Tfw all your friends that used to play vidya with you are now married and have careers whilst you still shitpost on Sup...

>tfw all your friends that used to play vidya with you are now married and have careers whilst you still shitpost on Sup Forums

>tfw all your friends that used to play vidya with you are now playing with other people and never ask you to join

>implying I ever had friends in the first place

My friend is married, but likr me he's stuck working jobs he hates. We both have pretty worthless degrees.

>men around my age at work who are married are miserable most of the time
>unmarried men are much happier

I'll pass on that ball and chain and so should you.

on the other hand you can be smug when their career ends or divorce fucks them up for two decades

there's no point to marriage anymore. if there ever was.

>tfw you and your friends are all working and/or have families but still manage to play pretty often
Also, you should pity your friends who get married and have children at an early age.

>implying im over 18 yo

found your problem OP

>tfw all your friends that play vidya play overwatch/cs go/pubg and the only reason you come to this tepid cesspool of a website so you can find people to play risk of rain, ace of spades, and halo with


>had a best friend I used to play WoW with
>One day he gets gf and stops playing WoW
>We still cool tho
>few years later he owns a Mercedes, bought tits for his gf,
>Tells me his dad's gf got him a very good transportation job
>Fast foward to a few years ago
>He got arrested, and while out on bond we played WoW again for that one last time
>He's in prison now serving 25 years for drug trafficking, along with his father in law, and his wife. All 3 of them are serving massive sentences for that shit.
>I have no one to play WoW with now

It sucks being black.

See you later, Space Cowboy.

>log on WoW
>open friendlist
>Not a single person online
>scroll through the names
>the memories

new parents are the worst. they actually think their kids want to spend every waking second with them.

His gfs dad***

I ran into a guy I went to school with some months ago at a local supermarket. It was absolute horror, especially when I saw a girl next to him pushing a baby buggy

>actually have fun shitposting while they fell for the marriage meme

honestly if you always think about how happy other people are rethink your whole life mate.

>all their wives are more than likely cheating on them and will soon leave taking half their shit
>you'll still have everything you own and not have had to deal with any of that

Sound like you came out on top.


>friend from elementary school moves away for a few years
>comes back
>obese chinese troll of a wife and an ugly hapa kid to boot

N-not like I needed them anyhow...

Fuck off back to /r9k/ degenerate cross poster
This board is for VIDEO GAMES

the main reason why you get married is to not die alone in your apartment and have the government check up on your rotted body 7 years later.

How does it feel user? You get to play videogames all day. All by yourself. No wife, career, kids, or friends to hold you back now.

How does it feel?

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>join a newly formed server/group
>playing all the vidya we have in common
>time goes by
>new people join
>people more interesting than you
>time goes by
>included less and less in the conversation
>not included in the "hey X, X and X wanna play...."
>no responses when you ask if anyones up for X game
>time goes by
>welcome back to solo queue.

Getting married don't ensure you won't die alone. Marriage these days has a 50-75% chance of divorce with over 70% of those being initiated by the woman. More often than not the man loses everything. I would rather die alone with all my shit than die alone, broke and having lost half my shit to some slag.

feels good mate


Friends used to play vidya with me

Stupid normie cucks never upgraded and still waste their wages on console rubbish although they work well paid jobs

I would be more interested in the reasoning behind the divorces. I doubt it's just a crap shoot of why people are getting divorced and it coming down to random chance.

>TFW everyone I meet except me is in a relationship.

>I'll be bringing the GF along, so get an extra controller ready!