ITT: we post 10/10 video game armor sets
ITT: we post 10/10 video game armor sets
I can't believe the same art director worked on Skyrim. That stupid bitch should have been fired for the ugliness that is Oblivion.
skyrim armor looks awful, with the exception of steel plate.
Love me some proper full plate.
Extra points for jousting armor. Kind of a rarity nowadays
>the in game version looks like crap
>took up to Lonesome road to fix the armor
Still I like the Honest Hearts version more
>the Honest Hearts version more
You mean Joshua's riot gear? Because if so, I agree. It's one of the best looking sets in the game and has some nice stats to boot.
Im talking about this one, but Joshua riot gear is good too.
I have played through NV multiple times and I have never seen that riot gear before.
>That bandanna on the leg
>That tan over coat
It's beautiful.
>cloak sticks to your ass because no physics
>shitty slim jeans instead of cargo pants
Lonesome Road is nothing but a straight upgrade. If you prefer any older set, you prefer eating dung.
full sets are gay. you mix and match for the cutest combinations possible -- and not care about armor stats because you're just GUD
Pic very unrelated, also you have autism.
forgive the bracers. they've been bare for awhile now
don't be mad
I prefer the black version on true Elmaaoo
Gold isnt censored on Lin tho
It's hidden in a cave called stone bones cave during HH
>finally a game with a Byzantine styled armour set
>its in oblivion so it looks like complete dogshit
I hate oblivion apologists so much
get rid of those shoulder plates and it would be better
I like going for full stats and seeing what it ends up looking like. Only exception is if its reaaally fucking ugly.
>inb4 thread automatically becomes just Fashion souls and shitposting about which games armor is better.
I can't recall ever seeing good lamellar armor in vidya
It's too late. I'm just gonna abandon ship now.
They have /dsg/ for this shit but, y'know, gotta post muh fashion like anybody here gives a shit.
I always wondered why they didn't make a dwemer-armored warrior just like they did an ebony warrior.
Sometimes merc can be seen wearing some parts of the dwemer armor but someone coming at you with the whole set could of been so intimidating.
One person
>nice looking armor
>post Oblivion's
The only armor they got right was Shivering Isles's ones
Don't talk shit on Dwemer.
How are you supposed to see with that?
Head tilted downwards
Wear it as a grill, you look trapped in amber
Morrowind dwemer is better anyway, makes you look like a sphere centurion. Like you hacked one up to make the armor.
The Knights of the Nine armor looked better desu
That was just generic paladin shit, and not very well executed either.
>no Witcher armor
At first I thought the Skyrim fags were posting ironically
Seriously, and at the point of impact you look up, so as to totally protect your face and eyes. Jesus take the fucking reins.
tier 8 was the best tier
Best armor in the entire goddamn series.
I really think this one would look way better with a better mesh and some paralax on the texture.
Mage Tier 8 is so badass, really matches their theme well
is this ffxiv?
Out of my way, peasant.
Too gaudy, lacks the A E S T H E T I C of that beautiful viridian adamant.
It's a humorous thing that the rich think they can buy fashion, when they simply lack it in themselves.
>being this butthurt that all of your western designs are so inferior
Games with good armor design:
Dark Souls
Dragon's Dogma
Final Fantasy XIV
May be some korean MMO. Talesweaver?
Gladiators are cool.
all bad
people who quote the entire thread are legitimately retarded
All me, sorry.
It's fine, user.
You are not special. Your opinion is not special. Stop replying to everyone hoping for a (you) from someone you hope to put yourself over. Get over yourself and stop trying to nurture a god complex on a Laotian fishing raft.
Have one on the house.
Reee I want a game set in the ERE near the end of the rule of Basil II
mine wasn't quoted haha cuck with shit taste
Mad cuz bad and shit taste.
not an argument
This has always been my favorite WoW set ever. It practically got me into it. 12/10
My holy brethren
There's no argument to begin with, retard.
exactly. i'm the one who posted initially, and there literally is no argument here nor would i engage in argument with people with such shit taste. thank you
thanks for repeating what i just said, moron
Delicious textures
No amount of lewd can cover up your asspain.
>anime poster
>saying other people have shit taste
Jesus that looks like trash
I bought monhun 3 for 3ds just for the armor but stopped playing when I realized that the game randomizes drops like a cheap bitch.
Hi there fellow Archdeacon
cringed @ ur autism
you're dumb as fuck
>10/10 game armor sets
>bikini and generic lewd character
I cannot avoid using full sets because of set bonuses
Diablo 2 ingrained that in me
you're the one mad your shitty character got chosen for shit taste in that post. mine wasn't
>inb4 hurr i dun care bout wat he say!but
you responsed and you responded in one of the most wrong ways possible
ching chong ping pong
which design did you post, smug poster? partake in my self-congratulatory mood due to us not being mentioned in the great critique.
haha unrefined shit taste with bad, ugly characters
what kind of reaction image is this? looks like you just got horny all of a sudden and your uncontrolable urge led you to this juvenile decision. your lack of control suggests you are a potential rapist.
now this is a fine reaction image. clever humor, and fitting for Sup Forums in that it is related to video games. great execution, saved/10
People post lewd for attention. Are you new here to think images must have a deep, meme-ical, meme-atic meaning all the time?
Whaaaaaat where the fuck can I find this? I've got the regular ranger armor but this shit looks OP as fuck
>Ship master
>bad, ugly character
You didn't really mean that, did you?
Ironic weeb posting, they're the new bronies. Scoffing at them just supposedly makes them erect so I just say ignore them and they'll burn themselves out.
Initiate/proselyte is where it's at. That shit is beautiful.
fukken savved. this will come in handy for times like
>what did he mean by this?
>what kind of image do you think he's talking about?
not to worry. they won't know it's you ;)
Tilt your head downwards