I suppose I'll get my chance...another day

I suppose I'll get my chance...another day...

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get down to rock

>GGfags shit on BB just for existing and not being GG
>Be the ONLY franchise left out of the crossover
How does it feel to be left behind you elitist hipster fucks

>No mention of new GG characters at EVO.

That worries me. I need some robo ky.

How would they port GG's beautiful 3d models and shadows to BB's ugly, ultra-stiff, animation style and make them work with BB's lackluster sprites?

BB's being done a favor by leaving GG out. The's game not to good for GG. It's quite the opposite. (especially if you look at the source material for RWBY blech)

Those beautiful 3D models that keep all of your fan favorite characters from returning. Enjoy Bedman and Raven though!

Robo Ky can wait.

They brought back Bainken and Jam. I don't see how they couldn't bring back Robo-Ky or Bridget.

you and her both

They could, but instead we get
>le sleepy man
>flag fag
>tits the character
>reddit lion man
>ass the character
>edgy furfag
>totally not gouken
>chipp in a suit

Joke's on you. I'm a Slayer and Dizzy player and Answer is fun as fuck.

You still can't answer my question as to why I should want them in this lame 4-way MVC:I rip-off? 2v2 is a shit format. 1v1 and 3v3 are both better. Even blade strangers looks slightly better.

Reminder that best Ky will be the next returning character.

>Asked which character he would add next to the roster, his answer was immediate: "Robo-Ky." The reason? "His interesting playstyle." More recent fans of the Guilty Gear franchise might have seen Robo-Ky make an appearance in Revelator's Story Mode. The character was actually playable in earlier franchise entries, and was notorious for his goofy weapon-based attacks and unique way of handling meter management.


it's as if a company that has done various version of the same game would like to experiment and make different characters instead of rehashing the same cast again

that's a cute girl

At least you're content with being cucked for Dragonball. It's gonna be hilarious when Rev 3 is an AnimEVO side tournament while DBZF and BBXTag are main games.

>Feeling superior over having an official MUGEN that cost money
>With RWBY of all things

It's hard to be affected by anime games when they are hardly on my radar. For me it's more like I check up every once in a while and go "Oh hey a cool thing" or "Oh whatever. Anime is terrible."

I play so much shit though it's hard to focus on one thing. It's even harder to focus on this MVC Rip-off bs when BB itself only very recently became even remotely attractive with the release of Jubei. Up until that point it was just a bunch of nothing man characters and generic waifus (one off whom is a man).


W-WOAH! New characters on a new game?


I wish sin would have the same type of meter but filled by eating.

what a cute girl

That's not a girl that's a drawing

>Kazunoko got top 8 in GGXrd and SFV in the same EVO
Although he didn't win either that's still ridiculous.

>you'll never be decent at guilty gear

what a cute drawing of a girl

Can't they just screen capture all the animation frames to easily transplant it to 2D form?

Nage is a monster

Nice desu

>BBfags acting high and mighty for being stuck in a crossover with shitty Roosterteeth crap

I really miss special intros

>Jubei announcement
>Guess I need this game now
>It's still $60
>With DLC it'll be $70


I miss her.

What is it about Guilty Gear that makes it so difficult to learn for beginners?

>BBfags come to shitpost in every GG thread then wonder why no one likes BB

>crossover with RWBY

There's like at least a month or so before we get him so there'll probably be a sale sometime before he comes

>all trash franchises in one game
>people thinking we would ever want GG associated with trash


Ishiwatari wouldn't tarnish Sol with that crap

this is true of all fighting games. but once you learn the basics, it's so much easier to pick up any fighter. luckily, Guilty Gear has an incredible tutorial that covers all the essentials of fighting games

Only dedicated people can play it.

I'm a total beginner myself and it's been a fun process. There are a lot of systems and mechanics but you don't need to learn them all at once. You learn a handful and then pick up the rest naturally as time goes on.
I guess special attack inputs are harder to pull off compared to most other fighters and the timing to do them is more strict? But I wouldn't know since I don't play other fighters.

The hardest thing for me right now is doing air combos consistently, since you need to know which attacks chain with eachother, how much each attack pushes away your opponent, and jump at the right moment to continue the chain (otherwise you'll hit too low or too high) without your opponent hitting the ground and recovering.

