What's your beef with the Uncharted series Sup Forums?

What's your beef with the Uncharted series Sup Forums?

Just completed pic related from the HD collection and had a blast. Starting the second game right now.

Don't really have a beef per see, but they're movies more than games. There's repetitive platforming and cover shooting that only serves to bring you to the next cutscene, full of smug and quippy dialogue right out of an 80s sitcom. Characters survive everything short of an RPG to the face. There is absolutely no sense of danger for any important character. At one point you destroy about 79 vehicles that are chasing you, it feels more space invaders than adventure. And the same plot is repeated in every single installment

I don't, I enjoy them, but I don't think any of them are above a 7/10

and let's not forget british terminator

It's easy to misunderstand criticism when people paid $60 for a slightly worse looking version of just one of the games in a pack you paid

i like em, i dont love em, but i like them

You're in for the best game in the franchise. But you're also in for realizing why people have beef with it.
Because the longer it went on, the more redundant it got. The other user is right with everything he said actually.
The games become 7hrs long action movies. But action movies work best in 90min, and you're gonna feel that sooner or later.
Doesn't help that by the time you reach 4, you're just waiting for the next shootout to happen, because the climbing sections are done with hand

Sup Forums desnt like Sony games

I enjoyed Uncharted 2 but theres no way I'd pay more than 15 bucks for this kind of game, it came free with the Playstation along with Battlefield BC 2 (Literally the best PS3 game I owned till the end).

well I played on hard for my first playthrough and thought it was pretty challenging.

shotguns, desert eagle, sniper, grenades, RPGs are all One Shot Kills, and the zombie Spaniards could kill you in 1.5 hits

there was plenty of gameplay for this not to be classed as a movie. there is one cutscene every chapter, with 22 chapters total.

I wasn't necessarily talking about the gameplay survival but the plot survival. At one point in 2, Elena is driving a truck you're on top of and you eat an RPG straight to the cabin and THEN you roll off a huge cliff. 2 seconds later you're both fine, climbing onto the road. I mean I know they're going for the Indiana Jones thing but even those movies had some sort of bullshit excuse for why Indy survived, these games don't. At most you have Drake rolling his eyes and making a self-referential joke about being "tired of this shit"

enjoy, second game is the best

I think the fourth game is the best. The combat is so good

I played a bit of the first on PS3 and I didn't really enjoy all the shooting segments so I stopped. Then I got a PS4 which came with 4 and I gave it a whirl. I liked it enough to finish it. I'll probably get around to playing the others on PS4 eventually.

Yes I always surf down on mountains on a boat like in the movies which are not real

well okay that is a different argument, but this literally applies to any game you can think of too:

Tomb Raider
Gear of War

You name a game and it'll have a bullshit part where protagonist should die but saved. It's not like Uncharted is going for realism vibe, so not sure why this is such a big negative for you.

Why have a game that introduces "danger" to the characters when there is absolutely never any danger and the player learns that by the middle of the first one? What's the point? That's a big negative for heavily story drive games, unlike straight shooters and the like

You die all the time in gameplay, it just restarts you. Nobody expects the main character to die in a cutscene halfway through the story in any game

Sup Forums gets scared when a game has a story rather than embracing it. It's autism essentially

It's popular

4 has surprisingly only very little shooting sections, it's longer than the other games but has also less action in it (not only compared for his playing time, less shooting in general). It's way more exploration.

>Just completed pic related from the HD collection and had a blast
jesus, you gonna love the next two games cause honestly Uncharted 1 felt too weird and clunky for me

People on Sup Forums call it a movie so I must also call it a movie.

Only the second one is good, that's why. The other ones have horrible flaws.

Drake is a psychopath who has murdered hundreds of people in cold blood but is still le quip protagonist.

>Just completed pic related from the HD collection
what a faggot

>try playing the first one
>it's a fucking generic tps with regenerating health, best moments by far are the climbing sections
>same for the 2nd and 3rd games

If they didn't have heath regeneration they'd be much more enjoyable, overall I don't understand what people see in the games, they are boring as fuck. I enjoyed TLOU much more.