Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle


>"When the game leaks, no one is happy," Soliani says. "Also, let's be honest, the reaction at the beginning was not 'sceptical' - it was a little bit worse than that. It was quite hard on the team morale to read some of those comments. I asked for Grant's opinion, [since he] has way more experience than me. 'Do you think they will love it? Do you think they will hate us? Do you think that we've done everything wrong?' I was very, very worried. Because, you know, people on the internet can be very, very, very harsh."

>Grant continues: "Davide was completely panicking. I kept saying to him not to worry and that everyone was going to love it."

>That's why Soliani had warned his team to prepare for the worst at E3. His best hope, he tells us, was that someone would think, "It's OK for a strategy game". A good result would be to come away with one E3 Award nomination.

>Yet from the moment Miyamoto took to the stage, it became clear that Soliani need not have feared. The reception was strong, and when the Nintendo legend called out Soliani's name on stage, the camera panned towards the tearful Ubisoft creator.

>"I was amazed by the player reaction. We had a queue that was six hours long, and at the end of the waiting time, they were still happy. That was the best reward we could have received. When I arrived back in Milan, the team felt like a new team. It was the same for Paris. They were completely aware of how it did."

this man gave his heart and soul to this project. it means everything to him. he's a huge fan of Nintendo and Miyamoto. it's a project built with love.

This is such a great story


I just hope it turns out well for him. I think it'll be pretty well received minus the rabbids shit.

Fuck I'm sorry Jesus Christ stop making me feel bad

I think it looks great but the rabbids kill it for me.

sonynîgger devs and microshits will never have such a passion for games
nintendo is the future and every other platform deserves to get gassed

This. The game sounds and looks great but would be 10000x better without the bunnyminions faggotry

I want that fucking shirt

Grant Kirkhope seems like a swell guy

Damn. I'm sorry :(

It's nice to see a positive story about a developer for a change. I hope this game does well, it looks really cool, and a Mario X-Com game was the last thing anyone expected it to be, so it was a hell of a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. I don't own a Switch, and probably won't by the time this is out, but I hope those of you who do have one are willing to give this a shot.

I'd buy the game if it wasn't for the rabbids. They're so fucking corporate that it's just disgusting to me. They're like the minions, just designed that way to be mass produced and sell fucking toys.

the rabbids stuff makes it

without rabbids, you'd have mario with guns doing the same boring save-the-kingdom shit but with a weird xcom system

the rabbids are basically an excuse to push a completely alien system, that wouldn't generally fit the Mario brand/style at all. The closet to a gun has been stuff like bullet bills, or Fludd from sunshine. The rabbids also open up some options in terms of just making weird french humour, like a slutty rabbid peach

>They've created 1,500 different character animations to make the game feel like a cartoon. There's almost three hours of music, with the background animation bobbing along to the sounds.

I mean that's heartwarming and all. But let's not have delusions of grandeur here. Mario+Rabbids is nothing more than a shameless cash grab by Ubisoft because they somehow (still doesn't make sense to me???) SOMEHOW convinced Nintendo to let them get their hands on the Mario ip. And once they got the green light of course they selected their most cash cow, low common denominator franchise to maximize profits. That guy clearly has passion for what he does but he is nothing but a cog slaving for Ubisofts profit margins, even if he is recontraacted for a sequel his career will never escalate past fucking rabbids, which is a fate worse than death. Also he's a fucking idiot for letting the ridicule get to him, once again it's fucking rabbits what did you expect lmao moron

Why does everyone hate rabbids again?

Sure I'm not gonna act like they're the
most iconic characters in gaming or anything, but Raving was a fun series and saw was the recent Rayman game.

I think people just hate them because they remind them of the worst normie meme of all time. Pic related

No. Fuck ubisoft.

