Ladies and gentlemen, the ride has come to a complete stop.
Ladies and gentlemen, the ride has come to a complete stop
>complete stop
But that's wrong, you dumb tripfaggot.
Did you even read the image you're posting?
It's obvious that they're going to take on Christine Weston Chandler as new head writer for the new Sonic comic series.
Damn I have their first issue lying around somewhere, it came bundled with an EGM or gamepro or something, I wonder if it's worth anything.
Remove your tripcode you retard
So what's the tl;dr of this? Did he just have a poorly worded contract that he took full advantage of?
Not as much as you think. But certainly about to go up if true.
How old are you?
Be honest.
see pic
Ken Penders on suicide watch!
>It's obvious that they're going to take on Christine Weston Chandler as new head writer for the new Sonic comic series.
Can you even imagine? I don't know if an editorial staff big enough exists in this world.
>Chris is finally making comic again
>Sega needs someone new to do Sonic comics
Fuck off Boco.
He's fucking enjoying it though. Check out his Twitter.
Man, fuck this guy.
That said, fresh start away from Archie, maybe with Tyson Hesse would be optimal.
>Penders on suicide watch
Penders WANTED Archie Sonic to get canned so he can get started with promoting his new, totally original comic do not steel.
Did you rike it?
is this real
Who cares? The Sonic comics are deviantart-tier trash that shouldn't have lasted as long as they did.
Sadly, yes.
I have a massive box filled with old sonic comics from the 90's. From issue 10 to 100. Kind of sucks Sonic is dying.
They got pretty good under Ian Flynn honestly, and were really picking back up after the forced reboot. This whole thing is a shame. Had the best Eggman too.
It did. The bus stopped and the comic is now getting on a plane.
The comic's ain't dead.
We might not see anything of mobius though.
remove your tripcode
remove your name
remove yourself nigga
Archie Sonic's staff were all freelancers anyways, so in theory whatever company that gets the license could just pick them back up.
In reality they'll just get Pontaff to write the new comics and have Hesse make 50% more meme faces in each issue.
Doesn't really make sense. It's like if I made a Jedi and then sued to get the rights to own my Jedi and publish works on them. I may have made the character but it is still based off shit in someone elses IP. Penders doesn't own the sonic IP.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
>Ken Penders's face when
So if you store important documents off-site, but lose the original in a fire (a very possible situation), it makes the document null and void, even with backups of it?
If they were smart they'd get Ian and Tyson, but you're probably right.
I 100% believe keeping Tyson involved is a good, not a bad. He does do comical meme faces, but he also goes for cute and cool, with both Modern and Classic. I fully believe he loves the franchise. I can't say that for Pontaff.
Is sonic the hedgehog comic really that intricate? 24 years sound like an awfully long time time to tell a story about a hedgehog that just goes fast.
Someone post DESTINY, I don't have that shit saved.
No, but Archie is a company run by incompetent chimps.
There was a lot of worldbuilding. Like a crazy amount. Some of it was even good.
Shut up boco
Never read them but I liked some of the shitty OC's they came up with in recent years.
Penders is a very delusional and egotistical man. He genuinely thinks he had a hand in making Sonic as big as it is (or was) today.
Had ups and downs. It got really fucking bad with Ken Penders on board and character bloat galore, then the new guy basically salvaged what he could after Penders got the boot and kinda made some of it work. Then a reboot happened and the series meandered for a while doing a Sonic Unleashed Adaption, then in mid-Classic Sonic fanservice it got shitcanned.
I can at least rest knowing any and all chances Penders had at using Knuckles are burned up.
I'd love a Sonic spin-off game with retarded characters like these.
So this means I own the characters I make in Sonic Forces are all mine right?
Why does this guy want Knuckles so much anyway?
don't count your echidnas before they get microwaved
>people trying to discuss something
You seem to care quite a bit, coming in here solely to tell everyone you don't care. And you call us the retards.
It's his child. Same way Sonichu is Chris' child.
Put your tripcode back on boco, so I can keep making fun of you
pretty much. non-original documents can be forged, edited, modified, any number of things. That's why they won't take a xeroxed social security card.
Damn, what will Archie Comics do for money now? Time to hand over the company to that smutty artist.
It's capeshit tier. Which is to say that there's a whole fucking lot going on but not a lot of it matters in the long run.
Since writers kept getting picked up and dropped the overarching plot is all over the place. Holy hell did it get retarded at points. Especially the Penders enchiladas.
For a while it was basicaly just continuing for the sake of it, but I think it was able to stand on it's own legs later on pretty well.
It also got hard rebooted a couple times and had lots of offshoot side comics which add to its length.
Did he ever actually start his abomination OC fanfic? i think it's been like 3 years or so since he announced it.
brb burning down my office
He's like Chris only he at least had a job in the industry at one point.
Most likely the contract was a work hire so archie should own the IP but losing the original contract like that really fucks over their case. I'm kinda curious on how the court case went for them to take pender's word over archie's though.
Friendly reminder that someone greenlighted this and thought it was the tightest shit.
