I'm not a _____

I'm not a _____

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canon character

its funny how persona q is cannon but not this.
Hell THEODORE is cannon but not her.



>I'm not a f-faggot

pure girl.

So FeMC has fucked a protein freak, a kid, a dog, a corpse, and a toaster, but could never get with DA MAN.

Why do people hate Junpei again?

>stutters in text
>faggot spinner

looks like a faggot to me

Because hes better than them and they can't handle that.

Yukari a shit

Wiping All Out > Mass Destruction

Fuck off, r/atheism.

They made Theo the butt of everyone's jokes to represent how much they give a shit about FeMC. It all works out

everyones a shit

and thats great.

>not mentioning the catboy

Yukari is the best written female in the franchise, much like her counterpart DA MAN, who is the most realistically written male in the franchise.

Time is unironically my favorite Persona 3 track and is the sole reason why I play FemC besides me being a faggot


Juvenile delinquent

straight character

She only dates you if you make her pussy drench


Just because she's well written doesn't mean she's not a shit.

She acts realistically given the absolute horseshit she has to go through, but she's still a cunt.

>She only dates you if you make her pussy drench
Why would you date someone that doesn't that doesn't make you aroused?

But that makes it all the more rewarding when she stops being a cunt in Ultra Suplex Hold.

Yukari is the ultimate Tsundere.

why do we hate Yukari again?

Honestly, I think FEMC's OST is better in general. and I haven't even played P3P

If Yukari was a guy you'd like her

FeMC really gets the best music.


Holy christ Japan has shit taste when it comes to characters.

Music list isn't that bad though, at least they know what the best song is.

At least they know Mass Destruction > Wiping All Out

>Theo's butt

>top 10 persona 4 golden characters
>number 1
>Yosuke Hanamura

What? Why?

imagine being a high school slut

going around, seducing guys, sucking their dick behind the gym

make it happen, Atlus

>[muffled sucking noises]

Nips have such low self esteem that they need someone to constantly remind them they aren't a waste of space and to suck on their dick. It's the reason why Aigis is so popular too

How long until FeMC gets Yu'd?

Reminder that Akihiko pleasures MCs and Chie for money

When she becomes canon

Why can't I make Junpei and Yukari fuck


>She becomes canon through the power of Narukami dick

>a waifu baiting and shipping game

I would say make it happen but Fire emblem got the latter.

Narukami dick isn't worth shit anymore

Junpei's already got an arguably not-dead not-bitch wife.

Worth more than attic trash

boring player character.

Because he doesn't give a shit about you.

Isnt FeMC older than Yu

Not anymore

Persona 5 Switch with a female MC when¨?

He will be filling all the RWBY girls with his seed

>Yu now has access to three new franchises full of cute girls
Won't be long now

How can he fuck something thats non canon and stuck in some door limbo?

They're probably all used goods desu

Yu thread?
Yu thread. At least it's less of a waste of time than some dumb slut thread

Not even a Yufag, but I agree

Chad always finds a way

Never, female player characters aren't welcomed in Persona or SMT anymore. Just waifus or characters nobody likes.

doesn't he straight up point to the sky and talk about his dead girlfriend in arena?

That was daydream he had about proposing to his dead girlfriend

No. Did you even play it? He wants to propose to her.

Chad is pretty much a rapist

Nothing wrong with rape tho

planning on replaying golden for the 7th time, unsure if I should use Yu's canon name or the name I always give my JRPG protags Yuuki Kazuma

FeMC accepts any dick anyways


>I'm not alive.

Go with Souji Seta

do high school girls like FeMC exist irl?

Mayor McCheese

Yeah. They're pretty cheap too depending on where you buy them

>do high school girls like high school girls exist irl?

Cosmo Yuuki

Please leave

Explain please.
I was too autistic in HS to notice that kind of things.

His harem only works because dumb country bimbos have low self-esteem



would you Sup Forums?

Female MCs should be like pic related

>Persona 5 just came out and it was a success
>Potter-kun still CANNOT fucking dethrone Yu from being the face of Persona

How do we stop him? Son of a bitch.

>How do we stop him?
You don't

why contain it?

Name him Daddy for the full immersive experience.

You cant

Yu can keep being the face of Persona, he'll never be able to take my loli away from me

Name him Onii Chan

Don't worry, he has his own Loli thats way cuter than that velvet room slut


I mean, not that the other "social" persona MCs have less generic looks but P4 protagonist only has the most fame because he was the latest mc forever and memes just piled up on him.

Yu will most likely be phased out once P5 gets it's own spin-offs.

Chad is here to stay

Do you guys really not know about the poll?

and it's glorious

>Yu takes over FeMC/P3 thread
He can't keep getting away with this

Um no sweetie, I'm pretty sure Elizabeth has sucked Igor's nose a couple times when you weren't looking and as for Nanako
>Blocks your path

>Yu takes over FeMC
I need porn of this

Meant to say Margaret, not Liz.

I'm not robot AI challenging you

>unironically sweetieposting
