Why is he so cute Sup Forums?
Why is he so cute Sup Forums?
post more you faggot
The belly.
Never thought of Roadhog as cute until a saw a Fanart of him and mercy out on a date outside a cafe.
hog is for rat
reminder that tall fat dudes are all straight and you will never get one
Why would they be on a date?
>blizzard will never make roadhog canon gay
I'm a tall fat dude and I'm gay user.
Obviously not, people would get pissed.
he's gay in my heart
mako+a is cuter
Why does Jeff hate Roadhog?
he's not cute like roadhog
Because you're a faggot that deserves the zap.
Not even the cutest in his own game.
When did fat become cute.
fat =/= inherently cute
fat people can be cute though
roadie is one
Round things are cute.
Roadhog is VERY cute!!
Rude shirt.
roadhog is HANDSOME
post it you faggot
>maskless roadhog
>roadhog without his mask
hate to say it but ew
You can't kiss him with the mask on.
Degenerate: the thread
The only acceptable form of gay shit is twink+twink.
It depends on the artist.
twink x fat is ok user!
All forms are acceptable. But the pinnacle is bara/bear X twink.
I agree with this user, twink+twink is the best.
Where's the fat belly to fondle?
go make your own thread then
this thread is about overwatch character Roadhog.
All wrong.
i like this pairing now
thats literally just orc Reinhardt
Obviously shota x shota is the best.
god i want roadhog to crush me
kill yourself, pedophile
Where do you think you are?
in a bara thread you sick fuck
get out
Both are fine.
it really isn't
shota is fucking nasty
Meh. Better than girls.
>kingdom heart
i have no words to explain how much i want you to kill yourself right now
yeah no
Yo mama is nasty!
Shota a cute and for hugging.
Yes yes.
i'm not surprised a tumblrfag supports pedophilia
Pick one.
For you fags, though I have only a vague idea on whether or not you'd enjoy it.
>i want to fuck kids
nice rationalization
you're still a creep
Shota isn't my preference, it's just there's much worse enemies to worry about.
Anyone who prefers males is fine in my book.
>there's worse enemies
>defends pedophiles because REEEEE BREEDERS
jesus fucking christ
Thanks, I guess.
>being this much of a normie
maybe reddit is more your style
Does Sup Forums like our boy Guzma?
NAMBLA's more yours, why don't you leave and go there instead
not my type but he's an excellent character
>shota x shota
I don't see how I could be there user.
Pretty much, yeah.
>comparing 2D to 3D
nice meme
you're a fucking retard SJW
>want to have a nice thread about roadhog
>other fags with their ugly husbando try to come to derail it
>thread is most likely gonna get deleted because of you
Why do husbandofags on Sup Forums always prefer THICC men?
>barafag is husbandoshaming
>hating on heteros makes you an sjw
can people just stop using that word
Maybe if you're a pedophile.
it absolutely does though
straight people are mostly fine and the fact that you'd rather hang out with a literal pedophile instead is fucking pathetic
little boys aren't husbands, user
He just loves Doomfist more. Doomfist who becomes immediately countered if Roadhog is left un-nerfed. They should have just removed him from the game rather than left him so ruined as they did.
because there's more cushion for the pushin'
Honest question why do literal fags attract to big guys. How come no love for the skinnies
oh, i'm not the same user, i just fucking hate heteros.
but hey, have fun with heteros i guess they sure must be fun to be around! i sure do love some casual homophobia am i right
>Honest question why do literal fags attract to big guys.
Let them have their fetish. It's not doing any harm for you.
I like both, its just...why would I pick thin over thick?
kled is better
Mask on or mask off?
>i sure do love some casual homophobia am i right
sorry you hang around shitty people and that you think said shitty people represent the remaining 90% of the earth's population
fucking sjw
>he doesn't have a mask fetish
Mask on at all times. He is only allowed to lift it to use his mouth.
I prefer big buff guys in real life and shota/bishonen in 2D.
I just want big strong arms to hug me and keep me safe. Like I'm his little treasure that needs to be protected.
it's just a taste, literally nothing wrong with skinny guys
oh hey user, sure is nice to see you well!
are you still on your little crusade against me?
i changed my about page a while ago anyway
Only redflag I'm seeing is he's a LOLfag and that should be obvious. Digimon a best.
yep because you're still a worthless autistic neet who will never accomplish anything and i'm here to remind you of that
stingmon is best digimon
this is the best pic
>i'm not seeing any red flags
>the entire last paragraph
remember that one night when you spend a whole evening sending me hate messages on tumblr user?
I kinda glazed over it but it seems pretty apolitical. It looks like he hates both Sup Forums and tumblrweirdos.
>people don't want to associate with alt-right Sup Forumstards
i'm sorry if you want to
maybe you should fuck off back to your containment board