>he bought a pro controller
He bought a pro controller
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you are damn right, its got the superior xbone stick layout and not this garbage sony style trash
ok but what about ZL and ZR
It's gottem
Those controllers are pieces of fucking shit
I went through like ten of them in returns and exchanges before telling them to fuck off and getting some wishy-washy "why u mad tho" email when I just returned them
The only time they ever fucking worked was when they were plugged in and I used the goddamn bluetooth adapter they recommended
I want those fingernails gently brushed across my ballsack.
why havent they made any sega controllers
Posting superior controller.
what fucking sense does this make
That's a shit controller with shit d-pad.
Don't buy it guys.
so you can live stream over twitch while playing
So you can voice chat.
Yes, I know.
this is the closest you can get to the real thing
Obviously, it's the best controller.
I mean.. I can just look at this thing and tell it's of poor quality. i'll just wait for homebrew that allows any bluetooth controller to work with it, so I can use my ds4 and xbone controllers.
Looks uncomfortable and sort of retarded. Shoulder button placement is awkward. The snes pad was great, but the 90s are over.
I actually tried like three of those and two of the famicom colored ones. It was way too fucking small for my hands and every single one burned itself out trying to search for my bluetooth dongle. Couldn't even find my phone when some shitty ten year old bluetooth headset that survived a house fire could.
Piece of shit.
Now THIS is a good ass controller. Best six bucks I ever spent and makes my genesis games on Steam feel like a fucking dream.
wish I could test the d-pads before buying. I'm very picky about the tactility of d-pads.
>some Sup Forumsirgin is buttmad
>its not even out yet
The standard snes pad felt like the original to me, even had one on hand to compare.
Hopefully the pro version will be the same
they dont think it be like 8bitdo, but it is
why did they make it so expensive. regular snes30 is $20
Can't carry that shit in a pocket
I was skeptical of this thing because of the price and Hyperkin's hit and miss reputation, but it's all I ever use for old shit anymore.
>what do we do?our controller is an ergonomic nighmare for anyone larger than a japanese schoolgirl?
>oh I know! We just remake our old controllers from before the word ergonomics was even fucking invented.
>you know, the one that is like one finger tall and lets you claw at flat plastic with your remaining hand
how are the Dpads on these? I already have different chink controller and the dpad is shit, too stiff
No you didnt
Yes I did faggot
I don't need to justify shit to you, your controllers are fucking pieces of shit
>They work with all your consoles
>Just hold this ridiculous button combination
>sold by dynamic distributor
you made it sound like you actually interacted with the company
>no shoulder buttons
this is only good for sega games and maybe NES
>y-y-you bought it from the wrong person, doesn't count
I still got some faggy nu-male "THANKS 4 BELIEBING IN US" bullshit email from 8bitdo that turned into pissy whining when I returned that fucking shit
Funny, I don't remember getting a single email from 8bitdo
the joycon grip is unironically the best controller nintendo's ever put out
fight me
This would pretty cool if they launched the fucking virtual console already.
I'm curious how 3rd party friendly it is now, is it anything bluetooth?
That's neat. Do they have a version for Wii U?
ITT we now like symmetrical analog sticks now that it's on a Nintendo system
>SNES controller with analog sticks
*vomits everywhere*
you're welcome
I would agree with you if my hands weren't xbox huge. I was one of those assholes back in the day who used the duke and couldn't understand all the whining.
It's fucking awful. You have to hold a button combination and pray to the gods it works. Nintendo already patched it out so you had to go online and get new firmware to use it again.
Old firmware works on WiiU, latest firmware removed it for Switch.
snes30 worked on retron5, iphone 7, galaxy s6, WiiU, Switch. That's all i've tested it on
>The only time they worked was when I used them the way the manufacturer intended them to be used! When I tried to put it in my ass, it stopped working! What a piece of garbage!
They are not.
One return equals 10 to this fucking retard.
That's for a genesis you shmuck.
Nah, the 8bitdo controllers are actually pretty nice. I picked up a Famicom style one (with analog sticks) and a SNES style one (no sticks) a couple weeks ago because I got sick of getting phantom inputs when using my Wii U Pro Controllers on my Raspberry Pi, and they're both pretty great. They don't have the bottomless batteries that the Wii U controller has, but they're super comfy and feel pretty well built, though the d-pad on the Famicom style controller does kind of slide around a bit, which I'm not crazy about, but it hasn't affected gameplay at all.
