What videogames let me be a stupid nigger?

What videogames let me be a stupid nigger?

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is he fucking retarded

i hope he dies now

>I ain't paying money
>ever paying for movie tickets

Did he actually say this? What a fucking moron if he did.

What games let me be a shitter shattered white boi who makes off topic posts on Sup Forums?

>you don't see one black person in lord of the rings

uhhh, orcs?

But LotR had tons of orcs!

mafia 3

GTA San Andreas

It''s extra funny cause it's true.

and here I thought that guy wasn't one of those idiots and gave TFA the benefit of the doubt

Sure is videogames in here

Both GoT and LotR are fantasy but adding niggers would make it way too unrealistic.

He's just misinformed. He just ASSUMED Game of Thrones has no black people in it.

soul plane lacked diversity too but the niggers never mention that one.

why won't white people make content for people of color?

To be fair every black person in the show is Danny's bitch and she is definitely the most white. If there was a show with all black cast and the only whites were over glorified slaves I probably wouldnt watch it

go back to your cuck porn, faggot

It's funny because he literally only got his role because he's a stinky fucking nigger and the Disney jews wanted to meet their "diversity" quota.

So is Dany the Hitler of the GoT universe or what?

Doubt he'd have a problem with an all-black cast.

I've only seen the first 3 seasons of GoT, but I don't remember any major black characters that weren't slaves.

life. could've been nice but it's pay to win

Because niggers are ugly and they dont look cool like white people do

>itt people still don't know that stars say outrageous things just to keep people talking about them.

Giganigga from Dorne.

Nice video game-related discussion you're all here.

Sup Forums in one image.

lol why redo it but change all of the classes? Is this some guilds fanart of them downing a raid boss, and they just replaced everyone with their ingame characters?

>Jon = FDR, the democratically elected leader of the good guys fighting the evil guys and who cares for his people.
>Dany = Stalin, a benevolent dictator that fights for equality but with harsh measures that result in a lot of death
>Cersei = Hitler, evil and irredeemable villain who is destined to fail and just gets loads of people killed due to her insanity

There aren't any black people in Game of Thrones though, then again there aren't any black really in the books either outside the odd character so he isn't wrong.

The few blacks on GoT are too many, it's Euro fantasy, yet for some reason minorities always are shoe horned in. Fucking hell, it's why I don't watch movies or tv anymore, it's all so shit.

haha XD upvoted #notmypresident

>you don't see black people in The Lord of the Rings
What are the orcs

This is getting weird. Sup Forums starts to seep into Sup Forums and now their weird mix is starting to seep into Sup Forums too. For some reason.

It was a promotional thing for Everquest Next. The top is some old concept art for the original game, the bottom was the same scene being reimagined as concept art for the new game. Game got canned in the end RIP.

There's an entire ARMY of blacks in GoT, are you dumb?

There's also the pirate that helped the onion knight, and one of the masters, and Giganigga from Dorne.

>Schlemann Goldbergstein gets you your big break
>Tells you to parrot diversity memes directed at something you know almost nothing about
You'd fucking do it, too

>i aint paying money to always see one type of person on screen

unless theyre black right?

Again a retarded nigger who didn't read the books.

Sup Forums has always been an extension of Sup Forums newfag.


Do you not know the difference between arabs and blacks? Or are you retarded?

And again I'm talking important characters, not side ones.

>Some who never read the books

There are a few people from the Summer Isles, which are where the blacks are from, that hang out in King's Landing and with Daenarys. Remember dude from Quarth that tried to fuck her over? Esteros is diverse as fuck, every city.


that's a very original orc design

>why dont other people create media for my race!

Niggers are the laziest beggers of the entire planet

Boynigga was the best part of Episode 7 desu

White? I know it's hard to believe but it's not just whites that don't want anything to do with niggers.

Sup Forumsros, they have taken our favorite Sup Forums shows and now they're comming for our viditoys.
What do we do?

why won't some niggers go ahead and make their own fantasy franchises set in old Africa instead
They can even make something about ancient Egypt where they're all kangs and shit so they could stop pestering other people to do shit for them

>literal slaves being freed by the skinny white bitch

They want to say "WE WUZ KANGZ" not "WE WUZ SLAVES"

Sick burn bro.

Black is a skin color, Arabia is a part of the world.

There are LITERAL black people in GoT, Danni's slave waifu is black, as is her military general.


Sup Forums and Sup Forums are one you summer fag


Hizdahr zo Loraq, who wasn't summer islander (black) in the books.
Areo Hotah, who wasn't summer islander in the books.
Slavers that capture Jorah and Tyrion, who weren't summer islander in the books.
Melisandre, who wasn't summer islander in the books.
Grey Worm, who wasn't summer islander in the books.
Three of four are major characters, and there's a few missed in this listing too.

