Is there a game with lore more abysmal than overwatch?
Is there a game with lore more abysmal than overwatch?
What's the matter, meatbag? Jealous that your cock doesn't have a built in vibrate setting.
You'd be able to fuck the robots too, user.
Kingdom Hearts
The Evil Within
Wait, what?
Why care about the lore when it has no connection with the gameplay?
whats wrong whiteboi? scared of the bbc? (big bionic cock)
The gameplay's pretty mediocre too
>tfw youll never get to make love to a completely sentient hivemind ai that controls multiple universes
why even live
>Omnics almost wipe out humanity
>Overwatch defeats them
>2 days later
>Overwatch works to protect oppressed omnics
The fact that a lot of stuff do not hold up together.
Orisa is the only flop out of a cast of 10/10 designs.
I cant fap to flops.
Its actually been 20 years and they were hyjacked by a virus. Plus Overwatch was made to protect people from Omnics at first but now they protect them from Talon.
It captured the tumblr/faggot crowd so they REQUIRE lore that involves gays/trannies/whatever to continue playing.
Blizzard is forced to put this shit out or their game dies.
but i thought they didn't play games user :-)
Show me one comic where they shoved tranny shit in it.
Dark Soul's ""lore"" is way worse.
Destiny's lore is pretty crap. At least OW tried to build a world.
>inb4 overwatch is hidden satyre for the current year
it's also 100% irrelevant
There isnt a blizzard game with good lore
>Blizzard is forced to put this shit out or their game dies.
who the fuck cares about lore in a multiplayer FPS anyway. I'd be more worried about the fucking awful level design and gun play that makes this shitty game boring in a 10mn match.
League of Legends after their new hires
>Blizzard is forced to put this shit out or their game dies
>blizz jews make poster character gay
>blizz jews add blacks
>blizz jews add asians
>blizz jews add brown people
>blizz jews add dyke
>blizz jews add cripple
>the libertards that demanded all of these things didnt even buy the game,they just wanted to make it as PC as possible
>actual players stop paying the blizz jews because they dont care about them
literally every single comic done by OW has tranny shit in it where the main characters constantly harp about why white men deserve death and to worship allah
warcraft had incredible lore that was deep, original, thought provoking and still stands the test of time today and forever into the future
there are literally no flaws with anything found in wc1 and youre just too underaged to realize this. maybe when you hit your 2nd birthday youll be able to realize the beauty of the deepest lore warcraft 1
Overwatch has lore?
Mega Man
take your meds
I thought they just axed the lore and just write a barebones story like DotA
Take your meds grandpa you're seeing things again
Dark Souls
I don't even like OW but you're full of shit. Life's short, try to be more positive and be less of a cynical bastard to the point where you need to make shit up on an anonymous board just to be angry. Be happy faggot.
I am glad I never watched that garbage show and never read the comics. TLA is the only Avatar that matters.
I don't get it either, but autistic people eat it up.
They did. They got rid of their old writers and now burch is writing for them iirc
Fate grand order
Kingdom Hearts
Fire Emblem Heroes
well user, source us up if you're feeling generous today
It's not quite as smooth as that, seeing how someone was fanatical enough in their paranoia to order an EMP bomb to be delivered into a poor omnic neighborhood at some point
so people connect with the characters
>muh sjw boogiemen
How are they more abysmal than the lord of cringe overwatch?