This shit was impossible

This shit was impossible

>Sup Forums - Video Games

So you wanna play bullseye ball?

God I loved this shit as a kid
It was hard but it wasn't impossible, honestly
You just had to stuff the balls into the bullseye yourself fuck the trampoline

oh man it felt so good to master this. i remember being super mad when i got it instead of some game boy advance game i wanted

I can't be the only one who had this bad motherfucker

Why does this look so familiar?

is this the dark souls of chuckie cheese games?


I really like these kinds of toys and one day I will start a collection however the weird part is how I didn't really like these kind of toys when I was young. I was already vidya gaming and I found these toys boring.

Fucking babies, the lot of you.

>one at local pizza joint
>half the gators were ripped in half/broken to shit
>never repaired
it's still sitting there, LEDs all burned out, gators torn to shit and showing their jagged metal, no hammer to speak of.

>not fingering the shit out of the bullseye hole

Had a team and almost made it to the globals. We won a few tournaments here and there but didn't win enough money to make a job out of it. The hours of daily training it takes just to maintain your skills is crazy. So eventually we all went our separate ways and got lives. I really miss those guys.

my cousins had that shit I used to play it all the time

>wanted one of these back in the day

I'm glad I never actually asked for one.

Fucking loved this game

finally I have an excuse to post this

I loved how this looked but I don't think it ever worked as intended

Anyone else played this?

>mfw my youtuber friend won a fucking PSP off of this shit

of course, almost won a shitty portable dvd player/screen combo thing too
>all those ipod nanos

Rigged motherfucking piece of shit

All you have to do is finger the little hole to make a high score you can never erase or beat

v i d e o
g a m e s

Please don't molest the electronic games.