So honest question here Sup Forums

So honest question here Sup Forums
Have you ever thought "man this game fanservice kinda cross the line"
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what is that thing supposed to be?

>saving thumbnail

Bullet Girls/2


i should've specified, i meant the thing in her mouth.

I can barely see the picture on my 4k monitor.

I'm on my phone and i didn't realize it was a thumbnail



>he did it again

Why not put the damn thing in the river???

Danganronpa 2

the plate scene

Yeah. It doesn't take much for me to get... annoyed? It doesn't make me uncomfortable or disgusted or anything, but I think the word for the feeling I get when there's anything approaching blatant fanservice in the game is annoyance.

I love me some fanservice.
Bring on the anime tiddies.

why does Inferno Cop have Kamina shades

the only time i was ever put off by a fan service scene was when Quiet started dancing in the rain. it was just so fucking stupid and she looked like a mutt that i started to find her unnattractive

>he knows both of those characters
>but he hasn't seen luluco

it's been years since I watched Inferno Cop and I don't even remember if I watched the entire series or not

Why don't they just make hentai with these models?

If I did, I would never bought many Vita games. Novelty gets old fast, though.

I would be happy if all games just had naked girls fapping all the time.


Doesn't sell. A lot of ero creators moved over to vita to make psuedo-ero games just because they are more likely to sell.

>cross line
nigga what

How can you be this dumb?

Of course not.

Because he's a dumb phoneposter.