But again it's nothing you need to learn in your first hour... or 20 hours. At the very start I was just spamming special attacks and sometimes hitting random normal attacks to stun him just enough to go back to my special attack spam. Consistent and precise movement is still my biggest hurdle

It's more of a Mori thing he knows to keep those two seperate

It's old school design choices that are still present in the new games. But weirdly enough I prefer them to BB's new but far looser feel.

Why is Johnny perfect?

He's cool but he's so hard to play optimally. I flail around like an idiot on him and my coins almost never land.

Transport YRC's eat my lunch. I can never get them consistently enough to convert.

Why can't the BB and GG fans learn to get along? Just as an outsider to both, it always seemed like you had more to gain by burying the hatchet with each other?

A lot of it is """shitposting""" on the internet and not fans of either. People will play both but since the GG license is back people can freely play both and probably prefer one over the other. Most trashing of games you see is by people that don't play games or only play/stream SFV. Almost everyone who has played GG has played or bought BB at some point in time aside from people new to GG.

you will one day, user.

Actually this is pretty civil. Trust me. Fighting game rivalries in general aren't something that can get too outta hand. Just some ball busting.

This, I personally don't play BB but I have no problem with it or it's community, iv'e just always preferred GG.

no because sprites are done by hand while GG's models are 3D with a custom shader on top.

>Ishiwatari wouldn't tarnish Sol with that crap
Have you seen Xrd's story mode? Specially Rev 2

There's literally a sale on steam right now for Central Fiction

CF is never 60 dollars on Steam so he was obviously talking about console

>BB gets a new version and character
>GG gets fuck all, not even new balancing
Wow you sure showed them

All you need is a fucking screen capture of the display for easy as hell translation to 2D, or do you fucking think every TV screen is actually rendering in 3D?

>3 franchises of reused sprites and clashing art styles with like 3 new sprites of RWBY of all things

Thanks for the invite, but I think we'll stay out of your playstation allstars clone

So... this ISN'T Dart from Legend of Dragoon?

I'm more taken a back by people trying to act all booty blasted that there are no GG characters in this crossover when it's clear to anyone that thinks about this for more than 5 seconds can see that this is Mori's practice for the inevitable GGxBB game.

Daisuke and Mori both said they wouldn't want to do a crossover until both are finished with what they want to do with their series in regards to fighting games. Mori finished Blazblue and Daisuke still has at least one more full Xrd title to work on. Plus most of his team seems to be working on the new Dragonball game so he's probably working with a very small team right now to work on either Rev2 or get ready for the next GG which means you're not going to see anything big for a little bit. So tell me what the hell Mori is going to do in all that time? Our answer is in the form of Blazblue Cross Tag. Not a lot of resources to be spent too since it'll mostly be a sprite dumb game ala MVC2. So I can only assume the people who are getting upset are falseflaggers or complete casuals who aren't into GG that much to begin with.

>not even new balancing
What do you think Rev 2 is?

The Guilty Gear & Blazblue games are on sale on Steam, including GG2. Is it worth picking up? I heard it plays like an ASSFAGGOTS, so I'm having doubts.

A dead game that wasn't even able to get main stage at EVO

yet the game got more entrants at Evo and has more people playing online... Go figure.

Not him, but the others sprites are also pixel art. There's no way to screenshot GGXrd keyframes, run them through a pixelation filter, and have them look good, much less merge with the other sprites.

The artstyles would also clash too much. Sure the 4 different games already have different artstyles but they follow a typical thin anime aesthetic (with very few exceptions of buff guys) while nearly everyone in GG is a buff guy or THICC girl

Just get GG2's OST since it's the best of the fucking series and it's only redeaming value of that game. Don't buy the actual game.

Rev2 isn't on sale.

You talking about GG2 playing like ASSFAGGOTS? Cause in that case you're right it is. It's a weird experiment and I'd say only try it out if you're a hardcore Guilty Gear fan.

The actual games on the other hand are pretty good. They look similar on the outside, but once you get into them you realize they're different animals. I prefer Guilty Gear, but Blazblue is solid for the most part too. Try one of the two. Latest ones are Central Fiction and Rev2, but Rev2 has more players, but at the same time I don't think the combo pack is on sale just base Rev so you'd have to buy the upgrade which is like an additional $20. Rev2 players can play with Rev1 players, but they'd have to switch modes and I'm not sure how many of them actually do that.

> I heard it plays like an ASSFAGGOTS, so I'm having doubts.
Where the fuck have you heard that? How is that even possible? Are you well? Did you hit your head?