Not yet. Chances are he was waiting for Sega to get fed up with all his lawsuits with Archie.
They didn't. Sega was pressuring Archie to end it ASAP, so Archie settled with Penders, allowing him the "rights" to use "his" characters without hassle.
Sega wasn't paying much attention to the comic during that time and wasn't using Knuckles much either. Ken Penders decided to use Knuckles to create his own universe where the Echidnas weren't all gone but were stuck in the Twilight Zone for using technology and making a super-strong god who was a real dick and Knuckles is really the latest in a long line of Guardians and he falls in love with a defector from the evil Echidnas and turns green and dies and comes back and Echidnas are everywhere and for a while Sonic and the rest were shoved off to the side while the whole Enchilada was center stage. Then Penders decided to make his own comic using all of his Knuckles knockoffs.
He also claimed that he created and therefore owned the very idea of a multiverse, which is why Archie got rid of all the multiverse stuff except for Blaze's dimension since it was official Sega stuff. He also never EVER paid ANY attention to what the other writers were doing, if they did something with his characters he completely ignored it and did his own thing, which was why the comic jumped around and made absolutely no sense for a while.
If he has then he's kept it to himself. How he can look at this and think this looks good is beyond me.
Sonic, at least in America, has been doing serious work getting things lined up for Sonic, despite Iizuka and Sonic Team in Japan. If they get the say for a path forward without Archie, it could be a net gain, especially if Aaron Webber, Ian Flynn, and Tyson Hesse are involved. IDW would be ideal.
>knuckles knockoffs
>not knucklechildren
>not knuckoffs
come on user you had a huge opportunity.
Anyway I haven't even played a sonic game since sa2b on the gamecube. What's the general consensus on new shit? Obviously most of it sucks noodle but are there any I should play?
>despite Iizuka and Sonic Team in Japan
They're in America right now.
>anyone who dares defy me is the same person!
Gotcha, ACfag.
My mistake. Honestly didn't know that.
Well...if they aren't super hands on with the comic it'll probably be fine. I doubt they'd care.
the sonic comics were like the sonic games
never good
If things keep going the way they're going Sonics personality will change from cocky cool dude to little smart ass.
This is the best change.
Play them and decide for yourself. Except for 2006, that one can choke and die.
I don't want to though, I want a distilled rundown of what the ones worth playing are, now that they're all a couple years old.
Hopefully they don't go too far.
He was pretty much just an asshole in Lost World.
>his child.
>that belongs to somebody else.
you see thats what makes this so fucking insane hes PROJECTED so hard he believes that knuckles should be his. thats some top tier legitimate autism.
>little smart ass
Sounds great. Being a little smart ass that can back up his bullshit to a degree is unironically cooler than being the "cocky cool dude", to boot.
That's 100% personal opinion, though. You might like ones that a lot of people hate, and you might dislike the ones people love. Only way to know is to try them yourself.
Anyone want a story time?
That's how he was in Colors. but this user is right, they took it too far in Lost World
Sonic Generatios is the best one.
And the only honestly good Sonic game as well. Sonic 2 and Adventure 2 get points for nostalgia.
if it doesn't last for months on end I don't care
This is probably for the best, really.
If IDW gets it, they're really good about hiring fan-favorite talent for their licensed stuff. Imagine a comic by Flynn and Hesse with a clean slate.
This was from a Famitsu interview earlier this year.
>”For example, Sonic in ‘Lego Dimensions’ is an out-licensing of character rights, but since it is an actual game, we check the content. It was very hard during development, but I think it was worth it, since it is highly rated by users. Like this, we check everything with the name Sonic on it. Schedule management and communication with cooperating companies are done by local staff, but the quality is always being checked by me and Hoshino."
>”This also means that the quality control was not enough until now. As a result, some of the things previously produced were with our reluctance, to be honest. Right now I can move the projects within my range, which I find good.”
They're gonna be hands on if they are still in America when the new comic comes if it's going to be a reboot/new series.
I'm just doing Mega Drive and Next Level
Sonic 3 & Knuckles my dude. Though I do have a love for Generations and a soft spot for Adventure 2 Battle.
I...agree with Boco. TMNT under IDW has been incredible consistently, same with Ghostbusters.
Imagine the shitstorm.
The chaos.
The laughter.
sONIC? more like Gay nic.
>Sally and Bunny are gone now
>Unironically whiteknighting tripfags
Tails is so cute.
Good god.
>needing attention this badly
Sorry your parents neglected you, don't shit up Sup Forums as revenge.
>defending unnecessary tripfagging
Yeah the writing in Colours was great. Sega really needs to have Sonic take itself less seriously. I hope the new game is more like that than the promotional material has let on.
Boco no need to do this, we hate you with your trip on already.
>Defending tripfagging
You must return
Isn't me, man.
To be honest, I'm just mourning.
I have never seen a tripfag so mad about being told to stop tripfagging, usually they love the attention.
Shouldn't that insult be directed at a tripfag? They're the ones begging for attention