>But let's not have delusions of grandeur here. Mario+Rabbids is nothing more than a shameless cash grab by Ubisoft
get the fuck out with this retarded shitposting. just fuck off

>you'd have mario with guns doing the same boring save-the-kingdom shit but with a weird xcom system
that's what i want

people don't like rabbids because they're screaming queers who occupied the Rayman slot for a while, until Ubisoft split the brand and gave use Rayman Origins

now the only haters are "mature gamers like myself" faggots

You retard didn't even read the article. Kill yourself.

why don't you just play Mario Tennis and Dr Mario

What's there to like about them? They act like retards, they have a bland design.

Cause I've already played the shit out of them

You didn't even fucking read.

"convince gamers"

So does Alex Jones but I'm sure you still watch him

Fuck i am sorry, it was just shitposting.

>let's be honest, the reaction at the beginning was not 'sceptical' - it was a little bit worse than that
>It was quite hard on the team morale to read some of those comments
We need to purge trannies on twitter

Godspeed devs. Godspeed.

>Xavier Manzanares

Now that's a name and a half

They've found one of the few ways to make the Rabbids palatable: by placing them in comparison to the more down-to-earth-but-still-cartoony Mario crew.

The game doesn't look bad, but I just cannot allow myself to own a rabbids game.

Miyamoto himself gave the project his blessing, in part because Ubisoft Paris found one of the only genres Mario had yet to crack (turn-based strategy).

they aren't mario xcom

They're popular in france is about it, the english speaking work literally doesn't give a shit about them.

Literally nothing in that article changes what I said, I just read it. Why do all of you faggots get so butt blasted when someone tells it how it is instead of sugar coating everything?

All in favour of this developer dude being /ourguy/ say " I "

I feel bad for them. It's easy to be mean-spirited on the internet and forget that there are people behind these projects that put a lot of work into their games. The game's not for me, but at least they made something that doesn't look nearly as bad as what I thought it would. It seems like they won some people over, too. Good for them.

go away

The fuck is this bitch wearin'? She a stripper?

Just.. why rabbids? Why not bowser?

It's going to be a shit game, just like every other switch game out there. Nintentards please go to lebbit and never come back.

I can't help but get misty-eyed at stuff like this. It seems like this guy's dream has come true.

Why not something entirely new?

this'll sell more than Firaxis XCom

It'll probably be better

Bowsers the villain probably

I would preferred if the Rabbids would have been just the villains and not the playable characters.

Rabbids came first, retard

I'm sorry, Davide. I shouldn't have judged your game so harshly before I saw it.

Davide is much too pure-hearted for Sup Forums.

i was actually surprised by how good it looked, i'll probably end up picking it up around release. was a complete surprise because, let's be honest, the concept of a mario/rabbids crossover game made by ubisoft sounds like it'd be extremely half-assed. was really happy to see it not be that.

Fuck Rabbids.

I'll never forgive them for raping the Rayman series.

Shouldn't it be "クッパ大魔王" instead?

No I'm not going to apologize, Mario + Rayman would have been 10000x better

Same, it is sincerely insulting to my intelligence that an entire team thoguht a Mario and Rabbids crossover makes more sense than a Mario and Rayman crossover
The boss fights against Skops and Space Mama would have kicked ass and you know it
they killed Rayman 4
I still think it looks bad, it would've been much better had it just been a Mario & Luigi game + Rayman and Globox

I think Rabbids, and Minions, are both a product of French classical humour, along with that weird McDonald box

Notice how it's always tranny subhumans leaking stuff. Truly they have no place in civilized society.

Source on it being a tranny

why are rayman fans so autistic
you 2 amazing platformers
that's more games than any other "dead" franchise
that's more than series like dark stalkers get where they announce a revival and never even a little taste.

I didn't think about it before but if it was rayman instead it would be amazing.

>he thinks only raymanfags are complaining

everyone else would rather have it be mario + rayman as well

Pardon me for wanting more of a good thing instead of shitty minigame collections they'll never get me to care about
Also, Mega Man fans are ten times worse at what you're describing because they have tons of good games and still complain

I'm sorry. I ripped on this game repeatedly and mercilessly. It looks fun.

you still have good games
you're still going to get good games

Heavenly superperson?

