Why do so few games feature female delinquents?

Why do so few games feature female delinquents?

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woman are rarely delinquents in real life

Adultery is delinquency. The overwhelming majority of unmarried women (and a good chunk of married women) in real life are delinquents.

Female delinquents literally only exist in the underclass of civilized countries

they're just parodies of actual delinquents.


Farthest left girl is best

do punk sub cultures count as 'delinquents'? They just seem like a stupid tribal clique people act out to fit in

I didn't realize videogames paralleled real life. Which wizarding school did you attend?

Post ganguro sluts

nah, man, those girls in the image are delinquents. that image is from the 70's when they had girl gangs. still do, kind of. i wouldn't be surprised if some of them were daughters of yakuza members


lol back to r9k virgin

We need more

>smoke ciggs
>drink lite beer
>skip class
>talk to older boys
>C- average grades
>hair dye
>get fingered
>steal candy bars from 7/11
>use bad language

they just do stupid snotty nosed punk kid shit like shoplift and smoke dope. You might find a game that lets you do that shit as a female character

What the plot woud be?

>you'll never be passed around and forced to sexually please a gang of cute girls.

feels bad.

Bullying virgin nerds till their dicks explode.

back to r/gaming safe space redditor

Kenka Banchou but with girls

All I can imagine is Life is Strange but with Foxfire's story, stupid teen girl shit

God damn I wanna be forced to be their toilet slave so much

It would be Bully but with girls

Didn't the last Kenka Banchou featured a tomboy who trades places with her twin brother in a delinquent school?

Not really the same, that one is just an otome.

Girl bullies are more mean to other girls than boy bullies are to boys
A game about girl bullies would be so disgusting that they'd have to pull it over cries of 'misogyny' because girls can do no wrong


Because that doesnt fit the female power fantasy

But it fits my dick's fantasies.

what's the female power fantasy?

Being a man.

Do recovering delinquents count?

*blocks your path*



nah they just want the fruits of men's labour but without the labour

Wait a minute...

why?? WHY do i love exactly that??

what games let me FUCK a delinquent grill?

Yes, because when we talk about delinquents we talk about cheating, you fucking mong.

>Hey girls I heard he played video games

>delinquent route has you romance her in spite (because?) of that and sees her gradually become a better person

what. source?

It'd be like all those /ss/ femdom doujins

The search for the Lost Husband.

Aka The Beauty and The Beast.

Why are jap wrestlers such savages
I remember some webm of a dude getting thrown over actual fucking nails on the ring, pointy side up.

If anything, female delinquents would be the last one to cheat on you.

>facebook frog

dem some badass bitches

Honestly, what do you do in a situation like that? Fight back and next day chad and tyrone will fuck you 6 times as hard. Take it and end up on the internet like this guy.
Is running away even an option?

God I wish that were me

My dick couldn't handle it tbqhwu



>he doesn't know blacks are a major problem in japan

you dont know anything


What games let me romance a delinquent

Oh sorry... "Jamal-kun".


>ywn play as a mean girl, cucking your orbiters and being Chad's toy
Sequel fucking when

Good game but I'd wait until it goes on sale desu.

Is that not the Nigerians though? A Nigerian isn't going to be called Tyrone.

try not to get mugged if you ever go

what the fuck is this

>Is running away even an option?


>No video game that features female delinquents and tough girls getting slowly psychologically getting broken over the course of the game till their nothing but a sobbing wreck that just wants to go home

>I remember some webm of a dude getting thrown over actual fucking nails on the ring, pointy side up.
>jap wrestlers
Nigga that was The Undertaker vs Mick Foley as Mankind.

>Not cucking the entire school, even Chad

>female delinquent
just means

Oh fuck, id make my pants sticky just by sitting playing it.

What is it about chicks in leatherman jackets that makes my dick fucking diamonds?

sauce pls

>no games featuring the best and most vicious sukeban
why live


shitty, normalfag taste ;)

Girls wearing boys clothing is patrician. It's also why reverse traps are secretly the best fetish.

Wait you think these are jap wrestlers? These girls are from the indie death match wrestling league that takes place in the backyard farm of guy's parents house.


Rough Sketch Senpai

yeah you don't know anything
worst they do is try to rope you into visiting some seedy roppongi hostess bar if you're walking by

Jesus user...

for some reason, images of girls genuinly sobbing and crying pulls at my heartstrings.

>be anti-used goods/purityfag
>thought of cute sukeban being fingerbanged by Yamamoto-senpai gets me rock solid
Have I been brainwashed?

Female delinquents:the game

Post more delinquents.

Except many of them have jumped and assaulted people

Rival Schools sequel when?


Probably because you're a guy

That's because you're not dead inside user

You naughty fucking bitch!...


Not a delinquent, but the rest fits.

Those were tacks, not nails. Pretty major difference.

>ending of the route shows that she is now your wife while still retaining some of her brash ways

Most brutal wrestling i've seen is from America funny enough

isnt the school girl in it a dyke?

Isn't it just a blank slate that kinda looks like Kafuka from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei?

>ywn get bullied by female delinquents

Why live?

Fucking why don't we get more Kenka Banchou games?

Psychologically not physically

Best manga

The Demonophobia MC doesn't get physically broken over the course of the game. If she gets physically broken at all, it's game over.

She gets psychologically broken gradually if you manage to keep her alive though.

Guess the same applies to Clock Tower, but the Clock Tower MCs' reactions are nowhere near as sadistically satisfying as the Demonophobia MC.

I'm enjoying this series a lot more than I initially thought I would.