Doesn't matter, the game that Arcsys wants to succeed is BB. GG is an afterthought as evidenced by nothing being announced for it.

Within 2 months I bet they'll announce a new version for arcades while consoles will get jack shit for over a year like always.

This, except the game is also really good

Yes, I'm talking about GG2 specifically. I'm quite familiar with fighting games already.

No, it just so happened that BB had 2 announcements this year, so ArcSys wanted it on the mainstage. That's it.
You seem to forget that BB was in the backburner this whole generation and this is the first time it got a huge content spotlight. I'm sure that by next year they'll get back to GG once more.

daisuke said robo ky is next

Majority are falseflags from secondaries who dont play at all, Smashtards or Capcbros. I play both BB and GG but I have no problems with either apart from nitpicks and valid criticisms of some aspects; nothing too big to say one or the others suck dick.

but who CONTROLS robo ky?
Huh? Read between the lines...


>next year
>When DBZ, and BB Crosstag Battle will be a thing
>Thinking they're letting more than 2 arcsys games on mainstage
LOL stay fucking delusional, GG is done


I suppose you think screenshots are vastly inferior to in game render.


GG already had pixel art to base their work on and BB uses 3D models to sprite off of already for years. I can understand if Daisuke doesn't want to go back to sprites though and that title really doesn't fit with GG overall.


DBZ is technically a Bamco game, much like P4A was an ATLUS game. Its Bamco who's going to pay for DBFZ, not ASW.

Central Fiction was just on a digital sale for like 2 weeks. I bought it for £7

I shilled it as hard as I could but I guess you missed it

Maybe we can get a crossover game for all the other games that didn't make it into this one?

Sol came first, Dart's a ripoff

BB isn't done either, just the Ragna storyline. None of these series are ever done, same with Tekken but there's no point in locking out your business. I don't see them crossing over for a while still with how many characters are still "missing" from GG.


>GG is done

I know this is stupid shit flinging, but do you idiots actually think main stage determines how alive your game is?

GG already wasn't on main stage this year, and it still has more entrants than BB. And it had a boring grand finals, while BBs was great.

Why the fuck do you people insist on fighting about stupid shit? Both games are good, even if you like one more than the other.

Samefag here.
So, GG2 is legitimately a worthless piece of shit? Or, people just hate it because it's different?

>Thinking they're letting more than 2 arcsys games on mainstage
why... wouldn't they?
There are at least 4 other FOTM games that will be removed before any of ArcSys'

I didn't say that. I said that screenshots of a 3D model aren't pixel art just because they'd be 2D sprites. Every other character in that game is actua lpixel art. It would be too much work to go through that process with GGXrd characters, they'd pretty much take a screenshot and then re-draw everything on top with pixel art, which is missing the whole point of these fanservice collab games: recycling content cheaply to get a huge roster.

That or (like I said) run an automatic pixelating filter which would look like shit compared to the hand-drawn pixel art of the other franchises.

>GG already had pixel art to base their work on
There's a huge difference between making a couple of concept art pieces per character to get the look right for the 3D modelers, and doing the 100+ keyframes each character has in pixel art.

>and BB uses 3D models to sprite off of already for years.
Yes, which still takes a lot of time and money. This cross game is supposed to recycle the majority of its content, not create it anew.

It's not a bad game, just a really different take on the series.

>GG already wasn't on main stage this year, and it still has more entrants than BB. And it had a boring grand finals, while BBs was great.
Thanks for proving my point. GG isn't on main stage because it's shit that Arcsys wants to bury

>Netherealms game of the year
Not going anywhere
Not going anywhere

>ky fighting dirty and kicking sol's ass
best part of the epilogue right there

It's really weird and kinda shitty at parts but it's a pretty cool and interesting game. At $5 it's worth a shot.

>Actually like Bedman and main him in Xrd
>Gets nerfed to hell for no reason

They literally killed him, both in canon and gameplay


What's with your silly conspiracy?
Why would ArcSys want to "bury" GG when it's their /big guy/'s lifelong pet project?

it fucking hurts

Alright, I'll pick it up. Thanks

I was thinking about getting Revelator, but wanted to get it with all the Rev2 stuff, and Rev2 bundle isn't on sale yet. You think Rev2 will go on sale by the Autumn sale or the Winter sale?

If they wanted it to be on main stage they could've gotten it. They decided to shill BB instead. It's in the pudding.

>The only SNK game
Why would it go anywhere retard?