I meant how receptive is the Switch to 3rd party controllers?
Plugged in as in PHYSICALLY WIRED to the PC you fucking retard
The bluetooth in every single one I got my hands on fizzled out and killed it.
I already told you I don't need to justify shit with you. These controllers are pieces of fucking shit, I'm not going to go screencapping all of my bullshit to please some user on the internet I'm never going to meet with or interact with again when I X out this fucking thread.
I bought one of the Famicom versions of these recently. It is very small, but surprisingly comfortable. Kinda wish the buttons were a little bit bigger, though.
Hello 8bitdo!
Stop shilling on Sup Forums, thanks,
Post the email. I've contacted them in the past and never got anything but help from them. I honestly just don't believe you actually even owned one of their controllers, given how ridiculous your story is.
Oh right, I forgot anyone who likes anything you don't is just a shill for the company.
>mfw I replaced my DS4 with a Nes30pro
>mfw it was a pain in the ass to sync at first but once I got it set up proper it could sync perfectly between PC, phone and Switch flawlessly and even switching between the three rapidly
The initial setup is such a pain, just Jesus fuck is the 20+ hour battery life worth it.
>power + y for 1 sec is a complicated button combination
This. I'm honestly surprised he was able to type his angry posts out, considering how many keys he had to hit to do it.
Your controllers are shit, 8bitdo.
You can keep insisting I am somehow the entire company, but it's not going to make it true.
>I don't like ergonomics.
Got one of these recently. Wish the shoulder buttons were placed differently.
Glad to see the new thing they're putting out has proper shoulder button placement.
What is true is that your controllers are shit with bad d-pads.
DS4 is like anti comfy with its bloated in the middle handles. Not to mention that the Nes30pro feels more like a classic controller or Snes pad which are two of my favourite controllers.
People have different tastes tho.
I bought the Hori Pro controller because gyroscope, NFC and "HD" Rumble are gimmicks.
Plus the regular Pros dpad is fucked
Excellent job fellow Hyperkin employee! You can go on your lunch break now. The food today is of questionable quality at best like everything else at this company.
>DS4 is not comfortable
>But 8bitdo is great and really comfortable even with its 90's design.
Come on 8bitdo... stop shilling here.
Hyperkin are shit too.
Buy a Fighting commander from Hori if you want a good retro controller with 6 face buttons, or just use the PS4 one.
>cry about returning multiple defective controllers
>defends the DS4
that looks like such a gimmicky piece of shit. i'd rather have a 2003 mad catz controller
Hi Sony!!!!!
no shit, retard
there's a usb verision
more like 8bitdoodoo gamepad bazinga
Those are only good for PC and mobile. Using it on consoles are a chore to set up properly.
>8 bit
Do they still do that diagonal input shit?
When will this meme end?
This is how you sound.
i returned my 8bitdo snes controller because the Y button got stuck and the L shoulder button stopped responding, i opened it up and couldn't believe the terrible soldering job...i re-soldered it myself and did some research on who made this piece of shit and whaddya know...a fucking chink ass company right out of hong kong. got my refund thank fuck. so i wen't with a buffalo snes controller and owned it for 3 months with no problems at all.
but does it gyro?
haha why the hell do you want analog sticks on a SNES controller, are you fucking retarded?
1 out of 5 8bitdo controllers actually work longer than six months you worthless shill
Thats why the Saturn countroller is superior
The best cowboy game ever made, by far. Gun, Sunset Riders and call of juarez faggots need not reply.
Who cares about gimmicks, I don't play videogames to waggle.
>unironically picking the unergonomic memepad instead of the slick curvy figure of the procon
Is this the retro controller shill thread? Buffalo a best!
>third party
Yeah unless you got one where the dpad triggers itself. Which is a really common problem with them.
>xbone stick layout
I own one of those it, works great
I like the Pro Controller!
I also use it on the PC quite frequently, it's just comfy as hell.
i own this. it's pretty fucking solid
I hooked up my old duke the other day. Keep trying to find things I can force it to work with it for a giggle.
>Not using gyro for superior aiming in BotW and Splatoon 2
get a load of this casual
Seriously he did the roll around 10 times? Not 2 or 3 times but 10 unique times? And we are expected to believe that 5th grade level of lie?
>Play all your GENESIS favorite games
>SNES model
Uh huh