivion fans in a nutshell

Quit lying.

It is ok to not like a thing.
Why do people feel compelled to produce these to explain that they don't like a thing?
Are they trying to convince others they are not actually enjoying a thing?

Because of casuals.

Casuals are too dumb to care about good writing, interesting quests and in-depth freedom.

They want a shallow paddling pool to play in full of harmless toys that can't hurt them.

It's an in depth look at the problems of Oblivion not a "WOW THIS GAME SURE IS BAD GUYS", he gives credit where it's due but doesn't shy away from the fact that it was a massive step down from Morrowind in most meaningful areas.

At no point in the video does he call it a bad game as a matter of fact.

I kinda just think that instead of skyrim remastered 2x10:the returnaning: boogaloo ++ Edition, a remastered oblivion would have been nice. Skyrim is a more stable game, and it's definitely more playable than Oblivion, but God of its sterile. The colors are dull, very few of the NPCs got my attention and the environment lacked something that oblivion had. Oblivion had me enthralled by a desire to just get lost in world. Skyrim, lacks it and I feel little pull to start it up.

>Skyrim lacked a lot of "wow" moments
Walking out of the sewers in Oblivion is up there with my best vidya memories and I don't know why, I went back and it's nothing special.

>in depth freedom

choose one and only one

i like to hear people's arguments on a thing. it can help to nuance my own opinion of a thing

I want to cum inside that dog

Are you implying Skyrim had more in-depth freedom than Oblivion? Because if not, my point still stands.

>in depth freedom

define what you mean, I assume you mean freedom in the game world and that's one of the many things skyrim improved upon immensely

I want to cum inside you

Skyrim also has some diversity in areas. There are swamps around Morthal and hot springs and comfy forests near Riften. The area to the west is less snow more mountains and the north is completely covered in snow.

I still think Oblivion did it better though and I miss the golden coast.

Skyrim's areas were way better than Oblivion's.


nigga I never finished oblivion but I've got several hundred hours in skyrim and that's basically the only good area it's got

>Oblivion also had more diversity in terms of areas

straight up false

compare riften's autumn forests to whiteruns plains, then compare those to the hot springs or swamps in morthal

oblivion is the same flat landscape with no points of interest throughout the entire gameworld, just some different tree textures and a change of color in the grass

This is literally all there is to it. Oblivion was mechanically shit, but everybody has fond memories of being immersed in it and having memorable experiences, because the game was just fucking full of memorable experiences.

>that inn on a boat that gets taken over by pirates while you were asleep
>that quest where you go into the painted world
>the gang of female bandits who would lure men outside of town and rob them
>the whole fiasco of becoming/being a vampire
>the ENTIRE QUESTLINES of the thieve's guild, the dark brotherhood, the mage's guild, and the arena
>the haunted house you can buy in Anvil
>the daedric god shrines

Just a few examples from the top of my head. All outside of the main questline.

Now I dare you to name any memorable moments from skyrim without using google.

Name one (1) area from Oblivion as good as Blackreach.

>but everybody has fond memories of being immersed in it and having memorable experiences

everyone who played it in middle school, yeah, if you were over the age of 18 (and played morrowind) when oblivion came out anyone with half a brain could immediately tell it was shit

On a one to one basis maybe but like others said, it's all fucking gray and white. Blackreach was pretty much the only area in vanilla that had some sort of color. With the DLCs it gets expanded with Soulcairn and Apocrypha but it's not enough since you only visit them a few times at most and then you're back to the same old grey shit. Oh wait, there was sovngarde too I suppose but it has the same problem, you only visit it literally once.


Shivering Isles shits on Blackreach.



baguette du fromage

Mancar Camoran's Paradise

Was shit.

>it's all fucking gray and white
Fuck off moaning cunt.
Falkreath = Lush green forest
The Reach = Moorland
Riften = Autumnal
Morthal = Swampy
Near Kynesgrove = Volcanic

Oblivion can't even touch it

Worse is that the main thrust of the game, the main quest and the Oblivion gates were shit and a huge chore.

lol and he's comparing it to oblivion too

I don't even think that game has rivers in vanilla, such a disappointment world-wise

elder scrolls is one of the only series where the more you go back, the more features are added

They try to be colorful but the lightning and overall tone makes them pretty grey. Also, Morthal and the Reach are literally all grey no matter how you look at it you "moaning cunt".

