Are there any games that can fairly be compared to well-made films and novels in terms of artistic integrity?
Are there any games that can fairly be compared to well-made films and novels in terms of artistic integrity?
Spec Ops: The Line
I want to bite those cheeks until she yelps.
Silent Hill 2, GTA IV, Lords of Shadow 1 and 2.
any other answer is wrong
What is that facial expression attempting to convey?
The Witcher series
Valkyria Chronicles
probably most golden age RPGs too
Metal Gear Solid 2/3 and the 2 Nier Games.
I do believe that is a female rear
Games are not art.
Are there any films that can be compared to a well made novel?
Thief: The Dark Project
The Witcher series
Max Payne series
Witcher 3
>casualized poormans Gothic with endless Bioware romancing and shitty gameplay so terrible the source material author hates you
>artistic integrity
>genre fiction
>basically just a half-decent book
>not even that fun
0/10 not ludo
I have played thief 1 before and wasnt a huge fan of the gameplay. I made it like 30% through the game but stopped. I just read the plot summary of thief 1 on wikipedia. It seems alright but not super interesting. am I missing something?
Hotline Miami is probably the best use of the medium to convey a "story." I say it in quotes because video games are better at conveying narrative "feelings" as opposed to straight-up stories. And this isn't even taking into account all the other aspects Hotline Miami excels at, like music and aesthetics.
No. The shills are nostalgiafags.
Games will never have narrative impact of novels.
Different mediums excel at different things. I wouldn't expect War & Peace to give me the same feelings I got from playing Europa Universalis or whatever.
>I just read the plot summary of Brothers Karamazov on wikipedia. It seems alright but not super interesting. am I missing something?
This is how dumb you sound
>video games are better at conveying narrative "feelings"
Never had someone put how I feel about this topic into words before. Thanks for that.
Videogames are art, but you can't compare them to existing forms of art because the nature of the medium is inherently different. A book can convey a better "story" because all it has to do is be a good story, there's nothing else to really factor into it. They don't need to account for playstyles, side content, etc.
I'd say other games have conveyed better narratives than Hotline Miami, but, that's something that'd be relatively subjective.
Why aren't actual good writers jumping the vidya wagon? There so much to do, to create, to explore, tell your wonderful stories one way or another. Ungrateful audience?
I mean, I definitely like Mass Effect, le epic action spaceopera, it's great but I want more, more DRAMA. Damn, I wish I was at least a tiny bit creative
shit man I wasn't hating. the summary I read was actually pretty interesting just nothing really stood out as amazing.
listen here fuckface, I fully admited that I had only played a little of the game and only read the summary of the game that is why I was asking if there was something I was missing.
what does this even mean
can chess be compared to well-made films and novels in terms of artistic integrity?
Sounds like we didn't play the same game, hombre.
Also, sapkowski is a colossal retard who jew'd himself out of a fortune because he didn't believe in CD projekt. Salty old cunt only has himself to blame.
>Great ass, face like Michael Jackson
Why is Bioware only capable of making nice asses
No retard a chess parallel would be asking if the pieces and board pattern could fairly be compared to high art sculpture
Games that involve writing can be compared to other written works.
Games that involve writing, audio, and visual can be compared to cinema.
OP is asking if there are any games so well made they escape the gauche association of the medium to be held against popular works of art and literature.
The answer is Super Monkey Ball.
shit I just wanted to have an actual conversation about a game. Fuck you fags if you are still lurking in this thread.
What mission did you stop at? Because if its Thieves Guild, its the lowest point of the game