8 years ago, Chris Redfield punched a boulder

8 years ago, Chris Redfield punched a boulder.

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How strong can one man be?

It was revenge for the boulder in RE1. Boulder was the true villain all along.

When a sexy black woman's life is on the line, he can be as strong as he possibly can.

Yep, that happened

Seeing Chris punch a boulder and kill Wesker was the only reason I finished this shit game. RE5 sucked so bad I actually played it more for the story than the gameplay.

This is the only RE game I've ever played, let alone to completion.

It sucked

I remember thinking RE5 was basically real life quality graphics. Seems silly now.

If you like old school survival horror then try REmake. If you like that then give the other early entries a go. Otherwise, RE5 is basically just a shitty RE4 with tacked on co-op, probably not missing much in the grander scheme of things if you hated the base gameplay.

It looked damn good for 2009, I'll give it that.

Oh definitely. I just remember very specifically saying the phrase "I don't know how graphics are ever going to get better than this" when we were playing it at his place.

The base gameplay was cool, but the game itself dragged on. Should I try 4?

8 years later, Chris Redfield shoots Ultron Drones with a 9mm and kills them. He also needs a new wardrobe.

I think 5 has really shitty pacing so maybe 4's worth a shot. It gets worse the further in you go but it's much less drab than 5, if not a bit slower paced due to inventory Tetris and no real-time item usage, the latter of which is one thing I do think RE5 did right.

This, Everything felt so shitty. Inventory was shit, and real time management wasn't fun with those types of controls. Co op really wasn't that needed and made the game boring as fuck to play alone. There were turret sections in the mid game.

I got that game for my bday, played it for 4 hours with my brother in law and never touched it again, it was so bad. I avoided 6 like the plague, but then again I liked 7

>implying inventory tetris is a bad thing

I'd play a fucking attache case game right now.

I didn't say it was bad, I said it made it a bit slower.

RE6 is totally retarded shit in the best way possible.

I think the only downsides I can think of gameplay wise are....

>cover system sucks you into things
>inventory system doesn't let you share with your partner
>dashing makes you climb things that aren't infront of you

Everything else is rad. Shooting feels good, combos feel good, and the dodging/movement system is fun as shit. I'm honestly having a fuckin blast with it co-oping online. It's like 7 bucks on Humblebundle.

Looking back at RE5 now seems so fucking slow and boring holy shit.

RE5 still looks really good considering its age, same with 4.

Did Sheva not appear in any games after RE5? She was FINE.

As far as I know she hasn't. Unless she appeared in some kind of Mercenary mode, but I don't count that.

I can't be the only one who liked the older design

And it ran on my toaster max, 60 fps no problem.
Damn I already miss MT Framework

MT Framework still looks great and I still think they've got wizards there at Capcom being squandered considering how good Revelations plays on 3DS. Mercs3d looks good too but the drop in fps makes it a flawed launch title.

Only characters from RE1 and RE2 get to appear in other games.

Be honest with the guy, man. It's better than RE5 but that's no accomplishment. The level design is even worse and the action setpieces are hit and miss in no small part due to the game's misguided attempts to be everything RE has ever been all at the same time. RE6 is a potentially great action game in dire, dire need of editing. Way too much stupid bullshit that never should've made it off the cutting room floor and not enough playing to the game's strengths.

I wish there was a spinoff about random bsaa members because I strangely liked those retards Quint and Keith. Too bad Kirk appears in Revelations but dies in 5.

I think everyone liked Chris in RE1

RE5 Chris looks like he roided up just to fight Umbrella.

Friendly reminder that Revelations happened because, through MTFramework being fueled by unicorn tears and the dreams of small children, Capcom got RE5 to run on a fucking 3DS.

>all this shit taster
RE4 was great
RE5 was alright
RE6 was trash aside from mercs

Really the only major flaw in RE5 is the forced AI partner and that's only really a problem on harder difficulties, otherwise you just give it one of those stun batons or a maxed weapon and forget about them. It loses some personality by moving typewriter and merchant functions to a drab end of level screen but that doesn't really impact gameplay much.

>RE5 on 3DS

You mean Mercs3d?

Remove zombie boulder.

I wish that butcher from the intro survived.


Though it appears that this led to Mercs 3D, which then in turn led to Revelations.

Reminder that Revelations 2 on vita runs worse than Revelations on 3ds.

how many little boys had a gay awakening from chris?

Revelations was in-house, Revelations 2 was a shit outsourcing job. Had Capcom given a shit, Revelations 2 on Vita could've been great.

Yet they couldn't get the current gen consoles to run Re-REmake at 60 fps

What a world we live in

I just wish he fisted me like he did to that boulder.

Today at this exactly moment Jack Baker is welcoming another young man to his family...What he didnt know is it might be his second biggest mistake of his life...

post yfw the QTE changed from Push to "Hook"

>RE5 was 8 years ago

I feel so old.

I'd like to see if RE5 could run as well as Revelations but I seriously doubt it because Mercs3d stutters like a motherfucker yet I enjoy it.

I honestly hate the new RE, it seems like your average normie Netflix series now.

>lmao craaaazy spooky family xdddd

I liked it. To think that Capcom expects to ship 10 million copies of it, though.


The only reason I liked that game was because 90 percent of the enemies were niggers. It was almost literally Black Genocide, The Game.

