god bless carmack
Move to a first world country for a better internet connection.
>base game is 80GB
and now this
I'm in the US, and I have a 1GB download connection.
>First world country
Then why is this a problem?
Idgaf they made all the dlc free so I'm game
It was taking a long time at the preallocation part. I'm downloading it fine.
Don't kids these days have any patience?
What's in the update?
>tfw britbong internet
That's not even bad.
your current is 4x my peak
>blocks your bandwidth
All the DLC for free.
this is not okay
do people who bought all the dlcs get special content or something?
>34 gigs
>big size for a game in 2017
How fucking poor are you? Fucking strayas
this is an update
"All veteran players will have the option to completely reset their unlock progression items and experience the new progression system fresh, OR retain all of their existing guns, equipment, demons and customization unlocks that they’ve acquired or purchased and then unlock the remaining items through the revised progression system," game director Marty Stratton explained. "Regardless of whether you keep your gear or choose to re-earn it, we’re giving all veteran players a special badge recognizing their previous experience in the game. For those elite few who have achieved the max Slayer level, we’ve designated a special Slayer badge for you."
So no, not really.
I'm glad I didn't buy them. Does the multiplayer still suck?
What happened to season pass owners then?
Also what's the overall size of nuDOOM now?
I'm reinstalling as we speak, so hopefully it doesn't suck as much as it did. Free maps and weapons for holding out and not buying a shitty season pass does sweeten the pot though. They also changed some multiplayer things like the hack modules too.
This is an update you mong