>when the """""""sequel"""""" looks so similar to the original that you can't even tell the dofference with a screenshot
What games do this? I think nu-Nintendo is the worst offender these days.
>when the """""""sequel"""""" looks so similar to the original that you can't even tell the dofference with a screenshot
What games do this? I think nu-Nintendo is the worst offender these days.
Gee I sure don't remember Splatoon 1 having ink powered jetpacks
I don't remember being able to everyone's weapons on your HUD either
The hud looks different
>I can totally see these granular differences!
Congratulations, I guess? The point still stands.
>someone names the differences
>"yeah but they don't count because I said so"
Holy fuck that looks worse than on wiiU
Granular differences?
It's a fucking sequel, did you fucking expect them to make them big headed robots that shoot lasers out of their ears?
Weird, but my name is Eithan so I can't talk.
I dont remember that map
Or the UI
Or that "Fire at will" Button
Ir the Mario Sunshine Jetpacks
Or those paint splats on the actual HUD itself
Or those power icons on the corner
Or those numbers
Why are there no anti aliasing at all?
ITT: A retard who has never played the first game.
Switch screenshots look like ass.
I unironically thought it was a picture of the first game at a glance because of how jaggy everything is
gonna go out on a limb that Splatoon 2 was meant to be for the Wii U but they had to quickly rebrand it to the Switch.
Hey it worked for Kirby.
Hi OP.
Nah, Splatoon 2 was meant for the Switch. The screenshots from the Switch look terrible. It looks pretty nice in reality. Nothing major, but it's an upgrade over the Wii U.
Why are you so assblasted?
So is this screenshot Splatoon or Splatoon 2?
Why is it Switch screenshots look so terrible?
Honestly couldn't tell you. They look like total shit though. I guess it's so there's no delay.
>Main game is about shooting walls with ink
>Sequel should be about raising horses
Don't be a fucking idiot. It was probably taken in handheld mode then uploaded to Twitter then saved and reposted here. How stupid do you have to be to think putting Splatoon 2 on Wii U was even a thought when it was designed to be played with 1 screen.
what the actual fuck is this resolution? it looks like fucking 240p. What the fuck nintendo?
Chill man. Its just a childrens game.
Oh, well thanks for clearing that up user.
Like it still looks fun, and the fact its for Switch means its going to have people actually playing it...
... I say knowing that Nintendo is going to ruin what good thing it has by fucking online up.
>no you see, those difference don't match my narrow definition of a video game sequel
oh my fucking god.
the lack of AA and AF with so much fucking color shitting up everywhere is horrendous.
But you can't, that ink jet pack wasn't on Splatoon 1.
Read the thread.
Nice goalpost moving
Why are you so assblasted?
In handheld mode the game has a dynamic resolution that can go below 720p if its needed to keep 60FPS. It usually isn't noticeable, but it can look really shitty in a screenshot when it happens. Plus the Switch's screenshots are shit and are done at a lower res than what the game runs at for some stupid fucking reason.
Idk, looks ok here.
I thought op was referring to an overall lack of aesthetic difference. Like how phantom hourglass looks like spirit teacks but wind waker doesnt look like twilight princess.
With that in mind I'd say
>ass creed
>halo 4 and 5
>X and Y up through sun and moon
>uncharted 1-3
>dark souls (not souls games just the dark souls trilogy)
>metroid prime
>every damn 2d mario since nsmb on ds jesus christ
>mario galaxy
> dishonored :(
I feel like this list goes on and on
Nintendo has always been a weird company.
I don't really see a need for an aesthetic change when it comes to Splatoon, especially an IP so young in it's lifespan. There's nothing to gain from changing the artstyle/aesthetic for the sole purpose of having it look different from it's predecessor.
Aesthetics are also literally tied to gameplay, making it a smart decision not to change much. I know the only people complaining about this are shitposters who want Splatoon to fail, but it's such an annoying, pointless argument to make.
>... I say knowing that Nintendo is going to ruin what good thing it has by fucking online up.
when splatoon 1 was released everyone assumed the online was going to be shit, but somehow we ended up with a stable system that didn't really lag and found matches within less then a minute
I'm hopeful.
Hahaha talk about getting BTFO'd
you're a fucking idiot
Which CoD is this?
No image search.
black ops or 3
Black Ops 2?
nice try, i know halo when i see it
Switch can't into basic FXAA.
Thats the newest Uncharted.
>Read the thread.
>I can totally see these granular differences!
Isn't that the point though?
>Sequel to a FPS shooter looks similar to the one before it
woah....this never happened before...
I think a dev said splatoon 2 couldn't have AA without dropping below 60fps given it's current graphics and the switch's power
Splatoon 2 looks great, I'd have been pissed if they threw out a winning formula because that's not what the shooter genre does.
When did he say that?
The game looks anti-aliased live to me and I don't know about the Switch but the Wii U's screenshots wouldn't be anti-aliased however actual gameplay itself was.
>It's not drastically different from its predecessor
The only reason this is such a big deal right now is because Splatoon 1 btfo of the usual shitposting arguments and this is the only argument the Nintendo hate squad has to fall back on that can be directed specifically at Splatoon 2.
This argument is not changing anyone's opinion. Why bother?
Dumb fucking Sonyroach got BTFO
WiiU screenshots were shrunk down 1/3rd from native.
Switch is too?
Agreed, that never fucking happens.
You might just be a moron
Or you could just use google Iike the dumb fuck you are to find videos comparing the two that show how much better 2 looks on a fucking handheld.
I can deal with autists but dumb people trigger me really hard.
Hey can you delete this please? You're ruining my narrative. Thanks.
someone post Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 4 so Sonyfags can stfu already
Ah sorry, my mental notes on a splatoon 1/2 comparison was mixed up a little. The person comparing the games mentioned lack of AA, the dev hinted at adaptive resolution to make 60 fps stable. I mixed them up and thought a dev said no AA to help keep the game stable
You also saw the DF video?
This. Every time a shooter makes a massive overhaul to its gameplay, it's shit.
Yeah, I was curious about what I was getting into with splatoon 2 so I watched it. Seems like a good step up imo.
Consistent 60fps seems nice and my eyesight is too bad to tell differences between resolutions
HUD visuals are different
Special weapon not in the first game
Wii U ZR button didn't look like that
D-pad lets you say This way! instead of Come on!
The game is also just generally brighter
Why is Nintendo the only company whose games have to completely change genre, artstyle, and tone before people stop calling every sequel a rehash?
>What games do this?
Assassins creed
The arkham games
Every modern racing game
Every modern sports game
nep rebirth games
Atelier series