>tfw when somebody on Sup Forums shits on a game you like
How do you guys deal with this? It fucking hurts, bros.
Tfw when somebody on Sup Forums shits on a game you like
I deal with it by being upset for a bit then moving on and forgetting it. That or enough alcohol to obliterate the memory of the post.
Insults in general get me down and make me shake/have a panic attack. I just try & calm down with something. Tea & snuggles are usually the best coping mechanism.
Who do you snuggle with?
By not being a thin skinned little bitch. Stop valuing other people's opinions over your own.
>My tastes are so inline with the Sup Forums hivemind that I never experience this problem while browsing this board
You need to ascend to the whole being, faggot.
I derail the thread by calling everyone cucks and then telling myself to go back to Sup Forums.
kill yourself frogfucker
Why the fuck would I care if some random retard doesn't like the same shit I like
Usually they have really arbitrary reasons for hating the game, so it either triggers me and I shitpost or I just ignore it and go about my day. Depends on my mood at the time.
This place will poison you. Don't ever stay on it too long because you'll start thinking about those dumb criticisms when you play that game again.
Just reply with "why, what aspects of the game were bad"
Usually, you just get a shitpost back. That's when you'll know you were right.
If they actually post something valid, you'll get new insight and have made Sup Forums a slightly better place.
My pet.
What a fucking madman
Ignore the thread, it's so simple but I've needed years to actually put this shit in act.
At what point you just reach enlightment and you will think "what's the point, why should I argue with a shitposter? At best you'll have the very rare chance of changing the opinion/shutting up a literal who, but in the other 99% of cases you'll just get mad, so why bother?"
Been doing wonders, though due to that I don't really come to Sup Forums that much anymore unless I really want to discuss a game
I shut off my monitor and pace around the room.
a true master
Thanks for the advice Anura Amphibia poster, gonna do this now.
Never happens because I don't have shit taste and the rest of the time I'm the one pointing out the flaws.
You are great user, don't let insults get you down.
>because I don't have shit taste
How about you prove that by posting your top 5 games, big boy.
Wrong, you then call them buttmad and shills and disregard their opinion anyway.
This never happens because Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a literal PERFECT game and it's impossible for anyone to say it's bad. Every aspect of it is great..
>turn based
Nah, it's shit
>no reply
theory in action, nice job
you grow up and the shit like this won't hurt lmao. Are you underage or literally autistic?
This is why I resent kiddies who want Thread IDs.
When a shit thread gains traction, it should be in our control to play pretend and samefag so fucking hard that the whole thread meets oblivion.
Grow thick skin faggot.
Of course...the ultimate solution
Just remember that 95% of Sup Forumsirgins are complete retards.
Including you and me
The only thick skin I have is around my penis after decades of fapping.
All fun and games until a thread about a game you wanted to discuss gets shitposted to hell
I inform them of how much of a faggot they are being.
The next time you're in a final fantasy thread, pay attention to where people put 8. It's always ranked at 1, 2, or rock-bottom. Nowhere else.
>people shit on it when it's ranked high
suffering without any discussion
To 2D.
I would say that goes without saying.
Nigga just close your eyes haha
I don't get upset. I merely remind myself that they have shit taste and their opinion is trash because they are either or:
1. Underaged
2. Casual
3. Weeb
4. Troll
5. Delusional
6. White
I usually kill the thread with politics/religious/ideology posting if I don't like it.
I value my own opinion at a ratio of roughly 1 me to 10 all of Sup Forums coming together in harmony.
So if I saw 10 strawpolls in a row where Sup Forums was unanimous in disagreeing with me I might give my opinion a second thought.
whats your favorite game OP?
>he actually uses Sup Forums to discuss video games
Sup Forums is for finding cute boys to erp with
I tell them that it's just their opinion before I all-caps shout them down for 5 consecutive posts about why they're wrong and fuck them
I usually just bait Barneyfag into shitting up the thread. Truly the hero Sup Forums needs, but not the one it deserves.
git gud
This is more work than most shitposters will put in.
same here
Sup Forums got me a little stronger with the daily insults.
tbf samefagging with IDs guarantees (you)s
I laugh.
There's few things funnier on Sup Forums than an user who thinks he has power by telling you how shit something else, and remembering he's an impotent, powerless cuckchild who can't do shit to stop you enjoying what he doesn't like.
t. reddit
>le reddit falseflag boogey
Noone's buying. You need to go back.
I usually call them out for being under 25.
>falseflag meme
you're just digging yourself a deeper hole, reddit
just give them a (You) saying shit taste and u mad bro
I run my own Vidya store. I have to listen to people say that Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas and Ocarina of Time is better than Majora's Mask at least once a day.
It doesn't really bother me. I feel like I only ever buy and sell the same 20 games over and over again. I know it's not true, but Call of Duty and Madden pay the bills. People have no taste.
>Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas and Ocarina of Time is better than Majora's Mask
Both of those are true, though, and literally everyone outside of Sup Forums agrees
doesn't matter it doesn't mean anything, no such thing as objectively bad taste or objectively good taste, it's just what you like. One man's shit is another man's gold
>spend hrs thinking a better comeback to say
>the moment is gone
>save it for next time
>when that moment comes you forget about all that prep time & panic
I know. It is nice to have a conversation with the odd person who agrees with me, though. If there's one thing I've learned buying and selling video games for a living, it's that 99$ of people prefer games that are short,very easy, and extremely similar to other games they've already played. If something is a little different or thinks outside the box, people will treat it like it's an awful game.
I've lost track of how many people have tried to return copies of XCOM because "I thought it was a shooter."
If youve got big tits and a nice juicy
ass and are like 22 blonde or brunette or platinum blonde then id snuggle fuck you
You defend the game, useless.
Is this guy for cereal? Like, who linked you here, lad?
I go to my safe space
id exectute you with my bare hands if youve got a problem with that post jim