But yet they couldn't take the presidency

>we have taken them
>they all suck and lose money

I would agree, but that doesn't stop him from being incredibly dumb. Literally would have taken 5 seconds to check and make sure he was actually making a correct statement before grandstanding like he did.

The pirate from the Summer Isles who is friends with the Onion Knight.

good joke good joke good joke
i give it 10 out of a possible 10 joke points
be sure to do this joke in more threads!

The producers were just sticking to the source material (well at least when it comes to race), if he wants to whine at anyone it should be G.R.R. Martin.
I mean he still wouldn't be right if he did, it's not like mediaeval Britain (on which ASOIAF is based) had many black people in the first place except maybe the odd immigrant from an African colony via Rome, which have no counterpart in-universe anyway.

Well, he's an actor, those guys aren't paid to think.

Yeah, and then we could add white people to it, I mean...it's fantasy..it's not like adding people where they don't belong is going to ruin anything...oh wait

>no blacks in LOTR

GoT has plenty of niggers you dumbass.

the only sjw friendly board I know is Sup Forums, Sup Forums has always been all Sup Forums and Sup Forums is on the fence

Sup Forums is basically tumblr.

i hate how every article uses the word "slams" now

but that's true and it hurts

>Sci-fi setting in near future
>Africa is a bustling ultra successful paradise and the world leader in technology

Did you even read what I posted? Outside the odd character, as in nobody important.

I like how you can tell me a black guy what's black.
Do you understand what an odd character is? If they only appear once or twice they are not a major character.

I don't think it's a problem though considering the setting is mostly in Westeros and I don't like diversity for the sake of it.

Why are niggers so demanding of white people to put them in their media?
Why can't they make their own media industries to make content for themselves like Europe and East Asia.

finn was a better character than rey but was not important to the story at all
rey had no character whatsoever but was super important
they should have been combined into one character

they're too used to affirmative action now it's in fiction too

>niggers think ONLY whites hate them

Why would you have black people in a European fantasy setting? GoT actually manages to have quite a lot, and you still complain.

Do you often see white people in Chinese Wuxia? Do you see how stupid this complaint is??

How about you make a fantasy story set in Africa?

Orcs are Asiatic though

>i will never be pleased by any concession
good to know


This. If you're a white person and not a billionaire like me and the majority of white people, you're basically a nigger.


Did Trump tweet more self-incriminating evidence or why is Sup Forums leaking again?

>John "You can't criticize me or else you're racist" "Chip on the shoulder" Boyega.

The dude has mastered being a whiny little bitch. His entire thing is pretty much "Do as I say or I'll call you racist."
He's also a terrible actor.

What are this person's accomplishments?

Because they are fucking lazy as shit. At least spics will work shit jobs and poos in loos are smart for the most part but blacks just think they are owed everything so they never put effort into anything

There is plenty of content with writing anyway, the problem is that there are a lot more white people than black people, and more often than not expensive movies/tv shows that are geared more towards anyone of colour don't do as well.

See the black panther freakout.

>good to know

It's good to know that you can't read.

I simply cannot emotionally connect with a character unless they have the same skin color and genitals as I do.

Because when they do create their own content it's well this...



Good joke

No, they should have had Poe not go MIA, and made them all reliant on each other's skills. Take away Rey's bullshit piloting skills, Poe flies the Falcon off Jakku. Get rid of the joke about Finn being a janitor on the Starkiller Base so he can be of some legitimate use, instead of Rey just becoming a powerful force user out of nowhere to bullshit her way to escaping.

Get a load of this retard

Sorry for offending you :(

>You don't see one black person in Lord of the Rings
And it's pretty much the original fantasy adventure that inspired so many after it, nigs btfo.

those uruks are cross bred, and Saruman is called 'Saruman of many colours' when he turned evil. Tolkien knew what's up.

This isn't weird at all. Jews have ruined tv and movies and now they want to ruin video games. Where ever there is the eternal jew Sup Forums will soon follow.

Honestly, you must be mentally retarded to listen to rap "music". No wonder Sup Forums is sjw friendly.

You do though.

They inhabit mostly Sothyros and some parts of Essos, so they aren't your typical fare in the setting where most of the series takes place (Westeros), so that's why they aren't around nearly as much, but they are there.

They also a bunch of slavers, cutthroats, and pirates. The ancestors of the Dornish peoples fled to them for refuge after losing their homeland and lost many of their number to their slavers before they headed to Westeros.

Not exactly pleasant folk, but there you go. There's also the flambouyant "African" prince-in-exile from the Paradise Isles that struts around the court at King's Landing, but that's another story.