Prequel to original game

>Prequel to original game
>The technology is way more advanced than in the original

Words cannot describe how much this annoys me. Fuck you, Mirror's Edge Catalyst.

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Halo reach

I never played Halo. What changed in it?

Halo reach came out after 1-3, but was a prequel to all of them. The game featured a lot of higher tech weapons, vehicles, and things like spartan abilities which gave them jetpacks, invincibility, invisibility,etc. that weren't in any of the others and it all felt really out of place for halo in the first place

Human Revolution also did this

MGS is the prime example for this

fug you. fug you. damn hovercraft man

At least in that they explained it a bit in the story.

>Game features shotguns
>When you hit the reload button, the character begins loading shells into the gun, not stopping until it is full

How hard is it to allow the player to load shells individually instead of all in one go?

>prequel to original game with ambiguous things left in it
>tech is more advanced because society had crumbled to pieces before the first game
I enjoy this

How did HR have more advanced tech? They didnt even have nano/biomods yet and everyone was taking anti-rejection meds for their augs. Thats why Jensen is such a key character because hes the first human who doesnt need the meds and is the DNA basis for the building blocks to the tech in the original DX

>Fuck you, Mirror's Edge Catalyst

That entire game confuses me. How do you manage to miss the point of the previous that hard?

The appeal of the first was running on planned routes through a believable near future city. So they made the sequel be full sci fi bullshit and open world to boot.

I was so fucking disappointed.

Because it wouod be annoying to have to out seoerate inputs when you can just reload cancel and get the same effect. Unless of course the game doesnt have reload cancel. Then it can go fuck itself.

>Game makes you press R for each shell

Star wars did this in the prequels. Made no sense at all

>what is the roman empire to the dark ages

>batman arkham origins
>best suit
>best gadgets
>is a prequel
>best batman

what the fuck

In a very, very minor defence, Lucas wanted to show off his new computer toys, making something that looks like the 70s wouldn't have been too visually impressive.

there's a fucking flying city

Holding R is the ideal way to handle it.

>Press and hold R
>Character begins feeding shells into the gun
>Release R
>Character stops feeding shells into the gun

>tfw loved the first one
>get into the beta
>immediately drop it and don't buy it

It was so bad.

>prequel to the original

this is always a bad idea.

>yeah but now we know how X wor-

No one cared, you ruin EVERYTHING by explaining things that felt like basic backstory bits. You add NOTHING by making some extremely sincere story to a character that was just a supporting member.

Fuck, and they're never good either. They just rely on the first one to carry the weight with what they think is an "interesting world" that the audience thinks they care about, but when they realize it isn't well made don't actually care about.

Fuck paper thin worlds that people think they want to explore more of.
Its never that good.

>Every time you reload you have to hold r for the whole animation

That would actually be a neat mechanic. Annoying, but maybe more engaging.

Halo in general post 3 has just become a fucking mess with 343i's being the worst
>an old tech ship gets a massive upgrade because NANOMACHINES
>we have mechs
>we cant decide if the Assault Rifle/Magnum/BR/Shotgun is shit or now because
>everyone wears the same gear now across all branches

>character loads a shotgun
>he loads six shells by putting in the bullets once or maybe 3 times

also a lot of games load one at a time and let you shoot mid reloading, I don't know what you're talking about.

I loved the first and was hyped, then the more I saw I realised how bad it was. It was the city that bothered me most. It was all shine, not the matte colours of the first.

I bought it today because it's on a ridiculous sale, and it's as bad as I expected. Maybe not quite as bad if I'm being honest, but it still misses what I loved about the first.

That's because Reach was the home of the spartans and had the greatest technology. The reason the technology isn't nearly as advanced anymore in the universe is that it's literally the last remaining people who barely made it out alive.

you guys should play reciever

its really fun when you actually memorize the pattern, feels pretty immersive and /k/ommando.

No there isnt. Its a city level sitting on top of other city levels. Its not flying.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst was a reboot not a prequel. It takes place when Faith is younger but it's not the same timeline or even setting as evidenced by all of the bullshit that I'm sure you're aware.

So why make it? I just don't understand the thought process.

There's still a slight delay in firing when you cancel a reload animation (for balance purposes, of course). If you could manually cycle the shells in, you could load in one shell in a high stress situation and be ready to fire faster since you wouldn't need to count on canceling any animations to fire.

>we can't come up with anything original so lets just rehash a story with our own "twist"
>we also don't know what made the old game good so we're just going to be removing or adding stuff on a whim
>we also turn everyone into a caricature
>we also removed "bad" stuff that was limiting in the game, but now theres no challenge

They thought if they "broader audience"ed it they would make a shit ton of money.

Why didn't chief get some of the gadgets? The pillar of autumn was on Reach for a good amount of time, yes?

Instead they made none. It's amazing that some studios are allowed to be so dumb.

they could be experimental.

like "this might blow up in your hand but it's pretty powerful" vs "its a shotgun" chief would probably take the shotgun.

That's a real cop out reason

honestly I don't care that much and would rather have cool new shit in an old timeline game than less.

>I don't care about story and shit
>I'd rather just have new, shiny shit to use and shoot
>Lol who gives a fuck about plot continuity anyway amirite

Also, not a game, but Star Wars. Fuck off with that prequel bullshit.

>new shiny shit
>heres the reason why it exists
>yeah but thats not deep and complex enough for my video game
>yeah but it gets the job done
>but I don't like it

too bad.

Did they?
The Death Star and the fleet of Star Destroyers were way beyond anything present in the prequels, besides the OT are largely set on backwash shitholes (Tattooine, Dagobah, Hoth, Endor) or on spaceships. Even of the spaceships we see the Millenium Falcon is referred to as a pile of crap (and it still has a better hyperdrive than anything in the prequels or otherwise) and the Imperial ships are technological marvels.
Just because a lot of the ships in the prequels were clean doesn't mean that they were better than much in the OT.

Sure Coruscant was a pretty tech-y place but it's the capital of the Republic at the height of its power, and since we don't ever see Coruscant after the war we don't know if it ends up being technologically better or not under Imperial rule.

All you have to do is look at Maliks helicopter versus Jock's.

You can't tell me Human Revolution didn't have more advanced tech.

>we have mechs
Ensamble Studio started that trend with the Cyclops in Halo Wars 2009

you've obviously never written anything in your life. and i doubt many game designers have either.

Yeah, it's a small inconsistency. I'd rather they have that then have the helicopter be boring as fuck just because they're restricted by a game made in the year 2000.

I bet you have way more experience than all of them combined.