I liked the gameplay of it. All they need to do for the next game is make the "mansion" part bigger and be more interconnected and it would be a great FPS successor to RE1.

why was chris so beefy?

I unironically thoroughly enjoyed RE5

Mercenaries was great, the weapons felt cool to use and all the unlockabkes gave it replay value.

It also looked incredible for its time and of course, the coop was top notch. Also the dlc was awesome

could a sworn it said honk rather than hook at first

This, just look at UMvC3 on Vita it pretty great

I don't think the gameplay is nothing out of the ordinary, it was a change to please the "FPS audience".

It's a better fit than Punching Bolders and Zombie President of the United States

More enemy types as well. But yeah, more intricate level design across the board would definitely be welcomed. I feel like it tiptoed around the right ideas, like with the design of the mansion and ship or backtracking with for areas like the second floor of the old house or the keycard hunts. But they only tiptoed around it, they could've been more ambitious with the level design.

why aren't you?

Every man should strive to have a strong body.

>using 5 as a comparison

people who like RE4 but hate RE5 are morons

I don't like co-op. That said, RE4 isn't a favorite of mine either but I do like it MUCH more than RE5.

pretty sure that if he was real he could barely move with a body like

RE6 Mercs > RE4 >RE6 > RE5

If you somehow manage to disagree, you're wrong

>travel to an African village, kill spearchuckers and steal their treasure
What did Raimi mean by this?

I like 4.

I think 5 was "ok". Can't say I didn't enjoy.

Dislike 7

I used 6 too
RE5 is much worse, based on what said and inventory being way worse too.

And that's incorrect.

I've seen dudes just as big doing motherfucking somersaults.

Look at the shit he has to fight. I'd be hitting the gym like crazy too

I've never liked Mercs. I will agree that RE6 is in its element in the mode and, should one be able to get into it, I can envision someone liking it more than RE4. But personally, never cared for it. 4 > 6 > 5 is correct, though.

>using 5 AND 6 as comparisons

I tried helping you out there by not mentioning 6 but I guess you like being wrong.

>The only black woman done well

Its a real shame, I could go for more brown sugar in my games

Is he canon gay yet? Or was loosing his __top__ in 6 too much?

well, yeah. RE6 was built around it and was the only reason to play the game.

>all these years
>no fucking jill
>pussy is thrown at him left and right
>loses his shit over piers

He's gay

Why was RE5 considered racist while pic related seems to be just fine?!

Well, I could say the series has been shit since 4 and that the only game anyone should be looking forward to is REmake2

But we gotta get real with the actual series, 7 is a better RE game than 5 or 6. Too bad the series has departed from greatness.

I've never understood why blacks aren't that offended about voicing monkeys.

I can agree with that. But it made one step forward and 2 back,

Probably because you're a fucking moron

I think 7 has a lot of the right ideas in regards to bringing RE back to horror but less shit like the opening half hour and a ballsier, expanded execution on its gameplay elements could bring it back to greatness. I feel like 7 at least corrected the direction of the ship.

One Punch Man?

I agree with setting it back to horror but FPS and the retarded Adams family storyline made me hate it.

They've gotta switch it back to tank controls or at least 3rd person. Feels wack in first-person.


It's FPS because it fell for the VR meme

I should really play this and 6 at some point
maybe after replaying 0

The Resident Evil Story was always ridiculous B movie Shit.

>Jill Sandwich
>Albert Wesker is evil discount Duke Nukem

But nothing actually happens. This is the most confirmation given.

Did anyone actually play it in VR?

Is it spooky?

It's shit.

>replaying 0
i rather play 6 solo on extreme difficulty

I agree, B horror movie shit is kinda like the Bakers.

5 and 6 were B action movie shit. 5 was played mostly in daylight for fuck sakes.

0 is my favorite RE though
it was my first RE, I know it's not close to best

>wapanese IP
>ever confirming anything about gay characters

I don't mind, it's not like they have to please SJWs unlike filthy western companies.

T. Didnt play it on VR

How in the fuck is this game already 8 years old.

I finally got around to it last year and I thought they were the worst mainline RE games, bar none. I'd rather replay 6 than 5 to be honest but story-wise 5 does have a couple notable beats to it in the grander scheme of things. Much as I'm loathe to say it, 5 should be played for lore purposes should one care about that. 6? I dunno, there's fun ideas buried somewhere in that shit but I feel as though it's largely a disposable affair.

This and Revelations where the last RE games I played despite prior being a huge fan.
I should probably play 6 at some point even if it's just for th shit and giggles.
But to be honest nothing about RE7 intrigues me.

Idk man if I'm gonna have B horror movie shit at least give me the characters I've been wanting to know about.

Not some shitty spoopy family I don't give two fucks about.

Why did you link to my post talking about RE5's visuals? And sure, I didn't play RE7 in VR but I liked RE7 and played it multiple times. I'm not really complaining about it.

I have.

It's the same shit with a viewmaster slapped on your face.

Some jumpscare.
Annoying after a while
Limited vision.

I dont' understand the VR meme.

Recently played REmake.
>Chris costume option
>Cool looking, moderate guy
>Giant fridge with arms bigger than his head with a caveman expression

I like big arms and rugged looks.

I'll go for fridge.