I'm losing interest in video games. HELP PLEASE!

I probably shouldn't be asking 4chain for help cause I'll be told to fuck off, anyway heres the basic rundown
>be me
>be 19 working during the summer
>bought 43" 4k tv
>can now play pc games laying down on bed being fatass
>launch dark souls 3
>run around for a second, get bored, and close it
>do this for Witcher 3, Dark Souls 2, DE:HR and every other game
>decide to launch up HBO to watch movie
>happy the whole way through and ready to watch another one
Whats wrong with me Sup Forums? Am I finally growing up? Can someone give me some good games that will help get back into gaming. Fun games that are fun to play, please

>be me
Kill yourself

you just need a break user

this is easy to say, but unless you have another hobby to build or work on it can be hard to maintain a break.

What says, vidya is more for something you do to relax, and it seems like you're taking them a bit far
If you still feel bored after the break, try doing challenge runs, like SL1, or do low-level invasion builds. Those invasion builds always got me back into DaSIII when I got bored
It's the lack of variety you're feeling

Maybe play better games?

How long has this been happening?
>give me fun game
doesn't really help at all. I'm not a mind reader.
You may need to play vidya a little less to make it more interesting.
Also, branch out and experiment a little.
I was having a slump then decided to be on the same page with my friends and buy games with them, this helped out.
Then, another slump I had where I became disillusioned with a lot of modern games, so I decided to play some older stuff.
This is how I discovered Bomberman 64, Ace Combat, and Yakuza. There are some good titles to emulate out there.
Again, no one here has your psych profile, so if you're looking for game recommendations, offer up some info.

Stop making these fucking threads and find something else to do with your life

Asking Sup Forums 4help... loser...kill yusef

>Stop making these fucking threads
Is this a common thread?

>can't stand playing vidya outside of one or two games
>wind up learning how to make maps for them
>now have >600 hours in the editor and >800 hours inna game
Gotta redirect your interests and efforts to something that's rewarding, like not playing video games

>help get back into gaming.
Why would I want to drag somebody back into the bucket.

I haven't been talking to my friends recently. I think I'll do that. In terms of fun games, I mean I want something that isn't trying to make me feel something other than excited. Arcade like games. MGR and GTA are good examples of "fun" games for me. LA noire and Witcher aren't.

Find a new hobby fucking retard. 2 weeks ago my shit band got a gig playing on a boat for a 40 year wedding celebration. We fucking suck and butchered the whole set but these motherfuckers were so drunk they loved it and passed around our business card to everyone.

>DaS2, 3, Witcher 3, Deus Ex
>Each after the next

This is why. Try not to play so many big, same-y games in such a short period. Pace yourself to 1 or 2 at a time. Take a break, too.

Play that one game you always love, even if you just fuck arround

For me that game is Stalker and VTM:B

Video game industry is in a bad spot at the moment, especially on the big westernews side.

Come back in 5-8 years and see if they told Hollywood types to fuck off. If not, maybe play a couple indie games and Gook approved animus, or just do away with it completely.

in different ways, it's asked fairly often.

Why do you think most people hate video games here and seem jaded as fuck?

>Loads 4-5 games of the same genre
>Is bored
You're burnt out. Play something different. Get into a couple of games from different genres.

If you only play RPGs all the time, for example, you'll get sick of playing RPGs after a while.

>hi Sup Forums, im starting to hate my life ruining habit, can you help me reignite my passion for it?

fkn burgers

Ace Combat and Yakuza might be up your alley then.
I'm still on the first Yakuza since I'm new to the series, but I've played some of 3 and the gameplay is really nice. The first game controls kind of clunky though.
For Ace Combat, I thoroughly recommend 5. It's just pure hype.

fuck off

To add, play 3 games of different genres on rotation. Like says you're essentially playing the same shit. Mix it up with a fps and then chill with a building game or the Sims or something in the evening while watching TV.

you feel obligated to accomplish something with your life

take care of that first and then return to video games


You've probably played those games to death already, move on to some other ones and take breaks. Here, I'll give you a list of some of the most incredible games out there, don't come back until you've finished everything:

Silent Hill 2
Shadow of the Colossus
NieR: Automata
BioShock 1
Metro 2033
Metal Gear franchise
Riven: The Sequel to Myst
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Beyond Good & Evil
Mirror's Edge
Dear Esther
Touhou Project
Portal 2

That's kind of where I am at, it's hard to play games if you feel guilty or like you could be accomplishing more.

missed one

>Nier 2 instead of 1
now I really can't take this seriously

thanks user. I'll have them all downloaded by tomorrow and will play them. I'll skip Jackie Chan cause I assume its a meme.

Movies are more of a nu-male pastime. Traditionally males outgrow movies at about age 17-18.

>already tired of vidyashit
There is hope for you yet.

Jackie Chan wasn't me but no problem, have fun.
I was going to put them both but forgot the first NieR, my bad.

Nice bait.

try some shitty mmo

Play good games like Unreal Tournament 99, Half-Life 1 or something.
Stop making your expectations super high.

i wish i had lost my passion for videogames at 19

not that i regret my time spent playing videogames. its just that there really hasnt been any interesting innovations or new styles of game in fucking years, so there's nothing fun to play. and i dont have the motivation to do anything else

Play something good from the days of yonder.

>Dear Esther