Does gamer fuel give you an unfair advantage?

Does gamer fuel give you an unfair advantage?

Other urls found in this thread: dew calories&oq=mountain dew calories&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3618j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

>Mountain Jew

I think they come with loot crate rolls now

>Does gamer fuel give you an unfair advantage?
Depends on what fuel you're using. Caffeine (and thus anything that contains it) is a banned substance in most eSports competitions specifically because it gives you an unfair advantage.

didn't mountain dew used to give bonus exp in halo and call of duty

thanks mountain dew

fuck I wanted to post it

>Drinking soda

*Cracks can*

>needing liquids to survive


Can I get a source?

Is getting the beetus an advantage?

How retarded has Sup Forums become?

don't Dew yourself in just yet

*Cracks open bear*
About to play some TF2.

>gaming console

I don't know about caffeine, but amphetamines are absolutely banned. Stronger stimulants give you enhanced focus for their duration. They won't make you smarter or anything like that but they will enhance your reaction times slightly and make you feel more focused on the game.

That's cute.

>Can I get a source?
Don't remember where I heard it., might'a been Sup Forums. I don't think it's actually banned YET, but it's on the World Anti-Doping Agency's waiting list for prohibited substances.

I think it's bad form to abuse caffeine whether it's officially banned or not. It's really shitty to have to use drugs to be decent. No better than using actual hacks in my opinion.

vodka absinthe with melon liqueur is good gamer fuel

it just shows me a sad panda?

Did you dub the dew?

I highly doubt caffeine is a banned substance as DotA 2 players drink Monster all the time at tournaments.

>vodka absinthe
How the fuck? How the fuck do you make vodka absinthe? Just mix the two together? They're made from two entirely separate things (grain/potatoes and wormwood).

This starting a thread with a shitty twitter post should be a bannable offence. Fucking Sup Forums cancer.

mix em in a shaker pour over ice with a splash of melon liqueur

I can't drink Dew anymore, ever since I started having only 1 tsp of sugar with my coffee everything else tastes like they dumped a whole bucket's worth of sugar in it.

Literally me.

how can the games tell if you drank it or not

See, I work at a juice place, so Dew is among the least sugary things I drink.

fuck no.

*gets diabetes*

There's a difference between eceleb cancer shit and a video game related tweet from some nobody on a consumable product's advertising media. You'd be able to tell the difference if you had two braincells to rub together.

Yes, getting obese and diseases gives me a real advantage alright.

>tfw mountain dew is actually good

>There's a difference between eceleb cancer shit and a video game related tweet
nah they're both fucking shit m8.

fuck off back to your "man cave" and keep drinking that 2 liter bottle of mountain dew you fat shit.

*kills himself*

>being this new

you cant hide behind that proxy schlomo, your nose is too big.

this has always been a thing. fuck off back to reddshit

*teleports behind you*
*cracks skull*
*takes a sip*
pssh, nothin personnel, kid

t. lard ass

I... What? Is nu/v/ just retarded?

You fucking faggot tumblr trannies who keep telling everyone to go to Sup Forums without the slightest provocation are the ones who shoiuld be banned. You didn't even bother reading the OP's image, you just assumed it was political because you're a braindead degenerate.

I'm going to find you, you little antifa dipshit. I'm going to do a lot worse than sucker punch you, and you'll scream and squirm as you bleed.

A can of Mountain Dew Kickstart has 80 calories and 20g of sugar. You're more likely to get diabetes drinking apple juice.

caffeine is a shit stimulant unless you have literally abstained from it for like a month or two, and only then does it make you tweak for 15 hours at best

> dew calories&oq=mountain dew calories&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3618j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
>There are 290 calories in a 1 bottle serving of Mountain Dew Mountain Dew (20 oz).
fuck off lard ass

kill yourself, retard

Tastes like shit, looks like shit, shit color scheme (yeah because I want to be reminded of blood and puke when I drink), terrible, all around sad, why do people drink this

Thanks, Mountain Dew.

how can a liquid have calories


the shitloads of sugar and other shit they put in it.

but really....its good!

by having a load of sugar in it

>Drinking water
>Not getting all the water you need from the foods you eat

Sugar, you retard.

>drinking the carbonated jew

have fun with your cavities and rotten teeth. have fun with your diabetes.

*pisses out kidney stones.

*grows tits*

>take acid for the first time and go to local fight night
>everything is melting, warping, but I feel one with the games and I'm destroying people that normally walk all over me
>after a certain point I feel like I no longer exist and I'm just the game, it feels like I have no body and I'm just the machine
>just high-fiving people after matches, giving thumbs up and as happy as can be
>have legit moments where it felt like I entered 'bullet time'

It was strange.


Don't tell Sup Forums, but I'm drinking some root beer right now.
Ginger beer and/or a Roy Rodgers are my go-to's though. Shit's fucking delicious.

>have fun with your cavities and rotten teeth.
Drank soda for years and still haven't got a single one. Learn 2 into chewing gun fagget. Shit cleans your teeth like nothing else.
I chew one piece of gum all day daily. It's a surprising hard habit to kick but luckily it's a good one to have.

Drinking anything other than milkshake

Hello Amerilard!

British. Yazoo strawberry milkshake.

Yes. When I drink one of these, you better run for the hills. Heck, better yet, just uninstall that game from your lame ass toaster hardware. Because my liquid cooled Alienware and I are coming from that a**.

Pffff. Better luck next time, kiddo.

>cracks can
>now have to wash hands because tiny droplets hit fingertips on opening
>I'm sure as hell not letting that get on my controller

you can come from my ass anytime

32 ounces of apple juice has like 600 calories.

I actually like the orange and red mountain dew flavors.

Then you were informed after you came off that high that you started spazing out that night and everything you thought you did was just your twisted mind trying to cope with all the dumb shit you did that night.
Like how you humped the machine during your match.
That point in time you accousted the mirror while yelling "I kicked your ass".
How you kept smacking the hat stand with your pants down.
where you were butt ass naked in the bathroom screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAH".


>being this new

>Mountain dew
>not eat doritos


*Teleports behind you*
*Unzips dick*
*Slips it in*

Let's get to work.

so am i not allowed to like mountain dew or what?

No. Drink water instead. Much healthier.

but i already drink water, and every now and then i want a soda

>having such shit genes that caffeine doesn't work for you
you don't really believe this is how it works do you?

You're allowed to like whatever your plebeian taste buds tell you tastes good.

Crack open a dewski and enjoy it, you've earned it.

Go away and don't come back

ye cheers m8

>artist cg
boy i sure do like looking at the same image 10 times

Americans LMAO


False flag as fuck.

>unzips can