>PS2 was said to be able to get Toy Story level graphics in real-time
>Modern hardware still can't do it
PS2 was said to be able to get Toy Story level graphics in real-time
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>"PS2 was said to be able to get Toy Story level graphics in real-time"
Said by whom?
I bet Sony.
it's almost like rendering a single frame of a disney or pixar movie takes hours on hundreds of machines working together, who would have thought
it was a popular sony slogan back in the day
I'm surprised they didn't get sued for false advertising, but sadly the average casual is a retard.
This is not true at all. All that was ever said was that that gen was approaching Toy Story quality but wasn't quite there yet.
I've never heard anything about this Toy Story issue, but computers were so much weaker in the 90s that it would be weird if 2017 hardware couldn't easily accomplish anything that was doable in 1995.
It looks fine to me.
>rendering in real time vs. multiple hours per frame
idk what rendering in real time means LOL
it means you're a retard, or underage
Game models are never going to reach the level of detail that animated film models have. Fortunately diminishing returns is a thing, outside of cutscenes you're never going to be that close to Woody's face so you'll never see those jaggies. Give it another decade or so and jaggies will be a rare sight on home consoles, all that leaves pre-rendered videos with is ray tracing.
>mfw the left is significantly better than the right
>no soft shadows on the right
>ambient occlusion
>total lack of light scattering on surfaces
>limited color palette
dumb sonybro
Not even oldfags can name every board personified. Prove me right.
PC master race, user. But I call it as I see it. Toy Story doesn't really hold up well on the tech side, but the story, voice acting, and animations make up for it.
Nigga, I've been here since 2004 and that board personification shit is some post '07 O'Reilley newfag shit. It was the summer that never ended.
>modern hardware
In 2013 the PS4/Xbone were running tech that was outdated by PC standards at the time.
Even the PS4 Pro/Xbone X are outdated.
Modern hardware can easily get Toy Story graphics. Consoles are just not modern hardware.
Plus, you have to realize that there is more going on in a game then in an animated movie.
most of those technologies didn't exist when Toy Story was made
You can render that on a commodore 64, it'd just take half a decade
>Said by whom?
Some tv news channel reporter. People think it was sony that put it out there though.
>most of those technologies didn't exist when Toy Story was made
And they're all resource hogs to implement, but they've become standard. The original Toy Story isn't a hard point to hit, but if the graphics were duplicated for a game today people would complain.
>Sony lied about their hardware's power
wow what a surprise also vita will have home console level graphics right bros?!
>right is rendered by a RENDERING FARM in a GIANT WAREHOUSE funded by the richest media super international conglomerate of all time using TOP OF THE LINE CPU's all working together for DAYS at a time just to render that 1 frame
>left is rendered by a $240 toy machine that weighs 4 LB and can fit neatly in any TV cabinet
>for DAYS at a time just to render that 1 frame
i don't think you realize how many frames we're talking about here
>110 – Staff members who worked on the film, including 27 animators. That number also grew considerably over the years. 114,240 – Frames of animation in the final film, requiring 800,000 machine hours to render at 2‑15 hours per frame.
It's almost as if any question can be quickly answered with a quick Google search....
>According to the June 2010 issue of Wired, it takes, on average,7 hrsto render a frame in the movie Toy Story 3. It explains that some frames can take up to39 hrsto render on their server farm (which has hundreds of servers working 24/7).
While is hyperbolic, the fact that a cheap piece of easily acquired hardware can do more in a fraction of a second than massive rendering farms could do in hours is impressive as fuck. Even if the PS4 is shit compared to modern hardware technology is fucking crazytown today.
As usual, just going to remind you dolts that the computers render multiple frames in parallel, so "only 1 frame per x!" is a retarded statement.
except it isn't doing more
Who are you quoting?
>/hr/ is a giantess
>Not a single source
Are nintenbros really this weak?
Shoo, Shoo little Nintenbros!
These filters are ruining my shitposting
yeah i can't believe some retards think that pixar rendered this with a single computer, fucking idiots
i'm one of the people you quoted and the only nintendo console i own is a 3ds
were you even alive back in PS2 era?