I dunno, Rayman looks pretty dormant from here unless Legends Definitive somehow sells gangbusters
Ports don't really count towards liveliness

Yeah I'd rather it were a Rayman mash up, or no mash up at all.

I'm expecting a bunch of new levels in the Switch version

fuck you man

mega man games are great but there's no goddamn closure

like 3 series has endings, the rest either ended on a cliffhanger or never transitioned to the next series

how did they get volnutt off the moon? why was thomas the evil elder in zxa? whatever happened with axl?

i just want closure dammit, and we could've had it but NO they had to cancel archie mega man comics...

Pic related
Smash will pick him up

I'm sorry, I'll buy your game.

No. That's not the only scenario. This is still a shitty scenario.

No. He knew damn well that he could have avoided all of this ill will towards himself and his game if he never decided to include Rabbids.

I apologize, Davide
I'd buy your game if I could find a fucking Switch

I'm really torn, because the game itself looks great, but Rabbids are fucking retarded.

Rabbids had one alright game.
Their first game. After that they got overly obnoxious and ubisoft forced them down everyone's throat with a ton of shitty mini game collections.
I would have been totally ok with rabbids in this game. But only if they were regulated to nothing but a enemy position. Also where the fuck is all the mario enemies?

Then remove the gun. Make the weapons fist, various suits (frog, fire/ice/cloud/boomerang flowers leaf, feather), Hammer, parasol, vaccum, eggs. Shells, bullet bill cannon and Bob-ombs.
Instead. Gun, grenade, Bazooka. fucking wow.
They could have kept the rabbids too. Just keep them as enemies.
Why isn't there any mario enemies in the footage we have seen?

You can fight Chain Chomps apparently
But that's as much as we have seen

Are you sure they aren't just a stage hazard or just fluff to make the map look nice?

I'm sorry Davide

>Adopt me please

Jesus fucking christ, people already have Origins and Legends, what more do they want, those games are practically flawless.

Ready for EA to cart out a bunch of devs next year to fake cry on stage? You know it's gonna happen, Ancel and Soliani crying during the Ubisoft show made it seem genuine and heartfelt, it gave them their best E3 response in a decade. You can bet your ass EA's gonna try to fake it and it's gonna be fucking horrible.

Rayman would've been better, but this game looks good so i'm buying it

They want Sony or Nintendo or someone to make Rayman exclusive and guarantee more games.
Nintendo doesn't need another platformer, 2D or 3D.
Sony doesn't care about non-cinematic experiences without someone talking at least every five minutes

For rayman not to get another 15 years of darkness because Ubisoft thought to play the rabbids card again.

Rayman just isn't popular enough for a company like Ubishit.
>Origins sold best on Wii, sold meh on other consoles
>made Legends an exclusive for Wii U, get cold feet and make it a multiplat, sold best with the Wii U version (which is really sad when you consider Wii U first year sales)
>both with not enough marketing
It's dead Jim

xcom for children

>the leaked info actually stated that the game was going to be an SRPG
>no one actually bothered to read the leak, just react to the headlines about it
>suddenly at E3 everyone's shocked it's an SRPG and now they love it
>the initial reaction happened because people were too dumb to spend the 5 minutes it took to go through the leaked slide show and read it instead of just flipping out over the logo image
I hate the video game community.

>the background animation bobbing along to the sounds.
>everyone hates it when NSMB does it
>suddenly it's great when any other game does it

And Rabbids wasn't popular enough to warrant 15 games, a TV series, Comic books, Merchandise and a fucking movie in the works in the course of 10 years while it wasn't nearly as good of a series as Rayman was. Which it was derived from.

They're popular in France


And france is a dying country with a dead Language. How apt.

I'm not French

>MFW I actually read the leaks and thought the game was going to be decent, and was still pleasantly surprised by E3 gameplay

They should let more third parties work on their ips like in the Gamecube era.

>like in the Gamecube era
>Star Fox Assault
No thanks

Never said you were.