now that 2D metroid got PERSONA'd by prime, where do you think the future of the series can go? will it forever be between 1 and 2?
Now that 2D metroid got PERSONA'd by prime, where do you think the future of the series can go...
>got PERSONA'd
That implies the 2d titles are better than the 3d ones.
I think the Prime series is its own canon.
Fuck off with that prime shit
no this is a video game board, make your own thread
It's not. Even Sakamoto says it's part of the timeline.
Keep telling yourself that, m8.
Why are the sale numbers of Zero Mission and pinball missing?
all that image shows me is that prime 1 is at the top
>remake on the 3DS like SMT, outsourced to a different company as well
>sequel on the switch made in house like persona on PS4
They didn't sell over a million. Zero Mission I can at least vouch for it and say that it was due to the end of the GBA's life cycle, poor advertisements, and the heavy amount of DS promoting.
every metroid has shit advertisement except other M and maybe prime 1
also other M was over a million from what I remember
And Prime 2, 3, and Hunters are at the bottom while Federation Force bombed.
No it didn't, it bombed
that doesn't change the fact that prime overtook 2D as the premier series oh and thanks for the image, a literal logo of prime gets around the same amount of views as a full fledged gameplay trailer of 2D. See you at E3 2018
Axiom Verge, AM2R, and Rogue Dawn proved that fans can create better metroid games than nintendo ever could.
Honestly I'm not hyped at all for Samus Returns. I'm a bit interested in Prime 4, but I doubt it will be as good as the first two. Even Prime 3 was weak as hell
No it didn't, each game sold less then their 2D counterparts.
yeah prime 3 was brought down by its intro, thankfully Prime 4 is going to focus on a prime 1-esque design
this still has nothing to do with prime overtaking 2D as the premier series. Zero mission didn't even hit a million
To clarify this statement before you get all autistic on me, I mean each Prime game after the first. Also I'll be watching Halo 6 gameplay at E3 can care less about Prime 4.
Prime is a spin off, this was clarified multiple times in interviews that why it's called a sub-series.
so does that mean that SMT actually has fun gameplay instead of muh atmosphere muh immersion?
fusion is prime 1's counterpart, fusion sold less on a console with more sales
zero mission is prime 2's counterpart, zero mission sold less on a console with more sales
prime 3 doesn't have a counterpart
I'm not sure why you think this
Yeah, it is a spin off. But a spin off that overtook the main series, like persona did to SMT
I hope that Prime 4 is good enough to attract new fans while also being different enough to alienate the old ones.
But it never undertook shit, the only Prime that outsold ALL the 2D games was Prime 1, every Prime after that couldn't outsell any except Zero Mission.
what I'm hoping for is a basis akin to prime 1 with one new mechanic that doesn't break the game like hypermode in prime 3
moving the goalpost eh?
What goalpost?
you said the 2D counterparts sold more than the prime games, a false statement your own image that you posted proved you wrong. Now you're bringing metroid 1/2/super into this which have no relevance. I'm starting to get bored, you better entertain me or I'll stop responding
They did, Metroid, Metroid II, Super, and Fusion, outsold Prime 2, 3, Hunters, and Federation Force. Samus Returns has more views than Prime 4, what do you think will happen? Do the math.
irrelevant, now I'm bored. You failed
And I'm supposed to care, why?
I'm glad you don't, you can leave the thread
How about you leave the thread
nah I made it, make an SR thread yourself
Guys stop fighting.
Think we'll get footage before next E3?
There's no way this is coming in 2018, but we could see some progress soon or even an actual trailer
metroid more like dumbtroid lmao
You make a bait thread, what the hell did you honestly expect would happen?
>bait thread
I just want to talk about prime 4
They could have been working on this for some time, maybe it originally was a project for Wii U, so I don't think it's impossible to come out in 2018.
Metroid Prime was completed roughly in 2 years after all, I know development cycles for new games are longer, but still.
>now that 2D metroid got PERSONA'd by prime
This is bait