I'll start
Main menu kino
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waiting for you to start brah
woah kino af breh
was it ludo?
Any KH game really
Breaking out of the chair and playing Zork was pretty sweet.
There's also a top down shooter if you type DOA in the computer.
Metroid prime 2's menu, twisted metal black's.
Arcade games had some of the most useful title screens
>Game instructions
>Score values of in-game objects or enemies
all rolled into one or two screens
When I first saw this I was fucking blown away. Nothing comes close to this in terms of menu kino.
Apologies for the shitty crop
Comfy af
The Metro games had some real neat main menus.
The second had a great main menu theme too.
Space Marine
I thought I had the power rangers webm of it saved
People tend to have this knee jerk reaction that CoD is a terrible franchise, but there was a lot of love that went in to blops and it's severely underrated,
The zombies maps, the DLC ones in particular, had a lot of passion put into them.
This is the most memorable title screen from the 7th gen easy
Or any other game menu with the same style
i stayed at the menu for too long, its so calm and comforting yet hype and ominous.
I still remember booting that game for the first time and being completely blown away that there was no opening cinematic which makes gives it more impact
get on my level
Love how tiny and insignificant it makes you feel.
then you press start and some non-sense cutscene with upbeat pop music happens
i remember going to a special event 2 weeks before launch, played it on an Imax screen in NYC. seeing it there was something else man
it's neat
absolute kino
d-does anyone else want to JUMP FEET FIRST INTO HELL and get stomp on by a buff sangheili?
and it's not done justice unless you have hell march fucking blasting at full vol
Something is very comforting about shenmue's menu
Dat everything.
i'd love playing a game where you do drops as an ODST. every level/mission is just you getting dropped into different areas and securing a forward base.
It's because it has become a meme to hate COD
Black ops 3 was good and still active on Consoles. Most time Tryarch make the best polished CODs
MGS4 menu is best MG menu. Even the typography is perfect.
WaW was dominated by MP40/Jugg and Black Ops there was absolutely no reason to not be using a FAMAS with Red Dot.
I can't be the only one?