What the fuck are you even talking about, literally take a glance at the map you idiot.

That's honestly what you are like fucking child

actual running water? nope.


That's a funny was of spelling nostalgia, but sure.

Those rocks are super grey.

vanilla skyrim definitely has a bunch of white fog and a ton of desaturation filters
not sure how this is being denied

Calm down you fucking triggered manchild.

That wasn't the initial claim, don't move goalposts.

It's grey.

Morrowind is better than both.

What color do you suppose they should be, point is that is a gorgeous vista and far better than anything in Oblivion.

>oblivionfags have so little arguments they have to complain about the color of rocks

you know your game is a mess when

all of oblivion water is static and the same regardless of being a """river""" or a sea, skyrim had running streams and actual physics involved with it's currents

Correct but you/he said that there are no rivers period which is incorrect. You're just twisting the argument into something else now.

Skyrim was and always has been a mountainous region, what do you expect them to do? Paint the rocks green or maybe make the snow purple?

> Minotaur grove guarding the only unicorn in game.
> Two draugr guarding a nordic steel sword.
next argument

No, I want them to change the filters to make it look more like your screenshot in certain areas. Vanilla oldrim simply looks grey as hell no matter where you go. That's what I meant when I said those places try to look colorful but can't.

It helps that Oblivion had better quests, more skills, more builds, classes, Major / Minor skills/ etc and SPELL MAKING

Skyrim is very bland in the magic department, and the questing is atrocious

>rivers look and act the same as any body of water
>b-but it's different!

Nigger, just pulled Oxford definition. You need flow for it to be a River. Otherwise it's just a really long lake or pond or even sea.

it's almost like you enjoy getting BTFO

Skyrim mistake was being too serious

You can't really value major/minor skills or classes due to how inherently broken Oblivion's leveling and scaling was. You picked your skills for things you never wanted to use rather than things you wanted to be good at or else the game fucked itself.

every unmarked location in oblivion btw

What are some dope Weapons in Oblivion that I should get? Going Death Knight build

Minotaur Grove isn't unmarked, and it's quest related.

You literally get weaker the more you level up in comparison to the enemies that scale with you.

Armor crafting, werewolf, vampire lord, all say hi

You know it's rivers, everyone knows it's rivers but you will argue with your oxford dictionaries in hand just because. Sure, they dropped the ball on the water physics but don't pretend they made an entire landmass with no rivers in it.

The guild quests in Skyrim were fucking ass. The thieves guild is probably one of the worst things I have ever seen.

Infiltrating Irkngthand, seeing the huge snow elf bust then getting the eyes of the falmer? c'mon man you can do better than that

They're rivers just like Gone Home is a Video Game.

Whoa now, lets not go defending the awful Thieves Guild and such in Skyrim. It's a better game overall but that Thieves' Guild is pic related the entire time.

So I think we can all agree on Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion?

Shadowrend aka one of the strongest two handers in the game that also somewhat fits with your theme.

Both werewolf and VL are underpowered, lacklustre and annoying to use. You can't even loot when transformed.

Skyrim doesn't have hand-to-hand combat at all, lumps all the melee weapons together into 2 skill trees has shit magic and half of what you supposedly can use is useless (look at illusion). No spellmaking + vanilla spells make magic shit, items don't even modify damage, just magicka costs.

Skyrim has shit quests compared to Oblivion, nobody can even argue about this one. Skyrim's guilds are straight up garbage, main quest is retarded and goes against the entire game design (think about how it makes you rush from one spot to another because you need to stop Alduin from resurrecting more dragons ASAP). Dawnguard looks better at first glance but is equally retarded (you're a vampire hunter but you're just going to lead this super mysterious vampire chick who has a motherfucking elder scroll straight to the vampire castle and just fuck off back to Isran who somehow doesn't decapitate you on the spot). At least Dragonborn is miraakulously good.

Epic for the win

Shut the fuck up, user. You are literally just another cancer tard joining the bandwagon of guys who shit on any game for anything.

As much as everyone shit on Skyrim back in 2011 it was more playable on launch than Oblivion