We will never get pixar level graph

we will never get pixar level graph.......

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They should have a part where there's video games on the room and some are Kingdom Hearts games, while others are Disney based titles like Ducktales, so they break the fourth wall with this and if it's not enough, Wreck It Ralph is there to make references to Final Fantasy and other SE titles.

only took them 21 years too


i dont understand why people are so impressed with this.theres been plenty of games that looked better than toy story.
hell, even that ratchet and clank reboot looked better.

if disney actually gave their licenses to competent developers, we probably would have seen graphics like this years ago.

Only possible on the PS4.

Well, only because it will look even better on Xbox One X.

What I'd really like is Pixar level animation


Please stab yourself in the neck, you giganourmous reddit normalfaggot.

looks like shit

Fuck you, this is a great idea, maybe even greater than most of KH's usual shit in the story.

>Only possible on the PC it was designed on*

Ftfy, expect numerous downgrades before its release, please understand

>no raytracing
>jaggies because the game uses FXAA
haven't reached pixar graphics yet


Sorry but there are literally no games that can render Toy Story-level graphics in real time.

>4th wall breaks are now reddit
Next you're gonna tell me the straightman and easter eggs are too

As good as this trailer looks it's still a bit off from Toy Story, most notably in the scene's lighting and rendering resolution.
Even the most powerful consumer PCs can't run something on the level of Toy Story 1 in real time yet, so it'll be at least 1 or 2 more console generations before we get there.

>Even the most powerful consumer PCs can't run something on the level of Toy Story 1 in real time yet
>most powerful consumer PC
>for this am i missing something?


So will this be the first KH game finally given the budget it deserves? Seems like Disney is going all out with this game.

Please go back

He's right. Toy Story 1 models have a higher poly count. Sid's hair in that screenshot is rendered hair by hair.

Same with monster's inc, Sully had millions of rendered hairs which is why he is the only monster with fur in the movie.

And yet, overall that still looks like garbage compared to current stuff. If you added the most advanced lighting in the world to Super Mario 64 it wouldn't suddenly be the best looking game ever.

it's not only about how it looks, but the technical ability behind that.
The PCs and consoles of today could dream of rendering anywhere near as many polys as seen in pixar's earliest films.
There's just way too many that even rendering would be a problem, not to mention lighting, textures animation, etc.

If you want Pixar level graphics you'll need to wait a few more decades.

>And yet, overall that still looks like garbage compared to current stuff

No shit, but it can't be rendered in real time.

>If you added the most advanced lighting in the world to Super Mario 64 it wouldn't suddenly be the best looking game ever.

Now you're comparing a CGI movie to a low poly N64 game.

>woody just punches
>doesn't use his pullstring like the snes game


I want to see this

My toaster could run this in real time.

>tfw Toy Story 4's story is about Woody going out to find Bo Peep

What PS2 game is this?

>flat lighting
Try again next year sweetie

>grainy AO

>tfw SE finally accepted what a piece of shit engine Luminous was after XV

These past years they got btfo out by many other AAA devs in terms of graphics and gameplay.

Still not pixar level. It looks good but not that good. The cutscene still looks very gamey. Especially since FXAA is in use.

Pretty much every KH game has been a big budget title.

Mario 64 renders low poly in real time through its engine. Even if you were to add lighting and FXAA, itd just look like a game with smooth edges and lighting. Movies like Toy Story dont render in real time. They did everything by hand and then pre-rendered it. Every character and its features hae a high polycount from expressions to fucking hair. You cant do that in-game.