How do you go from this

How do you go from this

To this?

>Two different games in two different genres look different
I don't see your point

Same company produced both games. I think user is trying to start some kind of Blizzard hate thread.

Why did the devs "make" Korean? She clearly looks like a generic (but hot) white brunette. She does not look Korean at all.

Sorry OP you lost.

Vanilla, TBC and WotLK were all made before the Activation buyout in 2007. Notice how that was the definitive point where Blizzard became shit.

Yeah and Lucio doesnt have nog features besides color. Really activate the neurons

TBC > Vanilla > Wrath => Early Cata = MoP > Legion > 75% of Cata > WoD

>make fun games with interesting design
>10 years later
>make awful games with shitty design

This is correct but WoD was better than Cata

>Woah now that lm a cynic adult redditor l cant stand the character design in another game
Please stop initializing my neurons.

>Wod was better than Cata
Boss mechanics were better and that's it.

>Somewhat rare level of cinematics used in an out of game engine
>In-game animation

I 100% agree with you.
However the majority of Sup Forums would probably disagree; they seem to worship Mists as the second Warcraft golden age.

>WoD was better than 3 raids at launch, hard heroics and revamped content.
l think you gotta know what you are talking about before posting retarded shit, fampaichi.

The """"""Revamped""""" content alone brings cata to the lowest expac.

>literally farmville simulator
>better than anything

nigger, WoD was revamped outlands zones how is that an argument?

As opposed to revamped content in literally every expansion?
Cata Azeroth still sucks though. They should have never self contained all the storylines into their respective zones. It killed exploration.

Faggot, kill thyself.

It's that and Wrath. Really correlates with popularity. TBC is literally the pinnacle of WoW in every way.
>inb4 muh balance fags when death knights happened and MoP homogenized every fucking class
I'll take mediocre balance with diverse classes over jack of all trades class and class being literally the same

>New Azeroth has been around longer than Old Azeroth

>interesting design

I miss MoP

why live

Vanilla was the best my dude. Cata's """"""Revamped"""""" zones made every one fucking hideous.
>mfw thousand needles went from fucking jaw dropping beauty with giant 200 foot high pillars and giant salt flats to.......Water and a boat
RDF,LFR and heirlooms ruined WoW.

>defending the flooding of thousand needles and shimmering flats
I see you started playing when Cata was released.

>have just over a year of played time on my main
>only played for four years (TBC-WotLK)

Best times of my life. I think.. I hope.. When I die.. Stormwind's Park District is back to the way it used to be..


to this?

Not him, but LFR and heirlooms are Wrath. Cata just took the bad parts of Wrath and increased it tenfold.

Ah, that explain the shit taste then.

stormwind park got rebuilt and now theres a pair of lesbian NPCs there because the forums complained of a lack of LGBT presence

enjoy your memories, that's all they are now

to this

Legion was the first and last WoW expansion I played. It wasn't the worst MMO I've played but it sure as hell wasn't fun either.

The pvp was so boring because no one did any damage, especially casters. Playing the warlock class made me feel like such a worthless cuck in pvp.

who the fuck plays a mmorpg to play 4 different forms of human.
>tall blue human
>short fat human
>shortest human
Alliance fags are a cancer

>not even a single shop/tavern/building

>Thousand Needles was Horde only
Alliance zones got it worse arguably. Westfall is one of the single worse zones in the game now.

>waaah Overwatch isn't edgy enough where are all the giant goth armors and raspy voices!?

>"Guys LOTR is pretty big, let's just make Sauron but make him cooler (see what I did there fellow gamers? *wink wink*)
>Interesting design

>mfw westfall will never just be a cozy autumn farm plain due to the fucking tornado thats still there

>Titan Tier
Night Elf Women
>God Tier
Draenei Women
Muscular Orc Women
>Good Tier
Blood Elf Women
Goblin Women
Tauren Women
>Decent Tier
Gnome Women
Undead Women
Panda Women
>Average Tier
Dwarf Women
Human Women
>Purge with Fire Tier
Worgen 'Women'

What kind of faggot plays a faction without cute girls? oh...
l agree... but at least you have the option of picking another zone unlike before. l like Loch Modan and Darkshore

>Blizzard nerfing Affliction then pissing on it, then burning the remains and fucking it's mothers corpse

>Arthas pays his way through Icecrown Community College

You somehow forgot Troll women again
>mfw blood elf art is the fucking bomb with cute light haired redheads with freckles and in game they are just basic bitches with pink hair

>What kind of faggot plays a faction without cute girls? oh...
I don't play games for boners, that's what porns for. And anyway
>forsake women > any ally shits

I'd consider changing Vanilla and Wrath, or maybe dividing Wrath like Cata with everything up to and including Ulduar being better than vanilla and the rest being worse.
Also, I'd argue that WoD was better than most of Cata. Let's face it, if WoD ended shortly after HFC, it would've been an absolutely solid expansion, the only serious flaw being the farmville bullshit and the length of the expansion.

Fuck, it's even worse since most of my friends play Trolls. They're middle of Good Tier, above Goblins.
>Above Glorious Purple Amazonians

>l like Loch Modan and Darkshore
If you are referring to the revamped zones, then you have horrible taste. Also Darkshore was always viable, you just avoided the northern portion like the plague because of the level 30s everywhere.

Bucause Blizzard realised that the people complaining about lack of "diversity" in games don't really play them so they just slap a veneer of it on and continue to make fap bait characters. Good on em.

