One of these threads
fuck off Infinite wasn't that bad. Certainly better than Bioshock 2
Don't you have a waifu to fap to?
Minerva's Den wasn't particularly good.
How can you have such shit taste and live with yourself?
Even Bioshock 2 has the better waifu.
She's a child you sick fuck.
if you havent played Jungle Beat, you dont know SHIT about rhythm games and/or platformers
Not anymore
System Shock and Bioshock are related?
Technically spiritual sucessors.
yeah. have you been living under a rock?
Oh I never knew, haven't played either series.
the series is video games in general.
Kill yourself underage
I'm sorry you feel that way.
I never played either of the Investigations games. I assume they're worth playing or at least emulating?
>tfw tried system shock 2
>got stuck the first area with enemies
ive never played a fps before. are they all so hard?
Good taste. Part of me feels like the first Mario vs DK should be on there too.
I only played the first one but they are pretty good, they rely more on common sense and its fun to see things happening from Edgey's point of view
no they're usually entirely linear
B2W2 are the best pokemon games followed by HG/SS, which could be first if it weren't for the entire second part of the game being terrible and not improved at all from the originals and the level progression being the most fucked up in the franchise.
Shit taste. SS1 is the best one by far. B2 wasn't that good either. Although I agree Infinite was complete trash, but who doesn't.
I'm not sure if I made this one myself, but I kind of agree with it.
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is so fucking good.
any tips for a nintenbro who's only experienced with platformers and such?
Sapphire was awesome fuck you.
Added a missing key element(s) for you.
They aren't bad, just kinda of there since Emerald exists
Agreed 100%, they were so fucking close to being perfect
play half life 2 or something
Defiance was repetitive as hell, only getting good in the climax.
>tfw I have my genuine opinion that gets me instantly 10 angry (you)s on my other harddrive
Moon was okay
This. Apollo Justice wasn't bad, it was just too depressing for the characters to get hyped for.
>there will never be another Pokemon Snap
Zestiria really fucking hurt because it was the first Tales game I was really anticipating and pre-ordered
bioshock is good, not the infinity tho
and bioshock first came 10 years ago.
>Robin Williams is dead
I think Legendia is my favourite out of the ones I played. A punching suplexing MC was a cool change and I liked the 2d style.
All LOK games are somewhat guilty of this, the last hour is always the best. And SR2 was the most repetitive for me, but also had the best ending.
Bioshock 1 and 2 are amazing.
>3 different variations on hyper-exaggerated "i like this game" reaction images that are basically indistinguishable from each other in terms of meaning
What's the point? That template was good before reddit got their hands on it and ran it into the ground like they do with literally everything
System Shock nostalgiafaggots please go and stay go, the first Bioshock was fantastic.
Second was better
I gave up on the series for a while when my Persona3 save file corrupted after playing off and on for a year. To I need to finish it and play 4 before I play 5?
I liked it but it felt too much like retread on the first game.
How can anyone hold this opinion? RoS improved on 3 in every conceivable way.
t. Ken Levine
Good OP
Nah, the only games that are connected are the two Persona 2s.
5 still have the Arcana theme?
>bought Bioshock 2 for next to nothing a few years back
>multiplayer is completely dead
Damn shame
There's no real story correlation, but 5 makes 4's gameplay feel dated, so you may as well play through the series if you have time
Yeah they all do. However 5 goes back to the system they had in the first two Personas and most of all other SMT games and had the enemies you face be the same demons you summon, instead of Shadows like in 3 and 4.
RoS made D3 playable
Here's one that'll blow your mind
PREY is also a spiritual successor to System Shock
Man, I've never played a Persona game but the art style in P5 makes me want to start
mostly agree
liked pokemon colosseum more than that though
>hey you pikachu will never be re-released or properly emulatable
>RoS made D3 slightly less unplayable
It's as good a place to start, it's easily the most accessible game of the lot
I've just started playing 4 for the first time and I'm enjoying it. It totally oozes style but be prepared to spend the first 2 hours or so pressing X to make dialogue and cutscenes happen
holy shit i thought i was the only one who played battalion wars
I like you, user. Hope the next from game lives up to the legacy
Bioshock is trash as a SS spiritual successor
Prey is much better
should have played 3 first, honestly
why does Prey prevent you from completing the game if you don't have a certain neuromod?
>Bioshock Infinite
>takes place in the sky
Why is it called Bioshock then? Bio means water. Shouldn't it be called Aeroshock?
You have a Donkey Kong chart that doesn't look like complete shit?
rate my fresh opinions
2 wasn't "too deep", in fact it's got one of the best Metal Gear plots if you ignore Fortune's bullshit, I just found the gameplay quite frustrating.
>Pokemon WHACK
Yeah, whack is a good descriptor of that shit gen.
user, bio means life, or relating to life.
You clearly love action and cuhrayzeh. Maybe stick it to platinum/action games.