>PS2 can render Toy-story graphics!
was fucking everywhere
woe on us
same japan voice actor
>the computers render multiple frames in parallel
While this is true of modern production, in 1995 this wasn't the case. Typically, the production qued up a series of frame to be rendered in series. There's actually an interesting anecdote about the production of Toy Story 2 involving this issue.
Isn't that /d/?
Sony lies every fucking day. It's terrible that no one sues them for it
>Making a Thread for an ear.
>still no source
>I-I'm not biased at all Sup Forums!!!!!!!!
>2 gens later still can't
>somehow has worse graphics then the 3DS, is beat to console level graphics on handheld later by the nintendo switch
>isn't even better then older modded pc games from years ago
Why do people keep eating up Sony's gay-raphics shit?
Heard about 60fps?
You can stop making the same thread every few hours
Have nintenshills?
Why do you care so much?
okay, that just proves my point that you were not even alive when PS2 came out
>games will never look this good
Infact F zero on the SNES had 60fps
Btw I don't own any consoles
>the new /m/-tan design
Awesome. Glad to see he's finally made it.
I remember back when xbox first came out they were interviewing some guy who worked on madden and they asked him how long before you could look at 2 tvs and not tell the difference between a real football game and a video game. He said 3 years.
I'll take these threads over the cancerous "brown bricks" and Oney threads.
In retrospective it's just a beta and it will get better. But, in my opinion ps4 woody is way better than the 1995 animated movie. You can call me a sony fag, but it's the truth.
or maybe tech illiterate just like a significant portion of the population
no because /d/ is next to /diy/ in the upper right
>testosterone so low he can't even perk up the energy to get me source after being BTFO'd this hard
I've been experiencing next gen since before your mother was WAHOOOOO-ing over koopa shells Nintlet.
I'd rather not have nay of them. They just turn into the same shit anyway, graphics threads are always some of the most braindead on Sup Forums
Stop with your shitposting bait already. Lighting will never be as good, overall it looks way better than TS1 though. TS1 looks like ass nowadays aside from ome toys
All public traded companies lie, especially in the tech industry.
The problem is that Toy Story looks pretty bad. Most later Playstation 2 games looked better than Toy Story, but it's a difficult comparison to make.
>2 gens later still can't
Well, graphically they COULD, but really no one would want to. Toy Story looks pretty dated today.
They were pretty close to PS2 graphics and on par with the Wii. Not exactly PS3 graphics, but pretty fucking cool for the time.
>somehow has worse graphics then the 3DS, is beat to console level graphics on handheld later by the nintendo switch
They each had their strengths. The 3DS was cool, but really help back by the weird 3D effect.
I suppose this could be true if you speak "marketing." The PS4 Pro does have better graphics than the average gaming PC, but that's a pretty low bar to hit.
>isn't even better then older modded pc games from years ago
The enthusiast market really skews things sometimes. I'm still surprised how much better fucking Crysis looks than most modern games.
>All public traded companies lie, especially in the tech industry.
That makes it ok?
except i own a PS4 and a Vita, chucklefuck, and nothing Nintendo aside from 3DS
>so buttblasted about a lie from fifteen years ago that you go into falseflag mode
Scenes from Toy Story took literally days to render back then. If you wanted real-time Toy Story quality on the PS2, the frames per second would have to be measured in frames per hour instead.
>one day this will cross the line where kids won't be able to enjoy it anymore
>generations of children won't experience the joy of Toy Story
Are we already there Sup Forums?
It just shows that you care too much about a company. Why don't you make a thread about it
I'm more concerned by the lighting, the one on the right looks like a plastic kids toy, the one on the left looks like a fetish fuck doll
newfag here at 7 years cant name a single one
>its literally ok when sony does it
no, but singling out sony is just being deliberately confrontational
Graphics whores are a blight on the industry. 1998 was one of the best years in gaming and few if any of those games were attempting to push the graphical envelope.
This really did look amazing back in the day. I remember being 11 and being wowed by the cutscenes in FF7 thinking how amazing it would be if games ever reached that level of graphics.