How do you go from the golden age, the pinnacle that is Burning Crusade to something like WotLK? Or Cataclysm? Or WoD? Why is WoW worse with each new expansion?

>Daddy Tier
Tauren Male
Orc Male

>Good Tier
Draenei Male
Blood Elf Male
Troll Male
Worgen Male

>Decent Tier
Pandaren Male
Dwarf Male
Night Elf Male
Human Male

>Cuck Tier
Everything else

Master race

because koreans dominate pro gaming

why would i want some third rate american gamer girl on my team

i only want winners

who the fuck plays a mmorpg to play 4 different forms of human.
>green human
>dead human
>cow human
>tusk human
Hordefags are a cancer

Night elves don't look like that in WoW. They are tall sticks with cute faces. Undead girls have one really cute face and their sitting animation is also cute.

I agree with this but I'm not a furfag so I'd put Tauren women way lower but since I think Taurens are cool in general I'd keep them out of Worgen's tier

Blood elves are cute and all but I'm sick to death of seeing them every where

Edgy is a term that has officially reached meaningless status on Sup Forums. Everything that is vaguely serious gets mocked as edgy by those who don't like it.

>Activision/Blizzard merger
>rushed production line
>kill off major lore characters so you need to event new stupid shit to fight
>push to attract a new fanbase instead of appeasing the existing fans
>add features that these new fans scream for
>make everything easier and less grindy (this was the case until Legion where everything is RNG in order to keep people playing)
>pad the game out with pop culture references

The only one of those that makes sense are undead because they are literally human. But the other 3 are nothing like humans other than being bipedal.

>Blelves women are good tier
>Skinny valley girls with nothing to grab onto
>For le horde!
>Let me post the worst adition to the faction lorewise.
>lord of ded with skeleton armor and a sword that capture souls
l couldnt think of a more edgy character even if l try.

Warcraft 1 was out in 1994, and Cata came out in 2010.

But if you mean only WoW, yeah.

I tried all 3 specs. I liked destruction, affliction was boring, and demonology was a fucking joke.

I just didn't understand why they would make soul shard generation so shit for destruction when your abilities do shit damage.

Hey I don't like Blood elves I just thought that art was cute. But Blood WERE needed. Before BC all servers were atleast 55% to 45% favoring Alliance making pvp servers unplayable for horde.

Orcs and trolls are more humanoid than Dranei. Dranei are more horse like than human.
fuck outta here

I was more referring to in general in and out of the game, hence why Dwarf women weren't bottom tier.
Activision actually pulled Blizzard out of a fire with who had them before. I forget the name, but it's the company that's on the verge of buying Ubisoft out. They have a track record of buying companies purely to drain their quality so breaking it apart is easier.
>What are Elf Ears

Hey dude I was referring specifically to vanilla.
Draenei are fucking garbage

>What are Elf Ears
Things that the superior Nelf girls are so have plus the second best bodies in the game?

>mfw all the sfm porn of her is just her getting fucked by orc's
I just want to see her COLONIZED

Well yeah, why do you think I put Nelves two tiers above Belves?

I recently developed a massive fetish for dwarf women. Especially hairy ones that work around loud, drunk, smelly men.

Some shit taste faggot that thinks that green or cow women are better than regular or tiny women.

I think what killed WoW for me is (in no particular order)

>LFD/LFR, damaged the community and you became a random instead of being a known reliable player on your realm
>heirlooms/guild perks, completely destroyed low level communities, pvp, leveling
>easily attainable flying mounts that are much faster than ground mounts
>crossrealm tech, this is the worst thing ever, singlehandedly wiped out realm cultures and is a disastah when coupled with quickmatching services
>various raid modes with proportionally better gear level, it's much better to have one difficulty and bosses having harder events through various unique interactions

There's a few webms of that too.
Nigger I just made the list haphazardly as a cheap way of saying Night Elf women were the best.

That intro was really fucking good.

God damnit, now I remember that garbage MoP trailer. Cataclysm was already disappointing, but seeing that goofy kung fu panda garbage made me realize the game would never recover. Fuck that "you think you do, but you don't" guy. Blizzard is dead.

Blizzard can buy Activision if they want, what are you talking about

>I want to play as a white gaymer grrl

They made her Korean because nobody wants some nasty curdled milk cunt whose mech is powered by her tumblr outrage.

funny how you say that but SK's are probably the most feminist women out there

So how long until pic related finally implodes? Please tell me Alleria isn't just welcoming her with open arms.

At least they're committed.

Because South Korea has an obsession with plastic surgery and trying to look like generic white women?

Considering how Alleria is turning into a void nigress I think she won't mind her sister having some dubious origins.

to what? they are deceiving cunts who get 10k+ surgery just so they can look halfway decent.

>Tfw there's a Windrunner flavor trifecta just waiting to happen
So who'll make the lesbian threesome first? Valnoressa? Rexx?

They were committed with their campaign to the point that they held the sway of their own President, far more efficient than the tumblr brigade just ranting about how your favorite movies are sexist.

I'm pretty sure she's half white or something.
Hanna Song doesn't sound fully korean.

It only has one N.

who the fuck cares? it's still feminism

to this

How did we go from that to this?

Are there any other RPGs where I can play as a dwarf?

Feminism /= Social Justice Warring
Actual feminists do movements for reasonable things, and typically get them. Hence why you don't have many actual modern feminists.

> Same company
Blizzard bought overwatch

Hold up. Explain.

Post more Nelves.

define feminism for me real quick?

final fantasy 14

Shh~ the best race is sleeping

Is this before or after the Worgen fucks her raw?