We have to start somewhere.
Wait, now console war is Sony versus Nintendo ?
I fully expect it to get an HD remaster at some point in the future.
Historical revisionism
See what i mean
>even /trash/'s mascot is in there
>That makes it ok?
No, but it provides important context. Public companies depend on the faith of their shareholders so it's really important to generate hype and keep your shareholders happy. Most shareholders don't really understand (or even want to understand) the technology, so they need simple concepts, summed up in one sentence, that they can remember an repeat to their friends. "Hey remember that really popular CGI movie you've heard of? Well we can make games look like that now!" is more digestible than talking about ram and processing power.
I know E3 seems like it's geared toward old school nerds and video game enthusiasts, but it's just a marketing conference.
Moot here makes me happy
>>PS2 was said to be able to get Toy Story level graphics in real-time
Nope. It was the Xbox.
That's a statement better used in actually finding a way to start hassling all companies for it.
But you're not intending to stop it, you're just console warring. If you actually cared, you wouldn't be here pissing in the wind.
Why does woody look like such a little faggot now
>I won a PS4 and a vita
Overcompensating Nintenshill
>still cannot source me this """""lie"""""
Just accept it's time to save up and ask mummy to let you experience the real way to play games little buddy
>being 11
>wowed by the cutscenes in FF7
Me too, user...me too...
Nah, just old enough to remember it. Most of the classics were just sprite based and were using artstyle to stand out rather than trying to force 3d crap. Legend of Mana is timeless for example and honestly looks better than 99% of stuff released today.
Artstyle trumps the fuck out of technical graphics.
>>somehow has worse graphics then the 3DS, is beat to console level graphics on handheld later by the nintendo switch
>They each had their strengths. The 3DS was cool, but really help back by the weird 3D effect.
The 3ds outsold even the ps4.
Its literally the best recent console to date. You'd have to be pretty delusional to think the 3DS was beat in any regards by the vita.
To be fair, everybody watched TS at 480p TVs that time and PS2 graphics were very impressive so I can understand people thinking that back in the day.
I watch it today and I think it looks like absolute ass, given I hadn't watched it in a few years and all of my memories of it were that it looked like a million bucks.
Source me up on that, sempai. Cause I already know that Toy Story 1 was rendered in parallel with an average of 4 hours per frame and took 20 months to render. Basic fucking math tells you that must have been done in parallel - and quick, unchecked math suggests about 30 frames in parallel at a time.
here, a source you'll enjoy a lot, son of a whore
The 3DS IS popular, but its graphical ability is held back by the 3D effect. Essentially, it's forced to render everything twice to create the effect. It's a really cool piece of hardware, but it has its issue. The Vita is just a more powerful evolution of the PSP. They both have their strengths an weaknesses though.
People should be banned for repeating this meme.
No shit games can't do lighting thats preicisely as advanced as Toy Story, it, like all prerendered shit, uses raytracing.
That doesn't mean games don't look nicer overall. There are plenty of realtime lighting techniques that look close to as good as older raytracing these days, and in general games have looked better then Toy Story 1 for almost half a decade now, if not longer.
Look up some graphics of Smash 4, KIU, or Mario Kart on the 3DS.
Then turn on your PS Vita (after you've whipped all that dust and your cumstains off of course) and look at some games.
If you honestly think the vita looks better you have brain damage.
Okay, I did that user's work for him.
>it will be able to produce images with the quality of Disney/Pixar's Toy Story
>The quality of the resulting screen image is comparable to movie-quality 3D graphics in real time.
I'm ashamed to admit that I don't actually have a verifiable source for that. I vaguely remember it from a television special back in the early 2000's.
This is similar to what I remember, but this isn't it, and unsurprisingly it makes no reference to the actual rendering. It is entirely possible that I'm wrong.
you sure about that, user?
on top of that, you listed games that don't have a whole lot to render on the screen and look pretty simple, even for 3DS
It's all there in plain text kid, I'm surprised your big brother let you into his room to take that pic and that your Dad agreed to write a note for his little man like that.